Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2189 Gunshots in Small Town

Chapter 2194 Gunshots in Small Town

At first, Alsim just wanted to find something that seemed problematic to question, and then see how the girl reacted and how she answered, so as to confirm whether she was lying and whether what she said was true. Google search reading

But Alsim really didn't expect that he would pull out such a bloody plot after asking such a question. This girl who looked quite cool and not like a femme fatale was actually a member of the Fascist family.

"Forget it, give her the stuff and let's move on."

The German troops had been here before, but that was a few days ago. After passing through the town, they headed west.

From this description, it seemed that he was not stationed here but simply passing by, or that he stopped in the town to replenish some supplies while passing by. Alsim thought that it was enough to ask these things from the girl.

I'm afraid it would be a waste of time to ask more questions. It's hard to ask for anything more valuable. After all, she is just a civilian, and Alsim is not interested in the fascist men in her family, so he might not be interested now. He had already been crushed to pieces by Red Army artillery and blown to pieces. He was not sure whether he would live or die, so there was no point even asking.

The little warrior who retracted his hand because the girl was a member of the Fascist family did not say anything more after hearing Alsim's order. Comrade Company Commander must have his reasons for giving such an order. Even if he has doubts in his heart, he will have to wait until he has time to ask questions, not now. For now, he just needs to follow the orders and carry out the orders.

But just when the biscuit in the little warrior's hand was handed over again, the girl's stomach growled with hunger and her fingers stretched out tremblingly, intending to tentatively reach out to pick it up, before she had time to touch the biscuit. , an unexpected surprise suddenly happened to everyone present.




"Sniper! German sniper, directly in front of the high point, hidden!!!"

After being hit in the head by a bullet, the bloody goo that shattered into bones and brain paste instantly splashed across the person's face. The little soldier, along with the biscuits in his hand and his face covered with the goo, didn't have time to react. A big hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed his armed belt in an instant, dragged him to the open door of the infantry compartment of the infantry fighting vehicle, and threw him in like trash.

"Report the location, where are the specific coordinates!? Has anyone seen the specific location!?"

This black gun came so unexpectedly that Alsim, who had his back to the direction where the gunshot came from, even after many battles, still couldn't tell where the gunman was, so he could only react to his side. Quickly, all the soldiers who had taken cover began to ask questions.

"It's probably that triangular building with a triangular roof. It's in that building! I don't know the exact number."



"Injured, someone is injured Sokolov was shot!"

Gunshots rang out again in an unknown high-point corner. The soldier who was hiding behind an infantry fighting vehicle and accidentally exposed his elbow to the outside of the vehicle was shot and fell down.

The comrades who were hiding behind the infantry fighting vehicle hurriedly pulled it and dragged it completely back to the rear of the infantry fighting vehicle before the German sniper opened fire again. However, a large piece of flesh was blown away by the shot. Even the bones were broken and the exposed elbow was probably severely disabled.

"I saw it! One o'clock direction, in the triangular building at the intersection of the street in front! The balcony on the third floor, the balcony on the far left!"

Due to the viewing angle restriction, it was impossible to confirm that the standard of reporting the seating position that someone shouted was inaccurate, but Alsim still chose to believe his comrade, and then made an immediate response as fast as the wind.

"Coordinates, the leftmost balcony on the third floor of the triangular building at the intersection ahead, fire!"

Alsim, who spoke immediately as he turned around, was of course not speaking to anyone else. He was giving an order to the crew of the infantry fighting vehicle closest behind him.

It was also because the infantry compartment door of the infantry fighting vehicle was wide open, and the crew in the combat room in the middle of the vehicle body, which was directly connected to the infantry compartment, was able to receive Alsim's order smoothly and immediately, and then responded extremely quickly. .

The small-head turret drives the slender 25mm cannon to swing rapidly and lock on the target. The 25mm hybrid armor-piercing burning tracer high-explosive ammunition magazine inserted into the bucket in advance is ready. The action of pulling the trigger to release the fury is only In an instant.

Dong dong dong dong——

The high-rate 25mm cannon, which was born out of an anti-aircraft gun, spewed out fiery bright red tracer flames and headed straight for the target point not too far from the street in front. In an instant, it hit the entire leftmost balcony of the third floor. Flying sand and rocks, dust flying everywhere.

Alsim didn't even need to give an order. The T43 medium tank crew further ahead with tracer ballistic guidance also confirmed the target, and the tank crews with quick eyesight and quick hands immediately took action.

"The target is at the impact point of the tracer bullet, directly in front of the third floor balcony, reloading with high-explosive bombs!"

"Loading completed!"



The machine gun didn't even finish one round of strafing, followed by 85mm high-explosive shells violently blasting in. The third floor balcony that was already swept to a dusty place was completely devastated. Bricks were hit by a shell on the spot. Scattered and construction debris flying everywhere. And the larger cloud of smoke and dust that rose up in that moment made it even more difficult to see the specific impact of the blow.

It's not important to be unable to confirm the effect of the strike. What's important is to rush up and kill Fasis while the enemy is stunned.

"Go! Take down that building, prepare the infantry fighting vehicles to provide fire cover, take action!"

Of course, one cannot act rashly when the enemy's situation is unknown. The combat engineers, who had fought countless tough battles with German infantry, did not rush forward immediately as if they were given blood on the spot. Instead, the T43 medium tank in the lead provided cover, and the BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle followed closely in the team, with its gun barrel raised at a high elevation and heading towards the enemy's direction.

Soon, in the process of advancing less than 200 meters, the combat engineers, who did not encounter any enemy fire and obstruction, advanced unimpeded all the way to the door of the triangular building full of smashed construction debris. .

This is a brick building that looks solid enough. The 85mm high-explosive grenade was fired at it, but it obviously failed to cause any fatal injuries and did not damage any load-bearing structures. There was no danger of the building collapsing and it was very stable. .

Combat engineers who specialize in assault infantry warfare naturally didn't talk nonsense when they saw this scene. They raised their hands and two grenades flew directly into the house on the first floor along the window next to the door. There was a loud bang and the wooden door exploded together. Fei, there was a burst of flying sand and rocks on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, a group of heavily armed Slavic men wearing plate armor and body armor rushed into the building with AKs in their hands, facing dust on their faces.

"Target the third floor! If you see something moving, shoot, go up, up, up!"

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