Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2220 Heavy Fire Suppression

Chapter 2225 Heavy Fire Suppression

Unfortunately, they were frightened by the violent shelling that had just ended and the broken flesh and blood of their comrades around them. Few of the surviving German soldiers dared to face such firepower. What kind of bravery could they do? A group of soldiers fired at the oncoming Russians and fought back bravely. Google search reading

No matter when, even on the modern war battlefield of the 21st century in the future.

The iconic roar of the large-caliber heavy machine gun is the invitation to death that the infantrymen fear most. There is no shame in falling tremblingly under the destructive fire net of the heavy machine gun. Fear is just human nature. Those who dare to face the heavy machine gun fire The soldiers who charge forward are at least worthy of the title of brave, indeed.

Under the constant suppressive firepower of the vehicle-mounted machine guns, few of the German soldiers who were pinned in the crater could organize effective firepower to form an organized blockade. Not to mention that the few who dared to show their heads and fire were stragglers, just like mantises acting as chariots. It was a question of how many seconds they could survive the ensuing retaliatory firepower.

Quantity makes up for quality, and firepower density can also make up for the lack of shooting accuracy.

It may be difficult for a heavy machine gun that fires on the move to kill a German infantryman at a mid-range of three to five hundred meters, but if three or five of them focus their fire at the same time, it will be enough to make a qualitative difference.

"No way! The firepower of the Russians is too fierce! Those tanks all have heavy machine guns firing on the move. Why do our King Tigers only have those small water pipe-breaking guns!?"

The large-caliber heavy machine gun has a longer range, is more powerful, and has a more suppressive and deterrent effect on infantry. Combined with the already huge body of the Stalin heavy tank, it is even more visually powerful.

Just one look at the moving steel monster that spits out crimson tongues of fire is enough to make people feel ominous and frightening. Who the hell wants to risk their lives to take another look?

The German soldiers who were yelling and cursing finally remembered why the Russian heavy tanks on the opposite side could be equipped with such powerful large-caliber heavy machine guns, while their own King Tigers of the same tonnage only had 92 mm small water pipes. ?

This does not mean that the vehicle-mounted MG34 is not good. The key depends on who it is compared with and what kind of combat environment it is compared with.

What is being compared now is the suppression effect on infantry at medium and long distances. It would be a fucking weird thing if the small water pipe truck-mounted MG34 could compare to the Deshka whose caliber is justice at this time.

Boo hoo hoo——



The large-caliber heavy machine gun not only has an excellent suppressive effect on infantry, but also cannot forget the most powerful original attribute of the large-caliber heavy machine gun: it is so powerful that it has a powerful destructive power that far exceeds that of a small-caliber machine gun several times.

The German soldier who had been hiding on the slope of the crater just now, shouting and complaining, had not finished speaking. He didn't know where the shot came from, but it was definitely a heavy projectile from a large-caliber machine gun bullet. It easily penetrated the at least 20 centimeters thick bullet. The permafrost layer on the edge of the crater left a rough hole with a thumb that was smoking slowly, and then hit the unlucky German soldier's right arm with an unstable and rolling projectile.

Needless to think about it, he screamed and lost the entire lower part of his right arm. This was the only fate of this unlucky German soldier after he was hit by a 7mm unstable and rolling Deshka heavy machine gun projectile.

The blood splashed out from the broken arm like a fountain. At the moment when the human brain had no time to react, it sprayed the two German soldiers beside him with a spray gesture of heart pumping blood pressure.

The whole right hand that was still holding the G43 semi-automatic rifle seemed to be glued to the gun body, and it fell to the ground with the rifle. The index finger even kept holding the trigger and was ready to fire.

"Ahhhhh!!! My hands, my hands!!!"

The heart-rending screams like those of a slaughtering pig continued in the crater, and the warm blood splattering from the broken arm certainly hadn't stopped either.

This German soldier, who had the entire lower half of his right arm broken off by an unstable rolling heavy machine gun bullet, was almost going crazy with pain. Reason was simply non-existent for him now.

If he continued to let him yell and make nonsense like this, he might attract the attention of those Russians, and then it would not be this unlucky man's arm that would be ruined, but the lives of everyone in the entire crater.

"You idiot! Shut up! You've lost half your arm, but you're not losing your life. Shut up! If you keep making trouble, I'll shoot you! Damn it!"

The same veteran who was hot-tempered and impatient certainly didn't have a good look on these new recruits who were hastily sent to the front line after only three weeks of training. The number of German veterans who were dragged into the pit by these stupid idiots and lost their lives together was too numerous to count. The lessons learned from the past were clearly laid out there. Naturally, no veteran would want to follow in their footsteps and die in such a miserable state. Qu.

The German soldier, who had half his arm broken and was bleeding profusely, was grabbed by the collar by the veteran and dragged from the edge of the crater to the bottom of the crater like a dead dog. The veteran also used the unknown gun in his pocket to drag him to the bottom of the crater. Whether they were new or old socks, a handful of straight balls were stuffed into his mouth, just to make this stinking mouth that kept screaming be shut up.

"Don't make any noise, just lie down and lie down!"

The veteran's words had not yet fallen, but the movements of his hands were rising and falling non-stop.

The hemostatic bandage tightly held in his hand was quickly wrapped around the broken arm like yarn. The unlucky German soldier who had a sock stuffed into his mouth without any anesthetic for pain relief was almost going crazy with pain, but Because there was a big ball stuffed in his mouth, he couldn't scream out. He could only grunt and whine like a pig about to be choked to death in the water.

As for the physical struggle?

Forget it.

The experienced German veteran, who was obviously not doing this for the first time, was like a veteran criminal policeman who had been practicing for 20 years catching a petty thief. He firmly captured him on the ground, knelt on one knee and directly touched the other knee. Holding his chest, he used his entire body to suppress the fluttering mutilated body. No matter how hard the unlucky German soldier with a broken arm struggled and fluttered, it was all in vain.

"The Russians are coming! The tanks are less than 200 meters away!!!"

The Russians' crazy heavy fire suppression was indeed outrageous, but the German soldiers in the crater had no other choice.

Hiding in a bomb crater without doing anything would mean death, and having the courage to fight the Russians would most likely lead to death, but there was no telling that a miracle would happen with a very low probability.

After all, if you really do nothing, you will really be dead. The choice is already obvious.

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