Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2221 Strong Armor and Sharp Cannon

Chapter 2226 Strong Armor and Sharp Cannon

The German armored forces have not given up hope, at least not yet. The German tanks that have suffered heavy blows are still fighting.

In the snowdrift next to a bomb crater, a Panther 2 with broken legs and broken tracks was struggling to rotate the turret.

It can be seen that the problem with this Black Panther II is not limited to just the legs. Who knows whether this bad cervical spondylosis is caused by the steering gear being damaged and forced to be cranked by hand, or by armor fragments getting into the steering gear? Or the projectile fragments and gets stuck. All in all, the situation is not good.

The Panther 2, with its turret turning hard, was trying to take aim, aiming at the IS6 heavy tank that was rushing toward it with gusts of snow and fog rising behind it.

Even though the Black Panther II is already known as a medium tank and has the physique of a heavy tank, its total combat weight is close to the 50-ton mark and its tall stature is almost the same as that of a heavy tank.

But compared to the oncoming IS6, this Black Panther II still looks dwarfed and one size smaller.

Especially the slender 75mm fishing rod barrel is simply out of proportion to the strong and powerful 122mm gun of the IS6.

Just looking at the comparison of body shape and appearance, even a layman would know that the lame man with a broken leg was probably unable to defeat this mighty big man who walked as fast as flying. The intuitive difference in firepower was obvious there, and what happened later actually happened It was indeed unexpected.

"Load armor-piercing rounds! The target is at twelve o'clock!"

"Loading completed!"




Those who are lame and unable to move have a first-mover advantage. This is the only comparison that can be called an advantage.

In the scattering of muzzle fire, the 75mm full-caliber capped armor-piercing projectile that came out of the muzzle brake screamed in the wind. The extra-long main gun barrel gave this projectile an extremely high muzzle velocity. The top armor-piercing kinetic energy of its time, but even so, it was still not enough to face the Russian steel behemoth that was only a hundred meters away.



call out--

The whistling sounds of hits, collisions, and ricochet almost became one syllable and sounded instantly.

The IS6 heavy tank, wearing solid and heavy armor, with its solid and thick front armor, without any dodge, took this heavy blow that would kill an ordinary tank.

The armor-piercing projectiles that pointed toward the sky with tracer trails and roared away only left a scratch mark on the head of the IS6 heavy tank and a little bit of paint. Other than that, it never hit anything that could be called an actual destructive effect. It even failed to break through the surface of the IS6's bow armor and cause armor fragments to collapse.

But under the premise that the impact angle is not good, the armor on the front that is tilted at a large angle will fly out on the spot without any suspense, forming a ricochet.

The IS6's armor physical thickness is indeed very reliable, but don't forget that this extremely terrifying war machine also has an upper armor inclination angle that far exceeds any heavy tank of the same era. Even the most cutting-edge Red Army’s own new heavy tank, the IS7, has an arrow-shaped body with an upward tilt angle that cannot be compared with the peak tilt angle of the IS6.

Want to break through the IS6's upper physical defense and infiltrate the armor?

Yes, but you must first pass the high-angle ricochet level. I am glad that my shot did not ricochet, and then I will talk about whether it can penetrate. Although it is pure nonsense and meaningless to talk about it, this is the most real situation that all German armored forces must face.

Of course, this extreme head-up angle does not come without any price.

The driver ergonomics of the IS6 are the worst among all mass-produced Stalin heavy tanks to date.

Even the IS7 heavy tank with the same high-inclination angle and arrow-type nose-up configuration has relatively better driver ergonomics due to its wider body.

Not only is the car body not that big, but the IS6's defensive configuration is even more extreme. It is indeed the ultimate in strengthening the body's defense, and almost all other sacrificial attributes are sacrificed for this. The ergonomics are poor, the transmission control linkage across the bottom of the car is difficult to operate, etc. The thankless drudgery refers to the driver of the IS6.

The only benefit gained after sacrificing so much is that it is so damn strong that it barely has "invincible" written on it. It is enough to make all artillery currently in service in the German army that fires kinetic energy armor-piercing bullets helpless. It is really a sigh of relief. wall.

Rather than driving comfortably but risking your life, it is better to suffer a little while saving people's lives. On the battlefield, you can't have both comfort and survivability. You have to choose one of the two. Let’s focus on this, even the future main battle tanks of the 21st century will be the same.

Although the IS6 that was hit by a shot on the front of the car did not suffer any substantial damage, it was like a young gangster throwing pebbles at the big pimples of two muscular men to provoke them.

Since you dare to throw it, regardless of whether it can hurt others, this kind of behavior will be regarded as provocation at the minimum and will inevitably be retaliated in equal measure.

You hit me, and I hit you. Isn't this a fair and reasonable turn-based game?



The IS6 heavy tank, which had approached within a hundred meters of the target, suddenly braked and stopped. Due to the huge inertia of the emergency braking, the gun barrel tilted forward and pressed down together with the vehicle body for a brief moment, and then leveled again.

Without a two-way stabilizer for the main gun, the experienced gunner relied solely on his skills. He seized the opportunity and yanked the firing lever. Amidst the huge roar of fire and roar from the muzzle, a 122 mm full-caliber grenade was directly ejected, aiming at the target that was already close at hand. The Black Panther II hit the ball straight into the face and blasted it wildly.


How could the Black Panther II, which was already severely wounded and covered with wounds, withstand such a brutal attack? The destructive effect was not to penetrate the armor, but to forcibly break through the armor with the 122mm high-explosive grenade. The turret seat ring connected to the body exploded instantly. At the explosion position almost close to the face, it violently tore open the still fragile body dome of Black Panther II.

Black Panther 2 is indeed based on Black Panther 1, increasing the tonnage and strengthening protection through the crude method of directly stacking armor.

But the few tons of limited protective weight gain were all used on the main frontal armor belt and the side armor of the car body. In actual combat, the dome armor, which was rarely hit except for air strikes, had almost no defense reinforcement.

If this area is strengthened together and a few dozen millimeters smaller homogeneous steel armor is stacked on it, the weight of Black Panther 2 will not be nearly fifty tons, and it must be at least the same level of tonnage as IS6. And based on your Santoku's ancestral waste of tonnage magic, it may even be heavier than the IS6.

Therefore, it is actually not difficult to guess what will happen to Black Panther II, whose dome armor was directly blown away.

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