Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2196 ATGM

Chapter 2201 ATGM

Malashenko thought about many situations, different situations, in which the Germans might do all kinds of outrageous anti-tank weapons. Google search reading

Malashenko expected that the Germans would produce more Iron Fists. Of course, he also guessed that the Germans would further increase the amount of explosives in the Iron Fist's warhead, thereby increasing its power to break through thicker protective armor. This was all to be expected. It's as it should be. After all, this is how it is in history, and the time process in this timeline is just accelerated.

But let me tell you something, we, Comrade Ma, never expected that the Germans could actually get this kind of "precious thing" out so far in advance, and not even mention it, but put it into the front line and actually do it. Delivered to the troops and ready to use this thing to fight their own Red Army.

The large weapon box in front of Malashenko contained nothing but a new field of epoch-making significance in the history of human anti-armor weapons development: anti-tank missiles, or ATGMs for short.

This set of things that look very complicated in the box is actually a complete set of anti-tank missiles, including ammunition, control components and guidance components.

Needless to say, the ammunition is the largest cylindrical pointed cone object with four small wings and a total weight of at least ten kilograms. 6̳̳

This thing is installed in advance and placed in the weapon box. The entire missile integrates the seeker, warhead, missile fuel column and rocket engine. It can be used directly out of the box during wartime. There is no need for on-site ammunition assembly, which shortens the wartime response time of the entire weapon system. It can be regarded as a more practical design. Of course, it also shows that the Germans are not just messing around. .

In addition to this missile, the remaining items in the box are also indispensable to the entire weapon system. The first thing to bear the brunt and the size second only to the missile itself is of course the console operation terminal contained in the box.

This is something similar to an arcade game console. The difference is that the base under the control joystick is not as huge as an arcade game console. It is only about the size and thickness of half a shoe box cover. A square object slightly thicker than a cigarette box.

One thing to say, being able to integrate electronic components into such a size these days actually proves from an objective perspective that the electronic technology of the Germans is quite impressive, and indeed it is.

The red button on the base is supposed to be the missile launch button. As for the joystick, it is used to control the flight direction of the missile until it hits the target. This is not difficult to guess. The meaning of the remaining few small buttons is unclear. They may be used to power up the missile or do other things. In short, you have to read the instructions to understand it. Malashenko can't understand it just by holding it in his hand.

After putting down the operation terminal console in his hand, the last thing in the weapon box was the coiled extra-long wire.

In fact, there is not only one wire that goes into the end, but two wires, one long and one short.

The short wire is obviously slightly thicker, and is wrapped with an insulating sheath. It obviously has an electrifying effect. Looking at it this way, the purpose of this thing is obvious: to connect the console and the missile to realize the missile. It is a long-distance conductive firing. In theory, as long as the firing wire is long enough, it will be fine if the shooter is 70, 80 or even hundreds of meters away from the missile.

But this is only limited to theory. In actual combat, you have to consider the angle and distance between the deployment of the missile launch site and the position of the shooter. This is obviously a game that requires visual tracking of the enemy, visual guidance, and manual control of the missile flight trajectory until it hits the target. The principle of the weapon that hits the target is easy to understand and is not very advanced. It is a very early first-generation wire-guided anti-tank missile.

Therefore, it does not have the "fire and forget" function of some advanced "scumbag" missiles in the 21st century, nor is it high-end enough to perform simple laser beam guidance. As long as the laser beam is continuously aimed at the target, it can hit the target. To such an extent, it naturally places high demands on shooters.

Not only do you need to master weapon skills by quantity, but you also cannot be too far away from the missile or the angle is too far away. Otherwise, if the missile is launched and you can't even control its flight trajectory, how can you expect to hit it?

As for the remaining long wire, it is the control wire used to transmit wired control instructions.

How far is the effective range of a missile? In theory, you have to equip the missile with a control wire of such length.

The flight trajectory control of the missile after it is launched is all completed by this wire. Through visual judgment of the missile and the target, the shooter operates the console to continuously correct the flight trajectory manually, and then feedbacks the flight control command to the missile through the control wire. The attitude is adjusted until the missile finally hits the target, or misses the target. The principle is very simple.

The above are all the items in the weapon box. Apart from these somewhat technical items, the rest is the base of the missile launcher that has no technical content at all: a thing that looks like a red wine display stand. , the whole thing is just an iron frame welded on the base, simple and unpretentious.

"What is this thing for? Do you know?"

Malashenko had already said that he knew this thing, so Iushkin, who was like a curious baby, took advantage of the situation and asked.

The sudden anti-tank missile made Malashenko feel a little dizzy. The reasons were very complicated and involved many things that could not be explained clearly in a few words. Malashenko could not explain the details to Iushkin immediately. Rashenko can only try to choose simpler and easier-to-understand content.

"Like the Iron Fist, it fights tanks, but the threat of this thing is not on the same level as the Iron Fist. If the threat of the Iron Fist is the Panzer IV, then this thing is the Tiger King, which can kill Iron Fist instantly. "

One thing is true. Compared with a recoilless gun like the Panzerfaust, which has a short range, low power, and poor accuracy, compared with serious anti-tank missiles, it is simply like Donald Duck scolding the leader - the younger brother among younger brothers.

Even if it is only a first-generation wire-guided anti-tank missile, an anti-tank missile is an anti-tank missile. The superiority caused by the type of weapon is insurmountable by low-tech weapons such as recoilless rifles.

It has a long range, great power, and can be guided to ensure high accuracy. It can be said that anti-tank missiles can comprehensively make up for the shortcomings of strengthened recoilless rifles. Compared with this thing, the Panzerfaust belongs to the type that is completely behind in the anti-tank field and is beaten. .

The fact is, as Malashenko said, this is an epoch-making new weapon that poses a much greater threat to the Red Army tank troops than the Iron Fist. The Iron Fist is a younger brother and has no comparison with this thing. It is better to move on. A little bit.

If you have to say what the emergence of this thing means, I'm afraid Malashenko's phrase "a box of big trouble" is the best description.

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