Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2203 Stew the meat

Chapter 2208 Stew the meat

Anxiously unable to find the enemy, the platoon leader looked in the direction indicated by Alsim, and then saw through the telescope a small group of staggering German soldiers, stepping on the snow towards their own side. Coming in the direction, although I didn't see any big targets, it was still worth cheering up.

"Finally! I thought these Germans were wandering around Berlin."

"Wait, there's more! Look, there are quite a few trucks and half-tracks! They should be the German army!"

Indeed, as Alsim said, a large group of German troops appeared on the snow-white horizon in the distance at this moment.

Those German soldiers who looked downcast and shambling were obviously not in high spirits. They were all wearing white winter camouflage uniforms and white helmets walking in the snow. They might not be in good condition, but the camouflage was still in place. If not Alsim looked carefully and might have missed it.

Accompanying them were trucks and half-tracks and other vehicles commonly seen in German infantry divisions. These were relatively easy targets to deal with. We did not see those German tank units with a high degree of threat. Of course, we did not see self-propelled artillery. Look. Going up there is actually a group of enemies that are easier to bully.

Even if the Krauts were outnumbered, they could still pretend to be tough and run away. The fully mechanized Alsim reconnaissance team had this capability. Alsim, who understood the situation, couldn't help but start to make calculations in his mind.

"What should I do? Fight or not?"

The platoon leader on the side was asking about the next action plan, and Alsim, who had already made a decision in his heart, answered bluntly.

"Fight, of course we have to fight, why not fight? If we can slow down their march, then it is worth fighting."

"But first of all, we have to inform the division commander, the main force of the Germans will be alarmed when we fight here. There are too many of these bastards, and the main force of the division will have to eat them. And I always feel that there are countless more behind them. The Germans from the Qing Dynasty are coming, this should be the vanguard of the Germans’ retreat group.”

Fighting came after fighting, but Alsim still did not forget the mission of his trip. After confirming the movements of the Germans, reporting back to the comrade of the division commander quickly was the first priority.

Only in this way can real and complete destruction be brought about for these Fascist bandits who do not know that they are about to die, and Alsim is such a summoner of destruction.

Soon, along with the intelligence feedback from Alsim, Malashenko, who was directing the large troops to rush forward in a fully mechanized march, also received confirmation of the enemy's situation.

"Yes, confirmed. We have found the location of the retreating Germans and confirmed their route. It is on the route we expected in advance.

"Plane? How long will it take? Okay, understand, I understand. Then hold those German guys before I lead the team to arrive. First, I will send them on their way. The call is over."

Needless to say, judging from this tone, the person talking to Malashenko on the other end of the radio must be political commissar Petrov, and Iushkin on the side can certainly guess it.

"What plane did you just say? Did we find those Germans? Where are they?"

Iushkin, who was overjoyed after hearing the battle, could not wait to conquer Degun with 130 cannons. Every time a cannon was fired, the pleasure of Degun's death was indescribable. Correspondingly, he just put down his hand to send a message. The device's Malashenko has already picked up the map.

"Here, in the southwest not far from the town."

"We continue to move in the current direction, and we will arrive at the battlefield in less than twenty minutes. But before that, someone will help us entertain those fascists. The first wave of air strikes will arrive soon."

After confirming that the two enemy-level units in the main combat direction had begun to retreat and flee, Vatutin, who was always paying attention to the battlefield situation, responded promptly. Bombers and attack aircraft units had already taken off and headed towards The German army was heading straight towards the retreat. No matter what, we should try our best to delay the enemy's escape and gain opportunities for the ground troops to complete the encirclement.

There is no doubt that the 41st Armored Corps, which is the strongest among the two German military-level units, possesses the largest amount of technical weapons, and poses the greatest threat, is the group of German troops that Malashenko is responsible for intercepting. Naturally, it It has become the top priority of this round of ground attacks by the Red Army aviation units.

The leading division's outflanking and fully mechanized march was already quite fast, but the speed of the Red Army pilots soaring in the sky was even faster. They would throw the first round of ruthless death on the top of the Germans' foreheads. Bring pain and destruction to these fascists, and then the leader will raise the beheading blade to them with the final blow to end everything.

"What happens after the bombing? How are we going to fight? Should we just launch a frontal attack on the Germans?"

Iushkin wanted to prove to the Germans that a head-to-head fight was the way a man should fight. Of course Malashenko could feel it from the expectant tone. Of course, Iushkin would not let Iushkin this time. disappointment.

"Yesterday, we already killed one of their main armored divisions and some supporting troops. We have taken out a major beam of the 41st Armored Corps. The captured German major general confessed that the armored division he commanded, this 41st Armored Corps, The army still has one, and the situation is similar to theirs. The remaining ones are one armored grenadier division and two ordinary infantry divisions, but they are not full. "

"One armored division and three infantry divisions, this pot of stew is enough for us."

"But first, we have to intercept the retreat route of the Germans. Killing their effective forces is second. We cannot let any organized group of Germans break through successfully. The key is to escape from our hands. So in the main force, There is no way to attack immediately before the troops are deployed. The most important thing is to suppress the Germans' crazy fleeing momentum. We cannot attack in an all-out way yet. "

The writing division is actually the leading division of the army. It has powerful and independent combat capabilities that are equal to or even exceed those of ordinary first-level field units of the Red Army.

Once the main force arrives and is fully deployed on the frontal battlefield, it is not a problem to focus on intercepting and repelling this half-disabled German armored force. Especially after receiving the command of an infantry division as an infantry supplement, Malashenko, who had solved the only weak point of "insufficient infantry", was even more confident and sure of victory.

That is to say, when Malashenko was arrogantly planning how to swallow the famous "German stew" in one breath, at the same time, on the other side, Alsim was leading his team to delay the enemy's attack. On the battlefield.

Following the direction guided by the reconnaissance aircraft in the air, the Red Army bombers and attack planes came straight with the throttles fully pushed. They were already fully loaded with various types of ammunition in the belly and under the wings. They flew into formation and roared to Germany. On the top of his head, he was ready to pour death under the horrified gaze of the fascist ants below.

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