Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2216 The intersection of swords

Chapter 2221 The swords clash

"Received, this is the division headquarters, please speak. Google search to read"

"Foxhound report! I see a large group of Nazis swarming here! A large number of tanks, assault guns, and infantry, they are rushing towards me through my telescope! The current direction is towards the division headquarters, according to the We can kill you at this speed! Emergency warning! Please prepare for battle, please prepare for battle!”

That is, less than half a minute ago, the high-power radio station set up in the field division headquarters received an urgent report and combat warning from the reconnaissance company directly under the division headquarters. This sudden news directly interrupted Malashenko and his political commissar comrades. dialogue.

It was also a coincidence that as soon as Malashenko sent out many reconnaissance troops, including the reconnaissance company directly under the division headquarters, this German stick who was not long-sighted and liked to rush to join in the fun immediately pounced on him, and his speed was really real. Fast enough. It can be seen that they belong to the kind of troops that have just assembled, changed from a rapid marching posture to a fighting posture, and then rushed over in a hurry, fearing that time waits for no one and there is no way to escape.

First of all, Malashenko must be thankful that he sent the scouts out in time. If he had been a little later, even ten minutes later, the ensuing battle would have been a surprise attack by German soldiers without any warning.

Even if the leader's family has a great cause and strong strength, this is not the reason to fight a battle where they are attacked by German sticks, isn't it? Malashenko didn't like this bad feeling of being caught off guard.

After a brief period of rejoicing, the next step to seize the critical warning time brought by the scouts must be carried out immediately, without delaying for another minute.

After confirming the news, he and his political commissar comrades quickly came to stand in front of the war zone map. Malashenko's eyes quickly moved around the map to gain insight, and he quickly made a judgment.

"It seems that we want to break through forcefully, and we don't want to waste time by exploring the fog of war in other directions."

"The location of the division headquarters is right in front of the Nasuka Infantry Division that just defeated the Nasuka Infantry Division. These fascists are so brave. They fell like a dog in this place and now they want to come back and fall again. Okay, then I wish these fascist lackeys all their wishes, and I, Malashenko, will personally fulfill them.”

The remnants of the 41st Armored Corps who were facing the enemy clearly did not give our Comrade Ma any face. After being beaten to a pulp in the same place and escaping in embarrassment once, they now dare to come back and try a second time.

The subtext here is obviously "Come on, lie! Come on, sneak attack! I don't want to accept it, let's fight again, let's see how I can defeat you this time!".

Otherwise, the Germans who were scared of being beaten should at least change their route and try to go around from the left and right sides of Malashenko's division.

Although taking a roundabout way and not taking a straight line will inevitably waste valuable time, there may not be organized Soviet troops in the other two directions to intercept them, right? It's better to try your luck than to eat shit in plain sight. Luck is also a part of strength.

Now that the matter has come to a point, it is clear that the German does not take our prince Ma seriously and does not take him seriously. Malashenko, who felt that he was being looked down upon, became angry on the spot.

Fortunately, Malashenko now has enough troops to deal with it, instead of spreading all the troops out to fill the width of the battlefield and becoming the bare commander himself. The main force of Kulbalov's first brigade has always been with Malashenko, obeying the dispatch and also responsible for guarding the division headquarters. More than half of the main force of the brigade is on standby as a mobile defense force in the central direction.

Most of the brigades can be said to be more or less, but at least they are subordinate brigades at the leadership division level, not the usual Red Army Guards brigades. If you want to talk about combat effectiveness alone, it is not an exaggeration to say that most of the brigade can fight better than an ordinary Guards tank division. After all, the hardware indicators and personnel quality are obvious.

So even though he knew that a large number of German thugs were swarming towards him, Malashenko was still honest and even wanted to laugh.

As long as he holds down the fox tail of these German sticks and drags their main breakout force into the battlefield, Malashenko can immediately gather the main force of the divisions from the other two directions and rush over quickly. To be specific, he can use three They will attack from all sides and unite their troops together to completely kill these shameless nuggets, who even go so far as to slap their noses on their faces.

To take a step back, as long as we can gather and annihilate the main remaining force of the 41st Armored Corps, especially the main force of the armored forces.

Then the remaining Nazi remnants actually don't matter that much, and running away is not unacceptable at all. After all, no one can completely guarantee that not a single enemy will be let go in the encirclement and annihilation battle. Like the Cherkasy siege and annihilation battle in this timeline, the outcome changed drastically due to the participation of Malashenko and the fight was so successful. It can be called a textbook example. Even the maintenance of one of the four SS elites The capital was surrounded by him.

But in the end, there were still a small number of German troops who either broke through the encirclement or were missed by the Red Army. In short, they got lucky and escaped. However, this still cannot change the fact that the Battle of Cherkasy was an extremely successful encirclement and annihilation. The nature and outcome of the battle.

As long as the main armored force of the remnants of the 41st Armored Corps, that is, the last remaining armored division, is eliminated, the biggest obstacle to Malashenko and the leader's subsequent deep penetration has actually been removed and no longer exists. .

As long as this main tactical goal is achieved, the battle can be judged as a success. The remaining German infantry who were half-dead and unable to survive ran away. Anyway, don't expect their legs to catch up with the tracks of the leader division. It would be useless even if they ran out, and they would not pose any obstacle to the follow-up operations.

With the firm idea that he must break the backbone of the enemy he faced, Malashenko immediately led the main force of the Kulbalov brigade, which had been prepared and on standby, facing the direction of the German attack. Pounce and attack with attack.

It was also because he received accurate enemy intelligence from the scouts in advance that Malashenko was able to give these ungrateful Nazis a steel broth appetizer to warm up the battlefield before actually engaging the enemy.

Boom boom boom——

Boo hoo hoo hoo——

As usual, there was an overwhelming firepower attack. The dense rain of fire from the division and brigade ISU-152\\A self-propelled artillery and Katyusha rocket launchers instantly became like a big net, directly covering the standard steps. The tanks formed a coordinated attack formation, on top of the head of the German vanguard, which was charging menacingly.

The scattered flames scorched the frozen and snowy ground, and the broken projectile fragments set off waves of metal storms, sweeping everything within the surrounding area into contact.

The Germans, who thought they were the attackers, were caught off guard by this round of surprise firepower. The relatively dense and concentrated attack formation was immediately like a piece of cheese that had been gnawed by a mouse, with a large piece missing.

But what was even more unexpected had just begun. What was really frightening was not the extremely ferocious Soviet field artillery, but those who were running at full speed against the ice and snow, sweeping up waves of white storms, like ferocious beasts emerging from the cage. A large Russian steel behemoth rushed towards it.

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