Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2195 A box of big trouble

Chapter 2200 A box of big trouble

To pick a big lock you need a crowbar, but the question is what do you do when you don’t have a suitable crowbar on hand?

Different people have different solutions, but the solutions given by the "elite guys" must be different. Otherwise, how can we show our eliteness? It is really rare to see the "manly behavior" of picking up the Iron Fist on your back and holding it in your hand backwards, using the tail tube of the Iron Fist as a crowbar to forcefully pry the big lock.


"It's done, it's done! The German's iron fist is quite versatile."

"Come on, go in and take a look."

Even though they had anticipated in advance that the so-called "Arsenal" might be here and were mentally prepared accordingly, the sight in front of them still surprised everyone present.

"There are enough arms to invade France. Why did the Germans just throw them away?"

Well, the method of breastfeeding does not distinguish between occasions, time and place.

The teacher comrade takes the lead and often makes up jokes about the breast technique. The people below also follow the example and follow the example. It is indeed quite fun to talk about it when there is nothing to do.

But there is one thing to say, the densely packed arsenal of weapons in a wine cellar in front of you is indeed shocking.

No one would have thought that so many arms could be hidden in a small beer hall. Just a rough calculation at this glance shows that the entire box of unopened guns can arm at least one battalion, thanks to this beer The hotel's wine cellar is large enough, otherwise it might not be able to hold so many gadgets.

"This box is for rifles, this box is for MG42s, and this box is for grenades, and this box is too."

"Iron fist, iron fist, iron fist, how many of these things have the Germans gathered here?"

"The box I have is an STG44. This crappy gun is really not as effective as ours. It just doesn't look reliable."

"Hey hey hey, I've discovered something here! What is this? Come and take a look, I've never seen this thing before!"

A soldier's small cry of alarm attracted the attention of the surrounding comrades. Even Alsim, who had just picked up a brand new MG42, was attracted by the cry and dropped the "iron pipe iron" in his hand. "Patchwork" hurried over.

"What did you find? Take it over and take a look."

The soldiers watched enthusiastically one after another, wanting to see what mysterious new gadget they had never seen before.

Alsim asked the soldiers who noticed something to lift the box out from the inner corner and put it down on the open space where a person could stand. Only then could he see clearly what was in the box.

"Never seen this before, the Kraut's new toy?"

As the first soldier who discovered it said, the items contained in the box were indeed unprecedented.

It was a stubby barrel-shaped object with a pointed cone shape and four small wings. It looked like it should be the kind of thing that could fly. After all, most things with wing-like objects these days can fly. At a glance This is the sense of déjà vu. 【】

Next to this seemingly flying barrel-shaped object, in the corner of the box, there is another square box object that people can't figure out what it is.

Alsim, who was not sure what the object in front of him was, signaled the soldiers not to move. After making a judgment, he first took action himself, squatted down and picked up the square box object from the box, and began to hold it carefully with both hands. Fiddle with.

"Can it be opened? There is a lock here."


The square box-like object was opened, and inside was a smaller, er, controller of some kind? Anyway, it does have a rocker with a ball, and there are a few buttons of different sizes on the base below. The largest red button can easily make people think of what it is for.

"This is the controller and that is the ammunition. Is that possible?"

The old squad leader with an AK in his hand gave his guess. Alsim, who didn't say much, just put down the iron box in his hand, and then turned his attention to the long, seemingly flying weapon placed in the box. Wing object.

"Why are there such long wires here? Does this thing need to be powered on to use? An electric version of Iron Fist???"

The onlookers discovered the details. There was a wire connected to the bottom of the iron box that Alsim put down, and it went all the way into the wooden box and disappeared into the pile of wood chips for protection.

I used my hands to pull apart the covered wood chips and discovered that there was a large circle of these thin "wires" wrapped around or rolled in advance in the lower layer of the box. Judging by the thickness and degree of stacking, they were fully unfolded and straightened. The last step is definitely more than 100 meters.

What are these long wires used for? The soldiers who had never seen this kind of weapon knew nothing about it and could only speculate one by one.

"This thing is really strange. Why is there a wire attached to the back of the cannonball? This wire should be for the cannonball, right?"

"Who knows, those nazis are always good at making weird inventions, but they have no practical use on the battlefield. There is something wrong with their brains."


The soldiers could talk about it, but Alsim, who looked more and more solemn, felt that something was wrong. Although he couldn't tell what was wrong, he just felt that the weight in his hand was more than ten kilograms. The weight, the thing with wings just revealed an indescribable weirdness.

It was precisely because he didn't understand, didn't understand, and couldn't figure it out that he had a strong uneasiness based on the enemy's unknown weapons. Alsim put the things in his hands back into the box with a solemn expression, and finally understood his inner emotions. Where did it come from, and also had an idea of ​​what to do next.

"Alexei, take two people to pull this thing up and take out two boxes from it. I see there are a lot of boxes with the same length inside. Take more back and report the emergency to the comrade of the division commander. Just tell us An unidentified German secret weapon has been found, please be careful, comrade division commander and the entire army.”

"If we can find this thing in the arsenal, the Germans must have distributed it. I don't know what this thing is used for, but it is definitely not good. The division commander and the others must know about this as soon as possible. First situation. Take your things and go back in the car. Pick a good infantry fighting vehicle and go back to the main force at full speed. Hurry! "


Alsim's order was quickly implemented. Except for the three soldiers in the infantry compartment, the remaining space was used to hold the infantry fighting vehicles filled with several large boxes of the Germans' secret weapons. They just stepped on the accelerator all the way. Kuangbiao galloped back to the original direction, and soon successfully rendezvoused with the main rear force led by Malashenko and began to unload the truck.

"What did you say? The Germans' new secret weapon? Did they bring back samples? Where are the things now?"

After receiving the report and being shouted out of the car, Malashenko seized the moment and jogged all the way to the infantry tank that had just been unloaded. He strode forward in three steps and then turned over. Opening the lid of the box, I saw what was inside, the thing called a "sample".

"What the hell is this? It looks so weird, and the cannonballs have wings???"

Iushkin, who followed him out of curiosity, was the first to complain, but unexpectedly his expression turned dark. Malashenko, who was so gloomy that he was about to drip black water, had an ominous look on his face.

"Do you know this thing?"

"Yeah, I know, a box full of trouble."

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