Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2202 Happy Three Jumpers

Chapter 2207 Happy Three Jumpers

Alsim did keep his promise and bandaged the wound of the German who was shot through the thigh for free. He screamed in pain without anesthesia. In Alsim's words, he made the fascist Memory rises.

Knowing the information he wanted was only the first step. Alsim now learned that the enemy's main force was moving towards the direction where he was now. And according to what the German second lieutenant said, before he had time to report the attack to the larger troops, the wheels of the Red Army's lightning-fast attack had already rolled over his face, leaving him with almost no time to do anything.

In other words, the main force of the Germans should still not know what is happening in the front. At most, they cannot contact the outgoing reconnaissance team and are confused, but you cannot judge from this that the reconnaissance team has completely The army was wiped out. Maybe the radio was broken and we couldn't contact them in time? Everything is possible.

"What do you think? What are you going to do next?"

The tank platoon leader, who was cooperating and following Alsim's orders, asked, holding a telescope and looking into the distance. Alsim, who had not yet noticed any trace of the enemy on the horizon, then spoke.

"The terrain here is low-lying, which is not conducive to our reconnaissance and enemy hunting. I plan to go to the small slope over there to have a look. Maybe I will find something else. Do you want to follow?"

Although it is not a big ravine, the snowy terrain we are currently in does have certain ups and downs, and Alsim's group is currently located in a relatively low-lying area, which makes Alsi Mu felt a little uneasy.

"Calculating based on time, the German army should have arrived by now. Even if they are an infantry division, with two-legged cross-country and snow slowing down their speed, the straight-line cross-country distance of five kilometers in twenty minutes should be about the same. After all, we are escaping. If we don’t show some speed, we will not be able to save our lives. It is unlikely that the Germans will waste time at this time.”

"But I can't see a trace of a German guy now. It's obviously abnormal. There should be other gains from going to the highlands."

There was another thing that Alsim did not explain on the spot.

If you still can't see the shadow of the Germans around you after reaching the high ground over there, then either the second lieutenant lied. He actually sent an early warning message to the friendly forces, asking them to be careful.

Either the German army realized that something was wrong, and suspiciously changed its direction, intending to avoid the missing location of the forward reconnaissance force. It was better to do less than to do more, even if it was not necessarily certain that something was wrong.

Comparing the two possibilities, Alsim thought about it and felt that the latter one was more likely. The timid and fearful look in the second lieutenant's eyes just now didn't look like he could lie. I am quite confident in my vision, which means that if no one is found on the high ground, it is probably because the German main force felt something was wrong and took a detour.

But in any case, the above situations are only limited to Alsim's guesses. What the actual situation is, we have to wait until we climb up the small slope to see if there is any harvest.

Alsim, who just said he would do it, planned to take action immediately. The tank platoon leader on the side also nodded in agreement. He stood up and planned to walk towards the small slope over there, but he never thought that he would be stopped before he even took a step forward. Alsim stopped him.

"Wait a minute, the distance is a bit far. It would take too much time to walk there. Let's drive this thing."

The "thing" Alsim refers to is not an infantry fighting vehicle or a tank under the Red Army's reconnaissance team, but the only vehicle in the German reconnaissance team that has not been destroyed: a sidecar three-wheel motorcycle, commonly known as Sanbengzi and Taijun Happy Car.

Of course, there are also three-wheeled sidecar motorcycle leader divisions, but with the heavy-duty synthetic combat configuration of the leader division, there is naturally no need for this thing to be in the combat unit and perform combat missions.

Most of the Soviet-made three-wheeled sidecar motorcycles in the leadership division are used to deliver letters, transmit intelligence, and transmit information. Most of them are in service in the communication units directly under the division, brigade, regiment, and battalion headquarters.

Because of its good maneuverability, high flexibility, and certain heavy-carrying capacity, soldiers of the communications unit always like to use it when they carry maintenance equipment to repair telephone lines. A maintenance team rode on Sanbeng with the tool bag in the side compartment. It's really convenient to leave as soon as possible.

But for combat troops, this is an uncommon, almost rarely used piece of equipment. For example, a platoon leader who is good at commanding tanks will not use it.

"Can you ride? I don't know how to use this thing."

Although it looks slightly different, Alsim thinks that if motorcycles are different, how can they be different? He still didn't believe that the German guy could make a motorcycle like this. Alsim, who was very confident in himself, twisted his waist and climbed up. After trying it twice and twisting the handle, he succeeded in one attempt. Fire, ready.

"Okay, no problem. It looks like the car is in good condition. Get in!"

"Then leave it to you."

There is also an MG42 machine gun left by the Germans in the sidecar on the side. It is equipped with a 75-round drum drum and can be fired by one person without the assistant shooter having to hold the ammunition chain. It is also a good self-defense firepower. After sitting in the sidecar and checking that there was nothing wrong with the machine gun, Alsim started the three-bouncer and set off immediately, heading straight for the small hilltop not too far away.

"Did you see anything? I didn't see anything here."

"Wait a minute, I'm looking for it. Take a closer look. The German winter camouflage is hard to spot because it's far away. Don't miss it."

About five minutes later, Alsim and the platoon leader were lying on a small slope together, crawling in the snow to hide themselves. At the same time, they used their telescopes to look towards the direction where the enemy might appear in the distance, trying to find the target. At that time, it seemed that nothing of value could be found, just a white world covered in silver.

"Compared to Moscow, this place is as warm as spring, but why can't you find anyone?"

There is indeed snow in the winter in East Prussia, but even if it snows, it is not necessarily very cold. It only ranges from single digits below zero to above zero. Compared with the winter in Moscow, it is indeed as warm as spring.

Comrade platoon leader continued to search with his telescope and complained that he could not find anyone. Alsim did not answer him at first, but he, who was also lying in the snow nest and could not feel the cold breath, soon gained something. And spoke quickly.

"Wait, over there! Ten o'clock! Over there! The Germans are coming!"

"Where is it? Let me see it quickly."

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