Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2209 Remember it carefully

Chapter 2214 Remember it carefully

Many things in this world involve opportunities and risks, and war is no exception.

In a sense, it's like investing. You may make a fortune, or you may lose and lose everything. If you want to win big, you have to take risks, just like Malashenko is doing now. .

"Continue! Chase and fight, don't let these fascist scum escape! Kill them all here!"

Eliminating the enemy's physical strength is one of the best ways to directly weaken the enemy's comprehensive combat strength, especially when the German infantry is being beaten violently, has no position to rely on, and no friendly armored units to help, this kind of armor is very effective against flesh and blood. A one-sided massacre-style battle is the best opportunity to eat leeks. After passing this village, there is no such shop. If you want to take advantage of the opportunity to gain more results, you must seize the time at all costs.

Of course, Malashenko knew that the vanguard of the Leader's Division, which he had personally led to arrive, had actually been disrupted in formation after this round of rushing and chasing the Germans and biting them in the back, and there were even potential dangers that could not be avoided. risk.

To give a simple example, if there is a German armored unit at this time, they will suddenly ambush and attack them in a premeditated and organized manner.

So the current situation of the vanguard main force of the Leader Division led by Malashenko is very likely to be unable to withstand the fierce momentum of the German armored forces attacking each other. It is not possible for them to retreat after their sword blades are broken and they suffer certain losses. An unavoidable situation.

There was no other way. In order to kill as many enemy forces as possible before the fleeting fighter plane disappeared completely, Malashenko had already used the leader's ultimate attack speed that far exceeded the usual upper limit, so fast that he even got out of the car. Later mechanized infantrymen had to run to keep up with the pace.

Judging from the high-altitude bird's eye view, the entire leader division's main vanguard force has been completely stretched into a slender and slender assault line, which penetrates into the deep weakness of the defeated and fleeing German infantry division.

Of course you can say that the leading division now has obvious weaknesses and chaotic rhythm, but the problem is that the situation of the German infantry division being chased and beaten by the leading division is even worse.

There are no defensive positions or bunkers, no anti-armor technical weapons to rely on, and no armored reinforcements. Air support is even more out of reach.

The only thing the hapless German infantrymen could do was to run away and run with all their might like "I only wish my mother had two legs."

But the question is, how can a man with two legs outrun tanks and infantry fighting vehicles with iron pulleys and track pads? In particular, they still attach great importance to strategic and tactical mobility, and are not just in front of the leader division who only pursues firepower and strong armor and sharp artillery.

The people in the front shouted "Run, run!", while the people in the back with slower legs and feet were either blasted into minced meat, swept into a sieve, or crushed into fresh ground by the rolling torrent of steel. Minced meat.

This has nothing to do with whether they are elite or not. No matter how capable the troops are, they will be beaten until they collapse. The German infantry division that could barely maintain its formation in the early stage of turning around and running away was completely lost in just a few minutes. The last trace of order was lost and it turned into a "Snowfield Survival Battle Royale".

So, the situation is actually very obvious.

It is true that the leading division has weaknesses, but the German infantry division is no longer a weakness, it is a pure failure.

To put it bluntly, this is a battle of mutual inferiority, which can indeed be said.

The leadership division was a little worse, but the German infantry division was completely rotten inside and out.

"I didn't die as badly and completely as you did." This is why Malashenko dared to make up his mind to launch this seemingly risky pursuit.

But this does not mean that Malashenko will just pursue him all the way without caring about anything.

Malashenko, who rushed forward with the troops, is now at the forefront of the front-line battlefield. He can always have a panoramic view of every subtle change in the battlefield situation and has a thorough understanding. Of course, he is already ready to attack at any time. A backup plan to deal with the worst-case scenario, just waiting for that moment to arrive.

"I won't run! I can't stand it anymore, I can't stand it anymore."

"We surrender, we surrender! Don't kill us, we have surrendered"

When the battle royale-style rout entered the next chapter in the second half, some of the German soldiers who were killed to the point of mental collapse and physical exhaustion finally couldn't hold on any longer.

Even if the illusory hope of escape seems within easy reach, the despair and death rolling behind him are obviously more suffocating and oppressive.

If the chance of survival by continuing to run is about 1%, then the chance of survival by immediately putting down the weapon and surrendering is at least 50%.

After all, surrendering on the spot is nothing more than a matter of life or death. The probability of being killed or not being killed is 50% and 50%, respectively. From a probability perspective, this is true. As for the possibility of being shot by one's own commander for being a coward, it's sheer nonsense. The idiots who dared to go head-to-head with Russian tanks have become track pads and meat sauce.

Those high-ranking officers might be able to run away faster than themselves. Who would care about others when they are already like this? When the Clay Bodhisattva crosses the river, it’s better to take care of yourself first.

More and more German soldiers panted and gave up and continued running. They dropped their weapons, raised their hands in the air, and fell to their knees. They either spoke in poor Russian or in German and kept repeating that they had surrendered. , just to save this little life.

However, those Red Army soldiers who were still pursuing and fiercely chasing the German troops trying to escape could not spare much energy to take care of them at the moment.

"Leave one person to keep an eye on these Germans, while the rest continue to move forward! Comrades, follow me!"

"Get out of here and kneel down! Don't block the way! I don't have time to capture you one by one, so get out of here!"

The surrendering Germans moved automatically to avoid the passing Red Army tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, as well as the swarming mechanized infantrymen who were walking as fast as flying. They just looked at the unstoppable offensive momentum of this group of Red Army. Go ahead and be amazed.

This is the battle that most of them have never heard of and experienced since they joined the army. This is completely different from the attack and fighting methods of any Red Army unit in the past. different.

"Which army do you belong to? Can you tell me please? Anyway, I have surrendered and there is no longer a threat. Just pretend that I know whose hands I will lose to."

The Red Army soldier who happened to be able to speak German and was left to take care of the prisoners of war smiled when he heard this. Looking at the German prisoners kneeling in a row in front of him and not daring to move rashly, he blurted out a contemptuous joke with his finger still on the AK trigger.

"You Fascists are lucky to be defeated by the leader's division. Remember, the ones who defeated you are the troops named after the Supreme Leader of the Soviet Union, Comrade Stalin. We are here to defeat you." The scum of the First Tank Division."

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