Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2217 Rapid Fire Attack

Chapter 2222 Rapid Fire Attack

The ultimate goal of a brief but successful artillery fire preparation is not to kill as many German soldiers or destroy as many German technical equipment as the firepower density is quite high, but to disrupt the vanguard of the German attack wave. Offensive deployment, destroying its offensive formation, and gaining the upper hand for the Red Army in the ensuing offensive-versus-offensive battle. Google search reading

Malashenko planned it this way, and of course the actual effect was not much different from the planned one.

The Germans, who thought they were the attacker, did not seem to have much preparation for the sudden fire attack on the offensive, and naturally there was no efficient response worth bragging about.

Although the artillery unit of the leader division, equipped with ISU152\\A self-propelled artillery and Katyusha rocket launchers, was forced to give up firepower continuity for high mobility, it was seriously insufficient in firepower continuity compared to the Red Army field artillery of the same level. Whether it is the Katyusha, which requires a long reload after one round of firing, or the ISU152\\A, which has far less ammunition than the towed 152 howitzer, there is nothing outstanding in terms of firepower sustainability.

However, the firepower's persistence is not good, and there is still no problem with the short burst of firepower. In a blink of an eye, a massive amount of artillery shells and rockets were poured onto the heads of the German troops, which was still easy for the highly mobile artillery of the leading division.

The overwhelming rain of heavy artillery shells and rockets exploded in the German offensive line. The death bombardment that fell like raindrops made these unprepared German troops instantly miserable.

"Conceal! Hurry and take cover!!! Shelling cover!"

"Where can we hide? This damn place doesn't even have a trench. Where do you think we can hide!?"

"Crate, crater! Find the Russian's crater and jump into it, quick!"

Frontline soldiers in many countries have a rather superstitious or metaphysical saying: "It is impossible for a second artillery shell to fall in a crater." This roughly means that a crater created by artillery fire is very safe. You can think that it is not There will be a second incoming artillery shell that will fall into this crater with the same accuracy and explode. It is indeed a good place to hide.

But this statement really means that "the benevolent sees benevolence and the wise see wisdom". Whether you believe it or not depends on your personal understanding. Especially when the enemy they faced was the Russian Maozi, who had the most powerful field artillery in the world at the same time, there were many German soldiers who had personally experienced the end-of-the-world feeling of being enveloped by Russian shelling. They all don’t believe in this kind of battlefield metaphysics.

But sometimes the truth is so ironic. Whether you believe it or not, the current fact is that except for the crater blasted by the Russian heavy artillery, there is no decent shelter to avoid shelling on the entire battlefield.

If you don't dig into this pit, you will just stand outside and get bombed. After a few seconds or ten seconds, if you are lucky, maybe dozens of seconds or a minute, you will follow in the footsteps of other unlucky people around you and become the same. Become a puddle of minced meat, or even crushed into ashes.

So when this situation really came, those German soldiers who were panicking and had nowhere to hide would all scramble to jump into the crater one by two, fearing that they would be too late and there would be no room for them. He left himself outside to die.

The infantrymen who were bombed to pieces in the unobstructed open space felt very uncomfortable. On the other side, the German armored forces were also in a bad situation.

Although most of the incoming artillery shells and rockets posed little threat to the German fully enclosed tracked armored combat vehicles. As long as the German armored fighting vehicles above the Panzer IV were not directly hit by large-caliber artillery shells or rockets, generally speaking, they would be damaged by a near-missile bomb, destroying the running gear, shattering the sights, and losing combat effectiveness. However, the crew members At least he could abandon the car and escape.

But the current situation is different. Even if the German armored soldiers were not directly hit by large-caliber heavy firepower, but were simply paralyzed and lost the ability to maneuver and continue fighting, they still could not abandon their vehicles and escape immediately.

The reason is not difficult to understand. Even if the paralyzed tank, assault gun, or tank destroyer encounters another situation, at least it can provide a fully enclosed armored protection vehicle crew. But if you abandon your car and escape, the heavy artillery shells and rockets that are still falling outside can tear any unlucky flesh and blood to pieces in an instant.

The fate of armored soldiers who left their vehicles in this situation will not be any better than ordinary infantry just because of the word "armor". Being blown into a puddle of minced meat will not leave you with one more intact bone, unlucky man. Their fate is the same.

So you can see a very strange, but not difficult to understand, real situation on the current battlefield.

Those vehicles were paralyzed and unable to move. Almost none of the German armored soldiers dared to abandon the vehicle and escape.

The in-vehicle sighting system with a very limited field of vision could not fully perceive what was happening outside. The frightened German armored soldiers could only guess that they had been hit by the continuous and continuous huge explosions. The Russians' ambush was covered by heavy artillery barrages, and the Russians' ferocious bombardment has not stopped and continues.

The car could no longer move, but abandoning the car and escaping now was like thinking that he didn't die fast enough.

The German armored soldiers had no other choice but to hide in the vehicle, praying that they could escape under the protection of the vehicle's armor and survive the Russian shelling.

It is indeed undeniable that there are lucky ones among Germans, but there are also unlucky ones who will never disappoint.

A late-model Panther G, whose tracks were blown off and unable to move, was paralyzed on the snow. The last generation of improved mass-produced sub-models of this Panther-1 medium tank was tampered with by Malashenko on this line. In the previous timeline, the inventory was already very low.

The actual continuous mass production work only lasted less than three months, and then it was completely replaced by the enhanced and upgraded "Panther II" based on the next-generation sub-model "Panther F".

So when Black Panther F did not go into large-scale mass production, but jumped directly to the enhanced Black Panther II, Black Panther G has undoubtedly become the rarest generation in the entire Black Panther family. submodel.

Even the Black Panther D, which was the most useless first-generation car in the entire Black Panther series due to its crotchless performance in the Battle of Kursk, and the Black Panther D that caught fire and spontaneously combusted during drag racing, has a higher production volume than it. It is truly a responsible person in the Black Panther family.

From this point of view, the collection value of Black Panther G is definitely not low at least after the war. After all, things are rare and valuable, not to mention that this is a war antique cultural relic.

But on a battlefield filled with artillery fire, you won’t care about your future. The paralyzed Black Panther G Company, along with her unlucky quintuplets of armored soldiers, soon ushered in a kind of It's almost like winning a jackpot.

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