Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2194 Hey, there’s wine!

Chapter 2199 Hey, there’s wine!


Alsim smiled and did not answer directly. Instead, he thought about it for a moment and then changed the topic and continued to speak. Google search reading

"What happens after this? Your children were either kidnapped by the Fascists or ran away. It's obvious. What are you planning to do in this small, broken town where no one can be seen? I'm quite curious."

This is not a simple woman, and she is different from any woman he has met in the past. Alsim thinks she is really interesting, and she also has some "stories" that he is interested in. There is nothing wrong with taking the opportunity to chat more. not good.

"I have no plan. As you said, I am unemployed. Without those children, my existence has no meaning. I am nothing."

Alsim smiled after hearing this and said something casually.

"Do you only live for others? Don't you think about yourself?"

The woman with slightly narrowed eyes turned her head and glanced at Alsim suspiciously, and the next words she uttered almost made Alsim flip under the tank.

"The Red Army should have no military prostitutes, so what? Now it is following the example of the Fascist army and is adding new troops and is short of new employees?"


Does this bitch have a 152 howitzer in her mouth? Why doesn't it have a door handle at all? ? ?

Alsim, whose whole body was instantly shocked, had never seen this woman before. Today, he met a strange woman, but often the more special she is, the more interesting she is. Alsim This is the case for Mu now.

"It didn't happen in the past, it doesn't happen now, and it won't happen in the future, let alone let you German women come and reward my soldiers."


The woman didn't answer, so Alsim could only continue talking.

"You are quite interesting. What did you do in the past? Don't tell me that you were a dormitory administrator. I might believe it more when you said that the shampoo guy had sores on his butt and it was so rotten that it oozed pus."


The woman still didn't answer directly, but that didn't mean she was silent. After a short period of thinking, she finally had an answer.

“I once longed for the wonderful world described by Ilyich. I read his works, savored his famous sayings, and began to learn and get in touch with everything about Russia. However, I did not agree with the man after him, who was addicted to the past but resented the reality. This Makes me very conflicted.”

"I don't understand what is meaningful in such an era, so I choose to continue the future and let those children explore the answers. Perhaps this is the most meaningful thing I can do. But I failed A pair of huge hands kidnapped those children from me, making them feel strange to me and pointing guns at me. I am just a loser."

Alsim, who had flicked his cigarette butt away, was checking the things he was doing with his errands while listening to the woman's narration in a low voice. They were the only two people on the engine hatch of the tank. The soldiers were either following the tank or standing behind the tank. The two sides or the front went out to explore the way, and the voices were just so low that only the two people standing next to each other could hear them.

"Then you really should take a closer look. Our motherland is not as bad as you think. It's a pity that I am a big old man and don't have the ability to ask questions. Otherwise, I can give you some great truths and high-level arguments. But I think Comrade Senior Commander will definitely be able to You're impressed, as I am, that he's good at this."


Alsim did not say who the comrade was, and the woman did not ask further questions. It was not until Alsim inserted the loaded and checked magazine back into the gun that he continued to speak.

"We're almost there, do you want to come with us?"

The team, which drove through the intersection and then turned and walked forward for a while, had arrived at its destination, near the beer hall on the left.

Along the way, Alsim saw many civilians tentatively sticking their heads out to look out the window at what was happening on the street. They watched these strange enemy troops driving tanks and thundering footsteps walking on their streets. Although the expressions are complex, there are no other unnecessary movements.

Of course, this can also explain one thing. There is indeed no German army setting up an ambush here to prepare for a black gun attack.

Although there are not many civilians, it is not too few. It can be seen that there are still some people in this town who are unwilling to leave their homes and have not fled. If the Germans really planned to set up an ambush and fight, they would have to drive these civilians away to avoid being exposed in advance.

After all, you can't tell whether the Soviet troops entering the city are going to attack everyone on sight. Not all Red Army division commanders can strictly control the troops like Malashenko. This is a fact, and the Germans as opponents certainly know this very well. . In short, if we really want to prepare for war, it will never be the current situation where civilians are everywhere.

Neither Hannah, the unlucky girl who was shot by a Nazi kid before, nor Emily, the young woman sitting on the tank now, lied. The German army really just passed by and then left the town, and that naughty kid was really just a fanatical loner who stayed alone.

Of course, what happened after getting off the tank was as Alsim expected. Emily did respond to his question with practical actions. She carefully jumped sideways and got off the tank, but the next action was a bit surprising. .

"I'll go ahead and you guys will follow. I'll check to see if there are any ambushes inside."


This woman did what she said without any carelessness. Alsim, who was a little stunned, just watched the woman walk to the open beer can door and walked in, followed closely behind her. The soldiers also filed in one after another.

"Are you going in like this? Comrade Company Commander."


Alsim was speechless for a moment. He blinked twice and wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say at this time. In the end, he could only step forward and hold back a sentence.

"It's better than standing here. Be vigilant and keep up."


The layout of the beer hall is not large, and it can be seen that it is still very old. The wooden decoration has a semi-antique flavor. It can be seen that this beer hall is indeed old. You have to be careful to avoid the glass shards from broken wine bottles and broken glasses all over the floor. If you slip and fall, your face will definitely be disfigured.

After clearing the hall of the beer hall and realizing that there was no ambush, a thirsty soldier even carefully touched behind the booth, pulled out a glass bottle from the wine cabinet, took a look at it, and then whispered in surprise.

"Hey, there's wine! I've heard that the German beer is delicious. I'll have to try it later."

"The bottle was thrown away, Sukka! Come on and do your job! Be serious!"


These veterans of the Combat Engineer Corps can always "make things happen" for you when they see fit, as they always have. Fortunately, there are serious platoon leaders and squad leaders to hold them down, otherwise these "elite guys" might really be able to give you a bottle of wine and an AK in one hand, and blow tons and tons of blows into your mouth while doing explosive sticks. This is not joke.

On the other side, Alsim, who led the forward team to the private room in the corridor of the back room, also discovered that a door that looked ordinary had a strange big lock hanging on it. The taste of "hundred taels".

"Pry this thing open and see what good stuff is inside."

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