Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2186 The third option

Chapter 2191 The third option

"What's the battle plan?"

"Weave in, drive around, get behind the Germans, put these fascist beasts in cages, and kill them if they don't want to be treated as pets, it's that simple.

"Huh, I just like hearing you say this."

Just like any previous attack, the leading division, which had formulated an action plan as early as the night before, left its position at dawn the next morning and set off to advance. Iushkin in the gunner's position After getting an accurate answer about today's action from Malashenko, he looked excited.

What could be more exciting than driving such a powerful 70-ton war machine to crush some rats? The answer is of course no, at least for Iushkin that was true.

However, one thing that surprised Malashenko was the follow-up actions and reactions of the German army.

It stands to reason that the Germans suffered such a big loss yesterday. The joint between two military-level units was penetrated and they lost a main armored division and a group of supporting auxiliary troops. In just one day, just at such a joint They were killed and captured, and lost more than 10,000 to 20,000 people. They didn't even have time to mobilize troops to support them, and they were caught off guard by the Red Army's wedge of a protrusion that was firmly driven in.

With such a big commotion on the battlefield, it stands to reason that the Germans should take action or at least give some reaction.

But what surprised Malashenko was that the whole night last night was peaceful and there was no movement at all.

Malashenko originally expected that the Germans might take huge risks to carry out night attacks, and desperately tried to remove the protruding wedge before the situation became irreversible, thereby stabilizing the position and maintaining the current battlefield situation so as not to be forced to retreat. withdraw.

Therefore, after Malashenko negotiated with the political commissar, he not only set up enough forward security posts, both light and dark, but also sent mobile patrols to patrol back and forth between the security posts along the front in order to prevent small groups of enemies. Leak in through the gaps in the guard posts and engage in infiltration, sabotage or other shameful activities.

In addition to these passive defense measures, Malashenko is not just sitting quietly waiting for the Germans to come to his door.

In order to ascertain the reality of the enemy and understand the specific movements of the Germans, Malashenko also sent more than one night reconnaissance team to inquire about the situation and understand the enemy's situation.

If you can catch a live tongue, come back at the end. If you can't catch it, don't force it. Just keep an eye on the German guy in the middle of the night and come back to report it. The task is completed.

After all, knowing the latest and timely information will definitely be most beneficial to the actions that will begin the next day. This is always true.

But what Malashenko didn't expect was that the Germans didn't move all night. They didn't retreat, and they didn't carry out sneak attacks and night battles. They just didn't move like a bastard.

According to the situation reported by the scouts who returned in the early hours of the night, in addition to placing more sentries and sending more patrols around the German positions, it was too difficult and risky to catch the tongue. If it was not done well, it would be exposed, so Apart from failing to take action, almost no other seemingly abnormal or valuable information was found.

"It's strange. Are these fascists just like you said, just cleaning their necks and waiting for us to go over and kill them? They don't make a sneak attack and don't retreat. They have neither a desire to win nor a desire to survive. Could it be that they were forced to Are you crazy? Or maybe I’m just overthinking it.”

Lavrinenko felt something was wrong, and the political commissar also felt that there was something unspeakably strange about it.

"You have to be careful, comrade division commander. The Germans' behavior is a bit abnormal, and it's impossible to judge the reason and true intention of what they are doing now. I'm worried that there may be some dirty trick or unknown trap waiting for us, you You must be careful and keep in touch with the division headquarters when you lead the team later, and remember to communicate at any time if there is any situation.”

Comrade Political Commissar's worries are not unreasonable. The German's abnormal behavior of neither seeking victory nor survival is indeed very strange. Even Malashenko can't quite figure out what the German's purpose is for doing this.

The situation is very clear. The two first-level German troops whose joints have been penetrated face a strong frontal enemy with both quality and quantity advantages and have established a central protrusion. It is obvious that they have no choice but to do something. .

If you still want to fight, then you should remove the central salient where the leader division is the main force as soon as possible, whether it is forcing the leader division back or defeating the leader division, in short, you must re-establish the land connection between the two corps-level units as soon as possible.

Otherwise, when the subsequent large forces of the Red Army follow the offensive springboard along the central protrusion and invest more troops to continue to penetrate in depth, then the two first-level German army units will only end up with a miserable end: being divided and surrounded by the Red Army. Then they will be annihilated one by one. Either die or surrender. There is no other choice.

If you don't want to fight or feel that there is little hope and you can't fight, then the Germans should pack up their things and pack up last night and get out of here. At dawn the next morning, when the torrent of steel of the Red Army once again galloped across the land of East Prussia, the Germans at that time were unable to run and had no way to escape. They could only passively respond or directly choose to surrender.

This was a double-choice question, either A or B, but Malashenko didn't expect that the German guy didn't even choose AB, so he made a C and put it here, which is shocking.

how? Is it possible that you, a Sandezi, still feel that "I have the advantage" even though you are in this position? I feel that I have a great advantage. Can I defeat Vatutin's Third Belarusian Front with these two first-level units separated by the salient?

One thing to say, you can't rule out this possibility. Who knows what the hell are going on in the heads of those insane German gangsters.

But if this is the case, Malashenko, who twisted his lips, secretly said "a good thing" in his heart.

Annihilating a large number of living forces is a very pleasant thing for both body and mind. This is the most direct way to accelerate the demise of Fascism.

Malashenko really doesn’t think that the Germans can make any big waves in this field. If he can make a big splash, then let’s just put on a show. Malashenko asked himself that he was “prepared to watch”, and the leader under his command The same is true for teachers.

The forward troops of the Leader's Division, led by Kurbalov's brigade, relied on high-speed, fully mechanized marches and soon advanced to the first calibrated relay node on the road: a little-known town called Oraqin. Periphery.

This is the first place expected, and the most likely place to be resisted by the German organic defense forces, provided that the Germans are really willing to mobilize their troops to a small town so far away from the combat area.

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