Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2210 Too late again

Chapter 2215 It’s too late again

This one-sided armor vs. flesh-and-blood attack continues, and as time goes by and the battle continues, the situation has become more uncontrollable, and it is "uncontrollable" for both sides.

The main vanguard force of the Leader's Division, which was advancing wildly and cutting down ten streets without stopping, now has no formation to speak of at all. Instead, it has become an assault force of different sizes and with different strength. team or mixed battle group.

There was a small group of German soldiers here who were broken and broken. Seeing that there was no hope of escape and their legs could not hold up the tracks, they simply stopped running. However, they did not choose to surrender. Instead, they had the crazy idea of ​​"pulling a few Russian guys on their backs before they died." , just find a place to fight to the death.

This naturally requires the Red Army to detach a small force with enough strength to deal with it. We cannot leave such a small group of German sticks here and output crazy firepower to increase casualties on our own side. The sooner we get rid of these disgusting people, The pustules and corns are better.

But precisely because of this, a small force was detached here to eliminate the Nazi die-hards, and another small force was detached there to pursue the German troops who had changed directions and fled. A very small part had to be left at almost every step. But it is true that a small number of infantrymen came to guard and handle the prisoners of war.

After going back and forth, Malashenko discovered that the entire battlefield was in complete chaos. There were scenes of firefights, battles, and pursuits everywhere as far as the eye could see. There were almost no battlefields that could be seen with the naked eye. A place to shoot.

"Damn, everything is in chaos now! I can't even count how many fascists I've killed."

With a faint flash of something bad in his heart, Malashenko raised his hand and looked at his watch, and found that nearly 38 minutes had passed since he led his team off the field and entered the battlefield, which was more than half an hour. time.

To put it another way, this German infantry division, which had just suffered a wave of fierce air attacks and had not even had time to lick its wounds, had been struggling for more than half an hour under the pure crushing pursuit and massacre of the leader division.

At this time, there is a question worth thinking about.

How many troops are left in this German infantry division? Since Malashenko personally led his team into battle, how many German soldiers have he killed and how many results have he achieved?

It may be difficult to obtain precise figures immediately, but Malashenko, who has been paying close attention to the battlefield situation, actually has a clear answer and a relatively clear result after thinking about it for a while: These German guys are now afraid of Not even the energy to kick my legs is completely exhausted.

After arriving at such a result, Malashenko, who nodded secretly, felt that he had achieved the tactical purpose of his trip. He could stabilize the wave first and withdraw his troops, not to mention charging deep into the German army for more than half an hour. The time limit is already approaching.

If Malashenko guessed correctly, the German army's follow-up reinforcements should be arriving soon, even if they crawled.

There was such a big movement on the crucial retreat route. If the more German troops behind who were anxious to escape did not react at all, then Malashenko could only say "I don't believe it." The Germans are There must be some emergency response to this, and most likely it will be the kind of "emergency response" that speeds up from all directions.

At the same time, this also means that the troops and formations have rushed to the main vanguard force of the leader division, which is extremely dispersed. Now it is time to stop and retreat and regroup. Otherwise, if we continue to greedy for success and insist on fighting for scraps, we will be in danger of capsizing in the gutter, even if Malashenko personally directs the battle. This is no joke.

"All platoons, companies, battalions, and units stop pursuing and attacking! The remaining enemies that have not yet been wiped out are quickly focused on destroying them, and then break away from the battle. Immediately move closer to me and regroup. All infantry are on board! Hurry!"

Malashenko didn't even bother to clean up the battlefield after the war.

As for the crappy guns of the German infantry division, to be honest, Malashenko really doesn’t like any of them. Kalashnikov has given me strength, so what kind of brother is your STG44? This is what the saying goes like, "If you compare goods, you have to throw them away."

The main vanguard force of the leading division, which received orders from the division commander, acted quickly and efficiently.

The vanguard troops, who were still pursuing a small number of escaping German troops, immediately stopped their pursuit and began to retreat. On the way back, they also helped the comrades who were still annihilating a small number of stubborn and remnant enemies. The battle was not over yet, and they became pressure. This was the last straw to kill those stubborn Nazi elements. They quickly worked together to resolve the battle and then withdrew together and out of the line of fire.

Under similar circumstances, the leader division equipped all armored combat vehicles with radio stations for inter-vehicle communication, one for each vehicle, whether it was an infantry fighting vehicle or a heavy/medium tank. The advantage of a 100% deployment rate was once again reflected.

The Leader Division's new provisional combat regulations on mechanized infantry clearly state that in pursuit of mobile combat situations, mechanized infantry must form coordinated operations with the infantry fighting vehicles of each squad as the core combat force. The infantry fighting vehicles also need to cooperate with the infantry. Provide support, suppressive firepower and mobile cover for combat operations. It is strictly forbidden to have the infantry unable to be found by the infantry fighting vehicle, or the infantry being separated from the infantry fighting vehicle.

One of the core benefits of this is that mechanized infantry without individual radios can, even in high-mobility continuous pursuit mobile warfare, use the vehicle-mounted radio of an infantry fighting vehicle on a squad basis. , obtain real-time updated battlefield commands, and then make corresponding command responses, you don’t have to worry about "people getting lost" or "retreating and leaving people behind", and the annoying battlefield missing rate is also caused by This can be further reduced.

Of course, the more important benefit is that it greatly improves the leader's instant reaction speed on the battlefield, which can be regarded as improving the tactical scalability. After all, every standard infantry squad can have such an instant response speed, as fast as lightning and as fast as a rabbit. This is a fantasy that the opponent's Santoku, who has not yet eliminated the mules and horses, can't even dream of.

That is to say, when Malashenko was arranging his troops, he was ready to withdraw as soon as possible, and was preparing to retreat a short distance to leave a buffer zone so that he could regroup his troops to deal with the next battle that might come at any time. The core main force of the leader's division Zhengerbajing led by Lavrinenko has now arrived on the battlefield to join the vanguard led by comrade the division commander.

Looking at the mighty torrent of steel coming from the distance and leaping into view, Malashenko, who had just won a good start and was in a good mood, just picked up the microphone and grinned.

"It's too late again, Lavry, it just ended here."

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