Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2184 How to use it?

Chapter 2189 How to use it?

Vatutin approved the request to second the worker comrades to form a temporary vehicle crew, and the worker comrades themselves responded to Malashenko with extremely high fighting enthusiasm.

At this point, there is no longer any complicated and trivial matter that can stop Malashenko, or in other words, prevent the fierce and cruel war machine TOS-1 from entering the battlefield and killing. However, there is still one thing that needs to be determined after that. .

"Now that all the problems and obstacles have been cleared, what's next? How do you plan to use these big guys? This is a new gadget that our division has never installed with similar products in the past."

Although the concept of rocket assault tanks has long existed in the Red Army, those products in the past were all test works modified from light tank chassis. They had a strong sense of equipment exploration and were not yet mature.

Their petite bodies not only prevent these "rocket lolita" from carrying heavy weapons, nor are they able to launch extremely destructive heavy rockets, which limits their battlefield power.

Moreover, the delicate bodies of these Rocket Lolita cannot afford strong armor, and their defense power is worrisome. They could barely fight on the battlefield at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. At least they could withstand the bombardment of 37 Knockers head-on, but We should put it in the late period of the Patriotic War when Germans like this are running around with iron fists and grabbing 75-caliber and above anti-tank guns.

One thing to say, if you let these Rocket Lolita go to the frontal battlefield to fight hard, then the effective results won may not be as great as the damage caused by the battle. Those light rockets, which are so weak that they are so incompetent, would take a lot of effort to hit a geotechnical bunker, let alone encounter permanent fortifications and solidly armored targets. Even if they can make a sound when they are hit, it will give you the greatest possible face.

Of course, because of this, since the beginning of its establishment, the leader division has been facing high-intensity frontal battlefields, or "hell-level difficulty" combat missions such as deep and high maneuverability behind enemy lines. It cannot choose those rocket lolita as standard equipment. of.

Not only is it not powerful enough, but its defense is also useless. You must know that the Leader Division is a kind of "macho division" that even if it can withstand the heavy anti-armor firepower of the Germans, it must fight its way through to complete the task. Let these petite Rocket Lolita to Yujie heavy tanks get mixed up with the leaders, it is obvious that the equipment cannot meet the needs of combat.

Because of these simple and straightforward reasons, the Leader Division has not been equipped with equipment such as rocket assault tanks in the past.

Now "Rocket Sister" has gloriously joined the leadership division's combat sequence instead of "Rocket Lolita". With her strong and solid heavy armor defense and indestructible destructive power, there is no doubt that she will be the leader of all the heroes on the battlefield. The most terrifying nightmare, in terms of performance indicators and design functions, is completely consistent with the actual combat needs of the leader division and is perfect.

But there is a prerequisite for all this. The leader must first understand how to use this kind of thing that has never been used before.

Comrade Political Commissar has no other meaning. He just wants to know whether Malashenko plans to use TOS-1 in what kind of battle, and when exactly these big guys will appear. It’s better to clarify these specific details first. That's right.

"At first I wanted to use her in urban street fighting against the Germans. I experienced the disadvantages and troubles of insufficient firepower in Stalingrad. The Germans hid in strong bunkers and houses, and our The tank cannon just can't bite it, and the armor-piercing projectile will not necessarily explode if it penetrates it. The high-explosive projectile will be directly exploded by the solid wall, and it is also difficult to damage the Nazu hiding in the house. "

"So I told Ke Jing that I need to increase the direct fire output exponentially, not one or two times, but five or six times, or even seven or eight times. It would be better if you can get more than ten times. And she It also needs to have strong armor protection, which can deal with those fascist bandits and withstand conventional anti-armor firepower, so the TOS-1 was born.”

Sitting at the table, Malashenko put out the cigarette butt in his hand and picked up the teacup. He said it was a teacup, but it was actually an 85mm armor-piercing bullet. The base of the shell was cut off and a handle was welded on. One of the "war artefacts" created by Karamov, the leader's "supervisor", in his spare time.

Karamov, who is a typical mechanical maniac, likes to tinker with these things when he has nothing to do. It happened that Malashenko, who went down for an inspection, saw that he had some sense and internal odor, so he took it away and kept it for himself. Using such a hard-core tea cup to make tea has a unique flavor.

"But based on the actual situation after the equipment is obtained, I think TOS-1 can have more room to play. It is more than just a specialized equipment for street fighting."

After taking a sip of the warm cannon shell black tea, Malashenko felt a lot more comfortable. He was thinking about the scene of the Germans running away under the wave of flames. He already had a clear position on how to use TOS-1. .

"Leave aside the direct fire support firepower, remove the artillery in the rear positions, and just talk about close-in direct support firepower. Our division's existing equipment system has two types of equipment that can play such a role. One is the 122mm tank gun. , this is the weapon closest to the infantry battlefield and can provide direct-aiming heavy fire support with the infantry in simultaneous charges. "

"The other one is the 152 gun. Due to the platform limitations of the turretless self-propelled artillery, it cannot get too close to the battlefield. It needs to be protected behind the infantry, and then provides more remote direct-aiming support firepower than the 122 gun. It’s also more powerful.”

"Now the situation is very clear. We have short-range 122-gun direct-aiming support firepower and medium-range 152-gun direct-aiming support firepower. What is missing? There is only one answer, long-range direct-aiming support firepower."

"The tanks charge in front to cover the infantry charge and withstand the enemy's heavy firepower. The self-propelled artillery follows up in the center to provide accompanying fire support. The TOS-1 is placed in the vacant third echelon of long-range direct-aiming support firepower. This problem is solved."

"If you encounter strong resistance during an assault on the enemy's deep defense position, it would be unwise to immediately withdraw the troops that have achieved certain results. However, a forced charge will pay a greater price in casualties. It is necessary to mobilize 122 artillery and The 152-gun direct-aiming bombardment is good, but the point-to-point direct-aiming support of heavy firepower is too inefficient. I think it wastes time and slows down the attack rhythm. "

"Imagine that at this time, TOS-1 determines the coordinates of the German defense-in-depth position within visual range, and then allows the forward troops to suspend the offensive, stop, and wait for TOS-1 to wash a round of 310mm rockets at the German turtle shell position. , and then charge again, what will be the result? You and I can probably guess what the scene will be. The remaining German soldiers will be blown up into "drunkards", and the victory will be ours. "

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