Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2197 We are not afraid but there are still problems

Chapter 2202 We are not afraid, but there are still problems

From the appearance, you can guess that this is the first anti-tank missile in human history developed by the Germans that has been put into actual combat. It is a portable precision-guided anti-tank weapon that does not require a mounting platform and is used by infantry. , to put it bluntly, even if one person can barely use this set of equipment, two people can form an anti-tank team to use it, which is more convenient, more powerful, and more powerful.

The requirements for use are not much higher than the Iron Fist, but the threat it poses is far higher than that of the Iron Fist. It is not of the same magnitude. This is undoubtedly bad news for the Red Army.

The good news is that the Red Army, especially the leading division, is not without its own methods to deal with this thing.

As for anti-tank missiles, the principle of killing effect is easy to understand. The warhead charge is concentrated to form a metal jet to break through the tank armor and then kill the inside of the tank. It is also a chemical energy armor-piercing weapon rather than a kinetic energy armor-piercing weapon, like the Iron Fist. The principle of killing effect is the same.

This means that the composite armor and plug-in modular defense enhancement kit specially developed by Malashenko in conjunction with Kejin in order to prevent the Iron Fist are all effective against this thing.

But effective is effective, and the biggest question is whether this "effective" can achieve the effect of "immunity".

Is this like anti-cancer drugs effective in treating cancer? Of course it is effective, but it cannot produce a qualitative change that will make the patient "healed." Anti-cancer drugs only slow down the progression of lesions and buy more lives for patients. Cancer itself is still an "incurable disease" that cannot be completely cured by drug treatment.

To take a step back, whether it is composite armor or external modular defense enhancement kits, they can indeed weaken the penetration depth of metal jets and greatly reduce their power, just like anti-cancer drugs are also effective against cancer.

But whether it can protect the tank depends on the armor-piercing depth of the German anti-tank missile. After breaking through the external armor, whether there is still enough power left to break through the tank's base armor itself to cause actual effective damage.

If the external armor and the base armor defense of the tank are taken together, they still cannot completely resist the metal jet, then the composite armor and external modular defense enhancement kit are equivalent to anti-cancer drugs, which means almost the same thing.

It's effective, but being effective doesn't mean the tank can be saved. It's that simple.

How to determine whether the result is really the case?

It's simple. Just take this thing out of the box, find a Red Army tank and test-fire it. Whether it can be defended will be revealed once you hit it.

But some things are easier said than done.

Don't say that Malashenko doesn't have the time to test it on site now. Even if he has the time, it would be a bit troublesome to figure out this new German toy that has never been used before.

Although he understands the principle of this thing, it does not mean that Malashenko will be able to use it. Comrade Ma has never personally operated an anti-tank missile, especially a grandfather-level thing like the first-generation wire-guided anti-tank missile.

Malashenko, a time-traveler, can't do it, let alone his comrades, all of whom are blind - blind.

So let alone testing the power, even letting the missile fly safely and smoothly after being launched is something that is impossible to accomplish at the moment.

Malashenko knows that the operation of the first-generation wire-guided anti-tank missiles is quite anti-human, and it is not easy to train a qualified and skilled shooter. You can track the fast-flying missiles with your eyes and then manually control them until they hit the target accurately. You can figure it out just by thinking about it. This requires high reaction speed and hand-eye-brain coordination. It is not as simple as playing a computer game and typing on the keyboard.

If he has time and no fighting for the time being, Malashenko can really sit down and test this weapon to see what its capabilities are.

But the problem is that you don’t have the time right now. Intercepting the German armored forces trying to escape is far more important than testing such a weapon. Of course Malashenko can tell what is more important, and of course he also understands that he is currently How to do.

"Pack it up and take it away, and hand all the samples to Karamov. Just say that I authorize him to study this thing and test it. I want to see the test report he wrote with my own eyes. Don't rush it, let him give the instructions I’ll do it after I understand it and I’m confident. I’m not in a hurry to get his test report, but I’m waiting for his good news.”

Just like when the Iron Fist was first captured, exactly the same.

The "honest and sincere" German once again included a small copy of the anti-tank missile instruction manual in each box, along with the entire anti-tank missile system in the weapon box.

The original intention was for frontline German soldiers to read and master weapons, but like the capture of the Iron Fist, it once again made the Red Army cheaper.

With this manual, it is much easier to understand the technical parameters and usage of this thing. Among the elite leaders, there are a lot of highly educated commanders and fighters who understand German. don't know. Malashenko is convinced that his "internal chief" Karamov can handle this matter. He loves to study all kinds of fancy and trendy weapons and gadgets, and he just needs to wait for good news.

"Everyone, let's go, get in the car! Keep moving! Let's move!"

Malashenko, who raised his hand to signal everyone to get on the bus, gave the order, and the division commander, who had taken a break for the time being, was soon on the road again in the car, together with the heavy tank guard company directly under the division headquarters. They began to move at a faster speed to catch up with the leading troops who had run quite far ahead, while behind them was a winding and longer series of main troops at the rear of the Leader's Division who were also marching cross-country.

"Anti-tank missiles, I have never heard of such a thing. I saw that your expression was not right just now. Is it really a big threat to our tanks? What kind of weapon is this?"

The curious Iushkin asked in the car. Malashenko, who had just returned to the car and started on the road again, first refilled his cigarette, took a puff of fairy air to calm down his shock, and then asked with a serious look on his face. Iushkin replied.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you the details later. I can't tell you clearly now."

"As for the threat, our division is not afraid of it for the time being, but other friendly forces are different. The Leader Division does not represent the overall level of the Red Army tank force. Just because we can handle it does not mean that other tank divisions can also handle it. I have to take some time. Go and see Comrade Commander as soon as possible. Some things can only be explained clearly face to face. This matter cannot be explained in a few words. "

Iushkin didn't quite understand what "just because we can handle it" means that other tank divisions can also handle it, but he thought it also meant that this weapon was indeed very difficult. At least the threat was hovering in the middle below the leader's division and above the ordinary Red Army tank troops, which made Iushkin even more curious about another question.

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