Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2208 Pursuit and Fierce Fighting

Chapter 2213: Pursuing and Fighting

"Confirm the target, I saw it! The German infantry, at the eleven o'clock direction, is heading northwest!"

"Each crew should keep distance between vehicles, spread out in formation, commando style! Load high-explosive bombs and prepare for battle!"

As the saying goes, "If a person is unlucky, his fart will hit his heel." Before the Germans, who had just been bombarded by a fierce air raid and doubted their life, had time to take a breath, they simply cleaned up and were on the road again. A few minutes later, there was an unexpected and hoarse sound. Shouting, instantly frightened all the German soldiers who heard this and trembled violently.

"Tanks! Russian tanks, so many tanks!!!"

The so-called "many tanks" are indeed worthy of the name. When the Red Army tanks covered in white winter camouflage crossed the horizon, roaring from the blind spot, one after another, they rushed into the field of vision, roaring like wild beasts out of the cage. When it flies towards you, the terrifying scene with an momentum that is almost like an ice and snow storm is really unforgettable!

"What the hell! Where did all these tanks come from!? Did the Russians suddenly appear out of the ground? Why didn't we get even the slightest advance warning!?"

The captured second lieutenant of the German reconnaissance platoon did not lie. He was indeed attacked in the face by the Alsim reconnaissance team whose attack speed was so fast that it "shocked my mother for a whole year" before he had time to send an early warning signal to the main force. He was killed on the spot. After beating him all over his face, he raised his hands and surrendered.

This objective fact that had already happened, coupled with the violent air raid that had just ended, meant that the main German army, which had been hit before they had time to investigate what was going on with the reconnaissance detachment, had no chance to obtain it. Any intelligence information about the leader's attack. It's so tragic that even his life is almost lost. Who cares about anything else?

So when the torrent of steel from the leading division emerged from behind the white horizon, all that was left for these unlucky German troops was confusion and shock.

"Go! Get out, get out of here! There's no way to stop these Russians here, leave now!"

"Are you crazy? Where are you going to retreat! There is a sheet of snow in front of and behind you. Can you outrun the Russian tanks!?"

"That's better than staying here and waiting to die! If you don't want to die, just leave! Let's go!!!"

This was a battle that could be said to have no suspense even before it started. Even the Germans themselves felt that there was no need to even fight the Russians. They were just looking for death because they thought they had not died enough. Fast kind.

There are no defensive positions and fortification bunkers to rely on, no effective anti-tank gun positions, and no support from our own armored forces that can serve as core support to fight against the Russian tanks. Our own side is all infantry, even when engaging the enemy. In a state of motion and marching, where we are back on the road after just suffering a round of air raids, why do you think it is necessary to fight this battle?

If you run, you will most likely die, but if you don't run, you will definitely die.

What kind of choices will be made based on rational thinking? Is there any need to talk nonsense?

Of course, run away quickly!

"These bastard scum, they turned around and ran away without catching the fire? What about the extra ones? Meat grinder competition?"

Of course, Iushkin also knew that even if the German army stayed to fight, there would be no possibility of changing the outcome. At best, it would only delay a tiny amount of time, but he still couldn't help complaining about what would happen next if the German army did this. The outcome of the battle.

Malashenko, who stayed in the commander's position, didn't talk too much. He just pressed the button of the radio transmitter in his hand again while observing the battlefield trends.

"Attention, all units, make a frontal breakthrough! Follow the direction of the enemy's retreat and catch up directly, maximizing the damage to the enemy's strength until these nemesis groups are completely defeated!"

Since you turned around and ran away without even being beaten, wouldn't it be a bit of a betrayal of the good intentions of the German stick brothers if they didn't bite your butt and chase after you? "I'll give you a chance but you'll be useless" is not a good idea. "Killing you while you are sick" is a beautiful thing no matter what time it is done.

Soon, the armored assault battle, which was directly commanded by Malashenko, turned into a one-sided massacre battle after just one encounter, a "one-sided" battle against the German army.

t43 medium tank, is6 heavy tank, bp43 infantry fighting vehicle

All armored vehicles that could keep up with the first echelon in terms of mobility rushed to the front line, chasing behind the German sticks and using all their on-board weapons to fire wildly.

We completely ignored issues such as lack of accuracy when firing during maneuvers. We were face to face, and we were only a few meters away from the tank. How could we expect the accuracy of a hammer? Even if you step on the accelerator and throw it out with a random cannon, you can kill three German sticks. It doesn't matter how much firepower you have.

"Follow the chariot! Run forward, run and fight! Don't stop, everyone! Ula!!!"

The German sticks were running wildly in front, and the infantry tanks were firing with machine guns from behind, chasing after them. However, the mechanized infantrymen of the Red Army who had just got out of the car and had not had time to fight were now slowly following the infantry tanks and infantry tanks. There is no chance of taking cover and firing steadily and steadily. If the footwork is slightly slower, the infantry fighting vehicle will be thrown away by the high-speed advancing infantry fighting vehicle.

The new combat regulations of the leadership division clearly stipulate that after mechanized infantry dismounts during mobile warfare, they must closely follow their own infantry fighting vehicles to cover each other and advance, while ensuring that they can be on call when they need to reboard and will not wait for the vehicles. People or people are waiting for vehicles, and mechanized infantry and infantry fighting vehicles are strictly prohibited from falling behind during mobile warfare.

Based on these combat regulations, there was no other way. The mechanized infantrymen who were moving faster than the other under their feet could only run wildly while holding the AK in their hands, while shooting at the German sticks who were running away with their backs turned to them. Even changing the magazine after running out of bullets has to be done while running without stopping.

It can't be said that the infantry fighting vehicles deliberately didn't wait for anyone to let the mechanized infantry who got off the car fight so tiredly.

There is no other reason. Those medium and heavy tanks that need infantry fighting vehicles to carry out anti-infantry fire suppression and cover are too fast. They just press the accelerator to the bottom, as if they are losing blood if one of them is missing. Forge ahead.

Tanks lead the rhythm of infantry fighting vehicles, and infantry fighting vehicles lead the rhythm of mechanized infantry.

Under the rhythm of each other's back and forth, they entered the battlefield from the rapid march formation without any pause. They directly launched the battle formation in the movement. They aimed at the fleeing German infantry division and pursued the leading division. Now they launched an unprecedented attack. The speed is unprecedentedly fast.

Of course, this inevitably led to some problems with the leader's attack formation. No matter how hard he tried to maintain and adjust it during the battle, it still seemed a bit out of touch and stretched out, like a sharp and slender sword. Like a broken long sword, it was stabbed directly into the depths of the German ranks.

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