Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2187 Weird Town

Chapter 2192 Weird Town

Malashenko, who has always paid attention to the battlefield situation, is of course aware of the real-time movements of the frontline troops. This is one of the benefits of Malashenko going forward with the main mobile force.

He also knew that if no fierce fighting broke out along the way according to the normal marching speed, then Kulbalov's leading scout unit should have arrived at the first marked node, and it was estimated that it was time for the report news to be sent.

Comrade Division Commander did not have to wait too long. Soon, the highly efficient forward reconnaissance force sent back the news Malashenko wanted.

"No resistance encountered? There are no enemy garrison in the town? Are you sure? Huh? All the troops have entered the town? Okay, I understand. Tell the forward reconnaissance troops to stay vigilant. This is the real border of Germany. Any ordinary person around me may be a potential enemy. There are countless pairs of eyes watching, and the latest situation will be reported to me in real time. Okay, let’s do this first.”

Malashenko hung up the command vehicle-mounted radio transmitter in his hand. The taller communication antenna inserted into the butt of the No. 177 IS7 prototype promptly converted Malashenko's orders into radio waves and sent more information to the front. It is transmitted from afar and quickly translated into practical actions to be put in place.

"The Germans didn't garrison that town? This is really strange. Don't they even defend their own territory?"

As usual, Iushkin, who had a big mouth, was the first to interject. The noncommittal Malashenko did not answer directly, but dug out the war zone map that was casually left in the storage box next to the commander's seat, and directly placed it on both sides. He spread his legs and began to study.

"From here to here, and then here."

"It's strange. After passing this town, the Germans have been theoretically surrounded on three sides. Only the last way back is in danger. The Germans didn't even send anyone to guard here. What on earth is going on? Fame?"

I can't figure out whether the German guy is really stupid or just lying there waiting to die. In fact, Malashenko is not the only one who can't figure out what is going on at the moment. As the leader of the division's forward reconnaissance unit One of them, Comrade Alsim, the "big Siberian gangster" who had just arrived in the small town called Oraqin, was also puzzled.

It stands to reason that this kind of vanguard reconnaissance mission should be carried out by specialized reconnaissance troops. In theory, there is no need for elite combat engineer troops to undertake it.

But Alsim took the initiative to ask Kulbalov, saying that he was good at this job.

He also said that when he first left Finland, he had a lot of fun playing hide-and-seek in the snow with the Finnish guy all day long. In terms of investigation skills, he thought he had never lost to anyone. Since returning to the 3rd Belorussian Front, the combat engineers who suffered heavy losses in the battle and have been replenishing and recuperating have not exercised much. Now it is just time to go out and warm up. It seems a little uncomfortable if they are not allowed to go. suitable.

Kulbalov, who didn't like to talk nonsense with others, then thought about it and it was not impossible. Although the combat engineers are proper heavy infantry and the scouts should be light infantry, as long as there are enough mechanized vehicles, The difference between light and heavy infantry doesn't matter. To be precise, as long as they are elite infantry, they can do this job.

It just so happened that Alsim was indeed very experienced. Even the division commander had previously named him to lead the team in the classic surprise attack on the Vistula Bridge. This guy is indeed an all-rounder on the battlefield with many clever ideas and a good brain. If you think so If so, it wouldn't be a bad idea to let Alsim lead a team to investigate, so he agreed to it.

But when the curious Alsim stepped into the German town for the first time, he found that many things were different from what he had imagined before, and could even be said to be completely different.

There were no German soldiers who would not retreat fighting to the end, nor were the German people brainwashed to the point of fanaticism and anger, thinking they had been invaded, swearing, spitting, and throwing rocks and rotten leaves at the Red Army soldiers. There was only this. A cold wind blew through, and a silent town stood before us without a single soul on the streets.

"W-where have these people gone? Comrade Company Commander, why do I feel like something is wrong?"

The guards who were responsible for protecting Alsim at all times, whether on or off the battlefield, were quite clever. Alsim, who had also just gotten off the infantry fighting vehicle, just replied casually.

"Keep your eyes open. There are tons of Nazis waiting for us in the town. Let's move forward in search formation."

It was obviously inappropriate to swagger into the town with a marching column when the enemy's situation was unknown. As the leader of the team, Alsim chose the most reliable combat search formation to be on the safe side, combining medium tanks and infantry fighting vehicles with combat engineers. Begin to advance forward in a coordinated stance with tanks and infantry.

It was also that the streets of this deserted town were really weird. Even when a cold wind blew through in winter, it seemed like something was howling in the quiet corner of the street. Every soldier couldn't help but tighten their grip. The AK in his hand was resting behind the steel body, staring at the windows or doors on both sides of the street where enemies might appear at any time, as if he was ready for war at any time.

In this way, they moved forward steadily to the next street without any incident. Apart from the strange silence, Alsim didn't notice any other abnormality, and he became a little impatient. Taking one step, looking at one step, and worrying about the next step like this is really uncomfortable. It is more necessary to delay the progress and figure out the situation first.

"Stop, Ivanov, go and search the houses on both sides of the street. If there are any civilians, bring them over. I want to question them."

"Yes, Comrade Captain."

"You guys go to the house over there, you guys follow me, take action!"

The old squad leader, who was called Ivanov, acted quickly. He led his soldiers and ran straight to a two-story red-roofed building on the street without saying a word.

Arriving at the door of this small building that seemed to be an ordinary house, the soldiers who were clinging to the wall were divided into left and right positions. They raised their legs and kicked the small wooden door that did not look so strong to the ground. The shattering sound mixed with the messy footsteps of large army boots immediately resounded through the first floor, followed by loud yelling in Russian and a woman's panicked screams from inside the building.

Obviously, Squad Leader Ivanov’s leadership actions have paid off.

Alsim, who was sitting at the rear of the infantry fighting vehicle with the hatch open, fiddling with the radio, soon waited for the "return with a full load" and the old squad leader and his group who had returned with the living people to make a business trip to stand in front of him.

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