Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2211 Tortured to Death

Chapter 2216: Tortured to Death

"You are a solitary eater again. The dishes are clean and you don't even leave a piece of meat or hair. You are not a teacher like you."

Not only did Malashenko open his mouth to make a joke, but even Lavrinenko himself complained in a joke, as if the physical conquest of the German stick was really a good thing that we had to fight for before we had a chance.

"Speaking of which, how was your fight? Judging from this posture, it seems that I didn't put up much resistance."

Whether a fierce battle broke out in a place can be easily seen through the remains of the battlefield.

For example, there are no clues about the ground beneath Malashenko and Lavrinenko's feet at this moment. There are indeed traces of the war, but if you want to say that there has been any high-intensity sustained confrontation and fierce fighting, it is obviously not clear. Like.

There were no large numbers of corpses from both warring parties gathered in a relatively small area, and there were no things like field fortifications and defensive bunkers standing on the battlefield.

If you raise your telescope and look around within a few hundred meters, all you can see are the corpses of German soldiers lying everywhere. This is not to say that there are no remains of the Red Army. It is just that after the initial battlefield cleaning and the collection of the remains, there are even fewer remains of the commanders and fighters of the Leader Division, which had relatively fewer casualties.

Compared with the corpses of German soldiers lying everywhere with different postures, the rare Red Army corpses are indeed nothing. Of course, it can be seen that this is at least a great victory with a good exchange ratio. Let’s get more specific. It can be said that Malashenko at least looked beautiful in this battle.

"Well, there wasn't much resistance. Just like a strong butcher rushing into the sheep with a machete, just to complete the target of slaughtering, this group of Nazi infantry is as weak as a group of sheep, and we are indeed Completed the planned target mission.”

After getting off the car, he took out the cigarette case from his pocket, gave himself and Lavrinenko a cigarette each, and lit the fire. Malashenko, who had started to smoke from his mouth, took a breath, and then continued to smile and said .

"A fully formed infantry division of the National Defense Forces was first knocked out of its reconnaissance team by us, and then suffered an air raid. Before it could recover, it was rushed to pieces by me while it was in motion and marching. 1 "With no bunkers and fortifications, no positions to defend, no heavy weapons of high quality and quantity, and no tanks and aircraft support, what can these Germans do to fight us?"

"Either die or surrender. They have no other choice. Even the few who are lucky enough to escape are the result of the leader's mercy. These nazis should be grateful for this and thank the great leader for letting their dogs Live a little longer, even if it’s just temporary.”

Malashenko, who had just won a crushing victory, was in a good mood. He even briefly described the battle situation with Lavrinenko while chatting and laughing.

Lavrinenko, who understood that Malashenko was getting a big deal and caught a soft persimmon, also smiled, flicked the ash in his hand and continued to ask questions.

"What about the results and casualties? Are there any approximate statistics?"

"Not yet, but we are already doing it."

"But I estimate that we killed at least half of the German division in this trip. Those who were killed, captured, and those who were injured and half-dead were abandoned in the ice and snow to die. The total number of heads is definitely enough. So much. The German infantry division has basically been scrapped. At most, the people who fled back can be scattered to other units to make up the numbers. Don't even think about turning it into an organized battle. This division has been physically destroyed. Basically erased.”

"As for the casualties of our division"

Taking a deep breath of smoke, his expression became slightly solemn, but this was not because the heavy casualties affected his mood. It was simply Malashenko recalling the details of the battle he had just witnessed and making preliminary predictions.

"I guess it won't be too big. The battle just now was a one-sided battle in the ice and snow. We chased after the Germans and fought hard all the way. We just thought that the tanks and infantry fighting vehicles were not fast enough. Most of the Germans They are busy running for their lives without looking back. There are only a few who kneel down and surrender, and there are even fewer who refuse to surrender and resist to the end. The mechanized attack on the mules and horses without strong defensive positions will not cause many casualties, believe me. "

Malashenko's expression was confident and his tone of voice was confident. After hearing this, Lavrinenko of course nodded slightly in agreement, and then moved the topic to the next step.

"Yes, the fight was pretty good. So what's the next step? Should we follow the original plan or are there any other changes?"

The battle that Malashenko personally led was better than expected and the results were more outstanding. Calculated in this way, in just 48 hours from yesterday to today, the Leader Division had completely annihilated an armored division and severely damaged an infantry division. , and a few more battalion-level National Defense Force units that have been added for reinforcement must be included in the bits and pieces.

This kind of battle damage is enough to be considered a heavy blow even to a corps-level German regiment. It is not an exaggeration to say that the German armored corps lost half its life at once by diverting a beam.

At this time, Lavrinenko also began to think about whether to plan some more proactive tactics and make some adjustments based on the original scheduled combat plan. Now he is seeking Malashenko's opinion.

Of course Malashenko also understands what Lavrinenko means, and judging from past situations, Malashenko is indeed willing to invest more main forces to expand the results, and take advantage of the German disease to directly attack The lives of these beasts were defeated once and for all so that they could never stand up again, and the decisive victory was directly won.

But this time, Malashenko, who had been vaccinated in advance by Vatutin, knew that he could not do this. Soon there would be more important combat tasks waiting for the leader to complete, and there was not much time to waste on attacking the remaining remnants. The annihilation of the German army.

Thinking of this, Malashenko, who had already planned what to do next, continued to speak.

"There is no need to continue to expand the results, so we will carry out the original plan."

"Send all participating troops to fill the frontal battlefield according to the predetermined plan. The first task is not to attack, let alone to kill a large number of enemy forces. After the raid stage, the Germans must realize that a group of opponents that are difficult to deal with are coming, and they will definitely be prepared next. We But don’t be greedy for success and lose big for small things.”

"Keep the width of the frontal battlefield and use flexible mobile defense. We don't have to stick to one place. We can give full play to our mobile advantages and use tactical maneuvers to find the enemy's weaknesses to defeat them. Just remember that it is not us who are anxious now, but the Fascists. They want to be more active and more proactive than we are, and once they become active, it’s our opportunity.”

"The raid stage does not mean that the mobile annihilation stage has passed. As long as these fascists dare to move, dare to escape, and dare to escape from the defensive position, the advantage will definitely be ours. Rush up, bite them, and tear them apart. When they come down, they don't want to be completely annihilated at once, but they want to let the Germans know the pain. After temporarily breaking away from contact, they will continue to run away and then rush up and go back. Time after time, they will hold back the enemy's retreat and run away, trying to survive. I can’t help but want to die, I’m going to torture these bastards until they die.”

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