Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2215 Please learn the prerequisite skills first: IS7 Mastery

Chapter 2220 Please learn the prerequisite skills first: IS7 Mastery

"Inform all ministries to send additional reconnaissance forces, and all brigade and regiment-affiliated reconnaissance forces are sent out. The reconnaissance team should not stay in one place and be lazy. If it is mechanized, move it. The Germans are mobile, so we must move too. I will remove the German who lets me go! Everyone from the brigade commander to the squad leader should cheer up and stay vigilant!"

"Understood, I'll go down for a walk and bring them your orders."

In the makeshift leader's division forward field division headquarters, Malashenko basically stayed in the division headquarters camp as long as he got off the tank on the battlefield. He was giving instructions to Lavrinenko, who was planning to take a car to inspect the situation of each unit. , and Lavrinenko nodded in response. Malashenko did not forget to remind his good brother and deputy partner to pay attention to safety.

"I don't know when the Germans will come over, so be careful on this trip. Once fighting breaks out, immediately retreat to the division headquarters. If necessary, mobilize the troops closest to you to support and protect you when you come back. You have this right. Remember. You went down for inspection in a car, not a tank, but you don’t have a 122mm main gun and thick armor to protect you.”

Although the Leader Division has received the first batch of trial-production IS7 heavy tanks, because the well-known IS7 design is too novel, almost everything from the weapon system to the control system has been replaced. Although mature shelf products are used and integrated together, and the hardware reliability is no problem, when these new subsystems that have never been touched before are stacked on the same weapon and equipment, the impact on the crew members Skills training has become a troublesome and time-consuming matter.

The crew of the division commander, including the commander, can be considered to be able to handle the new IS7. Other than that, all the other crews, including the crew of the deputy division commander, Comrade Lavrinenko, are all pure and dark-eyed. be thrown off balance. Looking at this majestic, domineering, and visually impactful steel hunk, my eyes are filled with envy, but it is true that I can’t operate it, and I can’t say how to master it.

According to Malashenko's prediction, even with the assistance and guidance of the workers and technicians who arrived with the equipment, and after receiving Malashenko's actual combat feedback report, the project chief engineer Shashmulin II The revised training and operation materials are supplementary.

For a veteran elite crew that has never been exposed to the IS7 before, it will take at least half a month to master this terrifying 70-ton war machine and develop a reliable and complete combat capability.

This is the limit of time Malashenko took into consideration to compress the various training and learning processes as much as possible after taking into account the intense battle process and time constraints.

According to the statement given by Comrade Konakov, the representative of workers and technicians, if the crew is allowed to drive the IS7 to the front line and enter the battle less than this time, it will most likely cost blood and even lives to make up for the skills and Insufficient in mastery.

Of course, Malashenko can also understand that what Konakov said is indeed the truth. Time has indeed been compressed to the limit, and there is no way to compress it further.

I think back then, when Malashenko picked up the first IS7 prototype from the Kirov Factory in Leningrad, he took advantage of the completion of Operation Bagration and before the start of the Operation to Liberate Poland to complete the synthetic adaptation of the leadership division. During the rest period to reorganize the combat effectiveness, I took Iushkin and the others to fiddle with IS7 for more than half a month before they finally figured it out. On the battlefield, there were basically no problems.

This is true even for top ace crews like Comrade Division Commander. Even if they are as strong as the "guards among guards" like the Leader Division, there are a few crews who can do as well as Malashenko's crew. What about all the cheating on resumes?

It should be noted that except for the loader, the remaining three drivers, gunners, and commanders have all been veteran tank soldiers since the Soviet-German partition of Poland. , the "Big Brother Crew" who played the whole game.

If you don’t have a way to get it, you don’t need to talk about it. The fast-paced battle process does not give people time to learn. This is why Lavrinenko, as the deputy division commander, still uses the previous generation of Guards-specific vehicles. :The reason for IS4.

Although the IS4 cannon is not powerful enough and the speed is too slow, compared with the IS7, it is nothing but a younger brother.

But who makes IS4 a handy weapon and skilled in its use?

No matter how powerful and powerful a weapon is, if you can't use it or play it, and you can't even fire it, what's the point of its performance? It is not a wise move to blindly pursue the appearance of strength. The upgrading of weapons and equipment must follow objective laws and be done in a down-to-earth manner. The truth of "taking too big a step and ruining your life" applies no matter what time.

At least until Malashenko believes that his soldiers are proficient enough to participate in the battle, the newly arrived IS7 trial production models will have to sit on the back burner and sit on the bench. Ouchi General Karamov's logistics and transportation unit is the home of these heavily armored girls. The famous scene of swarms of IS7 running at full speed towards the terrified German soldiers will have to wait for a while to be seen.

After seeing off Lavrinenko who went down to inspect the situation of the troops, Malashenko, with a half-smoked cigarette in his mouth, turned around and returned to the division headquarters camp. But as soon as he lifted the curtain and entered the door, before he had time to stand firm, Malashenko saw Comrade Political Commissar walking towards him holding a telegram that he probably just received.

"Anything new?"

Malashenko, who was holding a cigarette in his mouth, stretched out his hand with doubts on his face. The political commissar who handed the telegram to Malashenko nodded and spoke quietly.

"What the front army headquarters forwarded is the latest aerial reconnaissance report."

"The situation is pretty much what you expected. The half of the infantry division you killed really scared these nazis."

"Aerial reconnaissance shows that the remnants of the enemy's 41st Armored Corps have stopped advancing towards us. On the contrary, they are now gathering troops and offensive energy. This of course delays their retreat and escape, which we are happy to see, but it also means I’m afraid there will be a tough battle ahead.”

"Obviously, the Germans will spend all their money to fight us this time. This is their last chance. If they can't fight out, the 41st Armored Corps themselves understand that their doom has come, and there will be no second chance. Opportunity. Comrade Commander asked us to prepare for battle. We must stop the enemy at all costs before reinforcements arrive, and we cannot let these Nazis escape. "

Before Comrade Political Commissar finished speaking, Malashenko was about to echo and say something, but he did not expect that the words that had reached his mouth would be suddenly interrupted in the next second.

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