Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2201 You should cherish life

Chapter 2206 You should cherish life

"Machine gun cover! Infantry press up, hurry, hurry, hurry!"

This was a group of lightly-armed German infantrymen without any heavy firepower weapons in their hands, except for the 251 artillery car that had been turned into torch scrap metal and had lost its meaning.

For such a group of novice opponents who, at first glance, were "nothing to do, but their hips were stretched", Alsim, who knew that he was pressed for time, was too lazy to write anything. After getting off the infantry tank, he raised his hand to greet them. Next to them were soldiers who had just gotten out of the car. Well, some of them jumped out of the car. After all, the infantry fighting vehicle was not enough, so we had to use human flesh as a plug-in. They were just under the cover of the direct-aiming machine gun fire of the infantry fighting vehicle. Get in the faces of the remaining German soldiers.

First, they were bombarded by tanks and then by machine guns.

The remnants of the German army, who had suffered heavy casualties due to heavy firepower, had just recovered and finally ran to the reverse slope of the road on the other side of the dirt road, using it as a bunker to prepare for the battle. Then they ushered in the third round of attacks. Face fire: Assault rifle fire and grenade greeting.

After all the vehicles on the road have turned into blazing steel torches and there is no way to hide anymore, the reverse slope of the roadside is the last place that can be used as a bunker. There is no place to hide except here.

That is to say, under such circumstances, the grenades thrown by those with parabolic ballistics continued to fall around them, and the remnants of the German soldiers who were not human inside or outside could not hide or hide. If you leave the road and jump out along the reverse slope in order to avoid the grenade, you will only be beaten into a sieve under the fierce attack of the assault rifle, and you may die even worse.

A situation like this only lasted less than half a minute. When Alsim took off the third lemon grenade from the plate armor inlaid with a row of hanging rings for hanging things, held it in his hand and prepared to pull the ring. At that moment, several things were suddenly thrown out from behind the reverse slope of the roadside.

"Stop fighting! We surrender, the guns have been thrown out!"


After a quick look, he realized that the thing thrown out was a German gun of different lengths. He temporarily put the grenade without a ring back into his pocket, and Alsim, who continued to aim the gun and remained alert, shouted immediately.

"What are those Germans talking about?"

"They want to surrender and say they have thrown out their guns, comrade commander."


Hearing the reply from his comrades beside him, he estimated that the Germans should be defeated. Alsim, who considered the issue of "cherishing life", was not surprised and spoke immediately.

"Let them get out, all of them! Raise your hands above your head and surrender your guns without killing!"

The soldier who knew German repeated Alsim's words, and the screams were indeed effective. The remnants of the German army, who were in shock but had no guns in their hands and raised them above their heads, were one by one. They all poured out of bamboo tubes like beans. Rolled out from behind the anti-slope bunker.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot! We surrender, really surrender!"

Perhaps they were frightened by the fierce and violent blow just now. Even though they were promised to "hand over their guns and not kill them," these few dozen or less twenty surrendered German troops were still scared to death. Looking at the Red Army soldiers around him, they couldn't help but tremble in their voices and even their bodies. This was a bit too cowardly, which made Alsim, who was originally stern-faced, amused.

"The German scouts are already at this level? It's really unexpected."

Before Alsim could speak, the platoon leader beside him had already complained.

In my impression, the German scouts who dared to fight close night battles with the Red Army in Stalingrad and were not afraid of death were not this cowardly. He always fights tough attacks and hasn't fought against German scouts for a long time. He really didn't expect that Shibie would not be impressed after three days, but instead stretched his hips to look like this. He really overestimated his opponent.

"Otherwise? What do you expect from them after almost 45 years? The Germans who can compete with us are almost dead long ago. They are not the SS, so they naturally know how to cherish life."

"You're right, actually."

Whether it was an accident or a complaint, in short, this short battle in which the hero wins in a narrow encounter is over. Now it is time to do other things that should be done.

Alsim wanted to capture them alive, not out of unnecessary feelings such as pity for the Germans. What does the life and death of these Fascists have to do with me? Alsim even wished that Fahis would die overnight, so that the war would end tomorrow.

At least a few people had to be left alive, and there was only one simple reason: Alsim wanted to ask questions.

"Name, unit number! Where is your main force now?"

As usual, the little soldier holding an SVT40 semi-automatic rifle was the translator. Alsim was standing next to the Lightning Opel truck that had almost been burned into an empty shell, questioning the German prisoners who had just been escorted by the soldiers.

"Sorry, Mr. Officer, I have no right to reveal military secrets."

The little soldier truthfully relayed it to Alsim's translator, but before the little soldier could finish what the translator said, Alsim, who had already understood the basic meaning, raised his hand impatiently and fired.



The German prisoner who was shot in the thigh screamed and fell to the ground, holding the wound in his hand. His entire face was distorted and full of pain.

With the Tokarev TT33 pistol in his hand still smoking from the muzzle, Alsim squatted down and spoke again to the prisoner who was knocked down by his shot while still holding the gun.

"I will not kill you with one shot. Of course I will avoid the aorta of your right leg and only break the bones. But the blood loss and hypothermia are still enough to make you die in this ice and snow, slowly and painfully in despair. "

"Life is counting down, Lieutenant. Tell me the answer I want to know. I have a medical kit in my car. The choice is yours. Even if you don't tell me, I believe some of your soldiers will be willing to cooperate. But I think Now that you’ve surrendered, you need to cherish your life, right?”

This was the last "nice thing" Alsim could say to the captive second lieutenant. It was foreseeable what would happen if he didn't listen to the advice.

Listening to the words being relayed and translated, the German second lieutenant, who looked unwilling and obviously had gone through some psychological games, finally spoke again while still covering the wound with his hands and not letting go.

"Det Alfred, second lieutenant of the 219th Infantry Division Reconnaissance Company, was ordered to lead a team to conduct reconnaissance."

"The main force of the division is about five kilometers to the south. I don't know the specific location. The last contact was when we stopped fifteen minutes ago. That's all I know. It's your turn to keep your promise."

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