Chapter 2196 "Madman"

"Before the man spoke, the half-dead dog started barking first. How strange, Comrade Company Commander.


It is true that Alsim does not understand German, but this does not mean that Alsim cannot understand the meaning of several words with very obvious syllable characteristics in the words that the dog's mouth cannot spit out ivory. Even if he didn't understand German, he could still remember a few bad words from the Germans' mouths after the war, and this was enough for Alsim.

As for the specific and detailed meaning, it does not need to be fully understood, it is indeed the case.

"This thing belongs to you? You did it too, right?"

The half-dead Fascist trash with blood on his face is not very old. You can even say that he has not even lost all his fetal hair, because judging from his face alone, he is a kid who is no more than twenty years old, but It is often these brainwashed things with underdeveloped IQs that are the most damn fanatical. Alsim never treats the half-dead people in front of him as ordinary brats.

The little soldier holding an SVT40 semi-automatic rifle was still acting as a translator. The brat who understood what the Russian officer in front of him meant just grinned miserably.

"Yes, it's my business and I did it. I just want to kill all you Stalin bastards for the Führer. You bastards deserve to die. Why can't you just accept your fate and die? You deserve to die, you deserve to die!"


Alsim didn't say much, and just smiled after hearing this.

The situation is obvious. No matter how much you talk about this kind of brainwashed garbage, it is a waste of time and life.

Alsim never thought of himself as "the savior of the naive teenagers who went astray." Alsim was not interested in it and had never done anything that sounded like he was hating the Virgin. He has always been a "pure destroyer and undertaker", and Alsim has always been proud of his job, and this time it is no different.

"Yes, I have the guts. I dare to admit it and be so straightforward. I really have the guts."

The little warrior continued to tell the story truthfully. The nastiness kid who was leaning against the corner and looking at the half-crouched Alsim was still smiling miserably, but this smile became even more ferocious and hateful after hearing the translated words.

"But there is a problem. I haven't figured it out yet. The first shot is obviously a good opportunity. Why should you kill that girl? She is one of your own."

"One of our own? You, Stalin's lackey, have something wrong with your head. That bitch broke her oath to the Führer. She dared to use Russian things to sell information. She is the traitor to the motherland! Shame! She deserves to die. Of course I have to do it myself. Kill her, the traitor must die!"

Just relying on the scene of Hannah talking to the Red Army and taking the biscuits seen through the sniper scope, the naughty kid self-righteously concluded that the poor girl had sold out information in exchange for supplies from the Red Army. He took it for granted that she must have revealed something that the Russians wanted to know, and used this as a reason to pull the trigger on the spot, shooting the girl in her prime into a pulp in the head.

Not only was this brat thoroughly brainwashed, but he also had brain problems and low IQ. In short, he was a bloodthirsty dog. Alsim, who understood the situation, just smiled and stopped talking. Get up.

"Please don't kill him. He is just a child. Please let him go, Stalin's Red Army soldiers."

Before Alsim could do anything else, he saw a young woman holding a small white flag in her hand suddenly rushing into the room, speaking fluent Russian to everyone's ears on the spot, even Even the soldiers guarding the living room looked at each other with puzzled faces.

"You, raise your hands! Stand still! I said raise your hands, now!"

"Didn't you say that the room opposite was searched? Sukka! Where did this woman come from?"

"I me this, me"

A soldier who was responsible for searching the room opposite held the AK in his hand and stammered. He was speechless for a moment. He didn't know how to answer the squad leader's question. In the end, it was the young woman who was holding a small white flag and raising her hands above her head who took the lead. He opened his mouth and answered.

"I hid in the crooked wardrobe. It was really not easy to find. I had to search carefully. I don't blame him."

Another clear and fluent Russian sentence, which was clearly heard by everyone in the room.

Now it was no longer the squad leader's turn to say anything to the soldier who made the mistake. Alsim, who felt quite interesting, had already taken a step forward and came to the woman, looked her up and down and asked.

"You speak Russian well. Who are you? Why do you want to plead for him?"

Even though she was being pointed at by a bunch of assault rifles with her hands raised above her head, this young woman who looked to be in her early thirties actually had courage and composure that ordinary women could not match. Even in this situation where enemy soldiers were pointing guns at him and his life could be lost at any time, he could still calmly continue to answer Alsim.

"This building is a juvenile apartment, and the children who have lost their parents live here."

"I am the caretaker of the juvenile apartment, my name is Emily, and I am the guardian of the children. He is just a child who was deceived, coaxed into picking up a gun, and after being hastily trained to become your enemy, what he learned It's all lies. On his behalf, I beg you the Red Army for mercy and let him go. He's just a child."

"Child? Haha, that's an interesting statement."

Alsim, who smiled sarcastically, was about to say something, but he never thought that a small change would suddenly happen at this moment.

"You bitch! What you are telling is a lie! How dare you betray the Führer, you deserve to die just like that bitch!"

No one expected that a brat who was seriously injured like this, with less than a third of his life left and was close to death, and who was pointed at by so many guns at the same time, would actually dare to do something like this at this time. He just wanted to die because he didn't want to die quickly enough.

A Walther P38 pistol hidden behind his back was pulled out. Although the movement was very slow, it was indeed the movement of pulling out a gun. And judging from the direction of the gun's muzzle and the content of the angry curse, who was the person he wanted to kill? It is already clear that the so-called traitors seem to be more detestable than the enemy and must be eliminated first.

But before he had time to wait for the combat engineer soldier who was too lazy to give a warning, he pulled the trigger of the assault rifle in his hand. As a result, Alsim, who had already touched the holster on his waist with one hand, was the first to pull the trigger. One step, draw the gun and shoot.


He raised his hand and fired a shot squarely between the eyebrows. The 62mm Tokarev pistol bullet instantly shattered the skull, pierced the back of the head and burst out, splashing a large amount of sticky substance and blood mist and smearing him on the spot. Alsim looked at the corpse in front of him and sneered.

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