Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2190 The fanatical loner

Chapter 2195 The fanatical loner

A group of Slavic tough guys who were full of tendons and meat and had no other special skills except for fucking to death, cautiously walked all the way to the corner of the stairwell from the second floor to the third floor. They saw that they had just been bombarded in the distance. There is only one step left after passing the third floor.

"Strange, why is there no movement at all? Where are you scumbags?"

"To be honest, I didn't see anyone. It's like the building was empty."

The two soldiers in the back row were whispering while moving their steps and cautiously moving up. Alsim, who was personally leading the charge, could hear the whispers, but he didn't say anything, just because A possible pitched battle is just around the corner.

Alsim was also convinced that the soldiers under his command would not keep nagging with such scornful glances, and there was no need for him, the company commander, to waste time and issue special orders at such a critical moment.

"Be careful and follow closely."

Although Comrade Company Commander is leading the charge, we cannot let Comrade Company Commander take the lead and charge forward. This is too dangerous. No one can tell what will be ahead once we exit the third floor stairway. Wait, it would be better for the company commander, who shoulders the heavy responsibility of the commander, to stay back a little.

A combat engineer holding the AK in his hand kept raising his gun and taking aim, slowly and steadily stepped up the last step step by step, and finally arrived at the starting point of the long corridor after the stairway.

This building with a triangular roof looks like it should be an apartment building. The suspected sniper's position is on the third floor. Of course, this building only has the third floor in total.

Most of the doors lined up on the left and right sides of the corridor are ajar or wide open. All kinds of messy debris can be seen and thrown everywhere in the corridor, including clothes, shoes and socks, and tableware. and various daily necessities, you can even see the rag dolls that children play with being randomly thrown on the ground.

It can be seen that the original owner of these things was really panicked when he left here, so much so that he had no time to take care of these personal belongings and threw them away.

The sunlight shining through the rooms on both sides of the corridor shines on the wooden floor of the long corridor. It is obvious that the dust left behind by shelling and strafing becomes denser as it goes forward, and finally reaches right in front of the door of the sixth room on the left. reached the peak.

Of course, it is not appropriate to call it a door, because the wooden door of this room has disappeared, and even the same wooden door frame is twisted and broken as if it had been arched by a wild boar. As for the door panel, it flew directly to the opposite side. Entering the room, you can see how powerful the force that caused it to fly out was in an instant.

Needless to say, just from the scene at the door of the room and the wooden door flying out, you know that this is definitely the "first crime scene" after the bombardment of the building just now. The combat engineer soldiers who followed closely behind, together with their company commander Comrade Alsim, could of course see that this was the place they were looking for.

"I opened the other rooms and took a look. There was nothing unusual, except this one."


Alsim, who didn't say much, just nodded without saying anything else. Then he turned around, braced the AK in his hand, and made final preparations for the attack, just waiting for action.


Immediately after giving the order without any unnecessary nonsense, the pace started to gallop.

Holding the front tripod in his left hand and the gun in his right hand, the heavy-armed assaulter holding the DP28 light machine gun in a waist-firing posture rushed in first, followed closely by the AK-wielding soldiers who were also walking as fast as flying. In just a short breath, they They all poured in in an orderly manner and took control of the room.

"There's a half-dead man over here!"

Before Alsim, who was slightly behind the team, had time to rush into the room completely, he heard the soldiers who rushed in first yelling to report to their comrades.

Not only the soldiers who came closer after hearing the sound gathered together with loaded guns and ammunition, aiming at the enemy, but soon, even Alsim, who came into the house later, also came closer and stood firm.

"Is this the only one? Nothing else?"

"I only found this one. I searched everything, Comrade Company Commander, but I didn't see any other fascists."


Alsim, who looked slightly unhappy, could roughly guess the truth.

This is not an organized or premeditated German ambush. It is simply a lone fanatical fascist who voluntarily stayed and fought with the Red Army. He belongs to the kind of "kill one without loss, kill two with profit, kill three with a smile on the road to hell" "Go" is a retarded behavior.

But what you can’t deny is that these fanatical fascist scum with shit in their heads never lack such human scum. It's not too unexpected to meet one in such a weird-looking town. At most, it can only be regarded as "unlucky to step on shit". Not only is it disgusting, but it also resents you, that's all. .

"This bastard is dying, comrade company commander. Both of his legs have been blown off. He could bleed to death if he bleeds."

As the soldier next to him said, the lower half of both legs of the fascist maniac sitting in the corner had been blown off, and both feet were completely missing, leaving only vague flesh and broken bones. They were attached to the severed limbs, ferocious and exposed, and two traces of blood were left crawling over the floor, telling the story of what happened after the shelling.

"I found this, Comrade Company Commander. I found it in the shelling gap over there. It looks like the murder weapon."

The squad leader handed over a half-part rifle that had its stock broken off by a bomb. There was also a sniper scope that had also been broken into pieces above the bolt. This was a Mauser 98K that was very common among front-line German troops. Sniper rifle.

He took a look at the "suspected murder weapon" handed over by the squad leader, then turned back silently and glanced at the shelling gap where the "suspected murder weapon" was found.

When Alsim saw the place that should have been the balcony, he seemed to have been completely disfigured and beaten beyond recognition.

The shelling gap is not too small, and with the dense holes like a hornet's nest the size of the bottom of a wine bottle, the combined attack effect of 85mm high-explosive grenades and 25mm cannons is clearly visible. The quality of the German building is obvious. It's not as strong and durable as Stalingrad.

The soldiers standing in the gap were waving to the comrades downstairs, indicating that the third floor had been successfully taken and controlled, and there was no need for further fire support for the time being to avoid accidental injuries.

Seeing this scene, Alsim didn't say much. He just turned around and looked at the half-dead Fascist fanatic in the corner again. However, the guy who just lowered his head and couldn't see his face clearly had his head raised now. He raised his head, revealed his true face, and spoke harshly to the Red Army soldiers in front of him.

"You will all die on the Führer's soil, Stalin's dogs, bah"

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