Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2188 I'm waiting for him to come back

Chapter 2193 I'm waiting for him to come back

"I want you to find someone to come and ask why you caught a bitch?"

"She is the only one in the room, there is no one else. Google search to read and she is also a human being, Comrade Captain."


I put aside the radio that I had fiddled with for a while. There was something wrong with the radio station installed in the infantry cabin at the rear of the command BMP43 vehicle. The signal was intermittent and not very flexible. After tinkering with it, I still didn’t know how to fix it myself. Alsim, who had not yet fixed the thing, planned to try again later.

As for now, I should ask questions first and then talk.

"Do you speak Russian?"


The young woman who was surrounded by soldiers in front of her remained silent, but what was revealed in her trembling eyes was the fear of the heavily armed men standing in a circle around her.

"It seems not, Alosha, prepare to translate."

"Yes, Comrade Company Commander."

The soldier holding an SVT40 semi-automatic rifle stepped forward in response. Alsim, who was still sitting in the back of the infantry fighting vehicle with the door open, glanced up and down at the woman, and found that besides being young, pretty and pretty, there was nothing else. There were other features worthy of attention at first glance, so he spoke immediately.

"Ask her what her name is, what she does, why she stays here, where the people in this town have gone, why she can't even see a German hair, and finally ask them Where have the troops gone?"

Alsim, who was not interested in talking nonsense, vomited all the questions in one breath. The little warrior with a good memory and eloquent words was able to remember them all at once, and then spoke in German to the trembling woman in front of him. Paraphrased.

"I, my name is Hannah, I am a textile worker. My family lives here. Most of the other people in the town have fled. Everyone left early when they heard that the Russians were coming, and they all fled for refuge. I, I don't I know where the army is, they just passed through the town, I can’t remember the specific day a few days ago, and then they hurried to the west.”


The little soldier faithfully translated it into Russian, but Alsim, who listened carefully and attentively, quickly found out the problem and asked questions.

"Everyone has escaped? Then why don't you leave? Are you still here waiting for us to come?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he asked three consecutive questions that pointed directly to the crux of the problem. The little warrior continued to translate and relay truthfully.

This time, the young woman who called herself Hannah looked hesitant and unable to answer. She seemed to be hesitant, but she might also be telling lies because she wanted to hide something.

Alsim, who often interrogated tongues in person, could see the entanglement and panic in her heart. This meant that something was wrong. If she had been fine, she wouldn't be so hesitant and hesitant.

"Tell her to ignore her mother-in-law, answer the questions quickly, cooperate honestly and give her two biscuits."

In principle, Malashenko does not object to grassroots commanders and fighters using food, cigarettes, or other daily necessities in return to inquire about the information they want to know or valuable intelligence from the local indigenous people, as long as they are sure that doing so is necessary Just fine.

After all, this is a war abroad. It is difficult to build a mass base when fighting in a foreign country. The local indigenous people in each place may not agree with or even hate the Red Army. Especially the deeper you go into the hinterland of the German-occupied area, the more serious the situation may be. .

Malashenko does not want to let go of his authority, allowing those below to use force, coercion or bloody violence to get whatever they want from civilians. This is not a good thing.

Leaders are a group of elite soldiers who have faith, backbone, and can win wars. They are not butchers who kill civilians and kill casually. Once something starts like this, it will be difficult to end in the future. Yes, you must know that people's bloodthirsty can become addictive.

So even if the process is a little more troublesome and a negligible material price is paid, Malashenko still feels that it is definitely worth it compared to the consequences of deteriorating the troops.

I have no control over other people's troops, but my soldiers cannot kill people randomly wherever they go, even if they are targeting German civilians under Fascist rule. This is a principle Malashenko has emphasized many times. One of the questions.

At the moment, Alsim, who has a high level of admiration and admiration for Malashenko, has certainly not forgotten the instructions of his comrade and intends to follow them.

Even though delivering food to the Germans made him feel slightly psychologically uncomfortable, orders were orders.

Alsim, who has never read a book, doesn't know a few Chinese characters, and even has to read letters home and have others write them for him. After all, Alsim can still distinguish what is the bounden duty of a soldier. This has nothing to do with the level of education. It is purely a matter of principle whether a soldier is truly qualified, nothing more.

Alsim followed Malashenko's instructions, and the little soldier who acted as translator also took out two compressed biscuits from his pocket, handed them to the trembling woman, and once again spoke as gently as possible.

"Tell me why, this is yours. I can see you're hungry, right?"

The Germans are gone and their army has been defeated like a mountain. Not to mention the ordinary people in the German-occupied areas who are living a life of desolation and ghosts. The German field troops on the front line are often short of food and cooking, and they have no food to eat. Compared with the previous food supplies, the quality and quantity were reduced almost every time. Even the lives of ordinary civilians in the German country were not much better.

The woman named Hannah was just standing here, and Alsim, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, could hear her stomach growling. Although it only made a sound and the sound was not loud, he had also been in Stalinger before. Alsim, who had suffered from hunger for a long time, was extremely familiar with this sound and knew it immediately. This sound, which symbolized those hard days that he could not bear to look back on, would never be forgotten in his life.

"I, I can't leave here. I promised Shulk to wait for him to come back. He was recruited to fight on the front line. He promised to come back alive and marry me. I will never find him again after leaving here. He will I can’t leave if I get lost and can’t find mine.”


The little warrior who was slightly surprised when he heard this quickly came to his senses and told the truth truthfully, but the biscuit in his hand shrank back and was not given out directly.

Of course, the girl named Hannah did not dare to reach out and snatch it. She knew that all these Russian men were holding murderous things called "guns", just like the boy she had decided to marry for life. , also took this thing and left her.

"Comrade Company Commander, her husband is a Fascist soldier who was drafted to the front to fight with the Red Army. She said she would stay here and wait for him to come back, so she didn't leave."


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