Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2222: Grenades are good, but don’t be greedy for them

Chapter 2227: Grenades are good, but don’t be greedy for them

When the dust from the intense ammunition explosion settled, the fire, smoke, and metal debris all over the sky finally fell silent.

This unlucky Panther II, which was blasted directly through the dome of the vehicle body by a 122mm full-caliber high-explosive grenade, no longer looks like a complete tank. Only the twisted and deformed remains of a vehicle body that could barely be recognized as a tank chassis were left, and they continued to burn there. The entire upper half of the vehicle body, from the top of the head to the side armor to the chrysanthemum armor, had almost been completely destroyed. Exploded to pieces.

The two tracks were literally blown into a single track pad, and were scattered piece by piece by the explosion, all over the ground. The torsion bar, the entire traveling device including the road wheels and guide wheels were also completely destroyed and even disappeared.

The powerful chemical energy explosion that burst out from the inside directly caused the mechanical structures connected to the car body to fly out of the car. It can be imagined how powerful the explosion was at that time.

The explosion impact that penetrated the dome armor in the middle of the vehicle body went down to the ammunition rack on the inside of the vehicle body. Therefore, it was not considered that the unlucky Black Panther II could be blown up into this state with a loud bang and flames shooting into the sky. How unjust the death of the two Black Panthers was. It can only be said that the aftermath of being hit by an unreasonable large-caliber grenade should be like this.

After experiencing several difficult battles against German heavy armored treasures such as Scrap Iron Man, Tiger Death, and Bad Tiger, the leader and veteran tank soldiers discovered that full-caliber armor-piercing bullets were not very effective in destroying these valuables. After several battles, the crews met and exchanged experiences and quickly reached a consensus.

Instead of using armor-piercing projectiles that are not necessarily effective against heavy armor and valuables, and cannot be used to bombard soft infantry targets, it is better to directly replace high-explosive grenades with high-explosive grenades that are preloaded and loaded into the bore before being fired.

In this way, not only can it be used against those difficult-to-handle German heavy armored valuables, but also when encountering soft targets such as infantry or defensive bunkers and fortifications, it can also be used to directly target them with a single shot. What's more, there are other German armored vehicles with medium or light armor protection. This is even more unthinkable. Large-caliber grenades that can blast out internal damage with one shot of heavy armored valuables can't solve your problem, you idiot?

Most of the precious things like Scrap Iron Man, Tiger Death, and Bad Tiger can barely carry a car without killing the whole car on the spot. Those little Broken Fours and Three Bald Guys just stand a little to the side and blast them directly with one shot. If it doesn't blow up the car, it will burn high. Thank you for the blessing of the Kaiser's spirit in heaven. What kind of bicycle do you want?

As for grenades, they do have shortcomings such as low muzzle velocity, poor accuracy, and low long-range hit rate.

But it doesn't matter. As the saying goes, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. The most terrible problem of poor hit rate is that I can just pile up the quantity.

The Leader's Division is different from other ordinary Red Army tank units. Here it is not mainly medium tanks and supplemented by heavy tanks, but a complete reversal. The ratio is extremely high, and the total number of heavy tanks far exceeds that of medium tanks.

In addition, the leader division after the synthetic reorganization is a legion-level field force with independent combat capabilities. In most cases, it can independently complete most tactical objectives without the cooperation of other friendly ground forces and is highly adaptable to complex battlefields. It is commonplace to deploy groups of as few as thirty or fifty to as many as hundreds of heavy tanks across the width of the main battlefield.

This also means that the German army on the opposite side, which is lucky enough to be the opponent of the leader division, will never say that it only faces a few, or more than a dozen, Stalin heavy tanks and blasts them with grenades. Instead, at least thirty or fifty Stalin heavy tanks started out and launched a "battle line column" style concentrated fire bombardment. The amount of firepower projected was simply not comparable to that of ordinary tank units.

After a few or a dozen rounds of grenade blast, you Santoku can laugh at my lack of accuracy. Most of the shells flew away.

What about the grenades that start at 30 or 50 and fire at 100 volleys without cap? You Sandezi just took a few steps, got out of the car, took a stroll, and laughed. You continued to laugh. You had a good laugh amidst the sound of artillery fire. I, Malashenko, couldn't even hear your squeaks.

Although it sounds simple and crude, it is actually very unreasonable.

In the face of this absolute strength, the German army tried various counter-tactics such as bypassing and long-distance shooting, but none of them worked. Each time it ended in a crushing defeat, becoming an Arabic digit on the leader's record list.

Therefore, the Panther II that was taken away by a 122 grenade shot and exploded in an instant was not just an example. It was a fierce firefight at this moment, close combat, and a boiling battlefield that simultaneously grinded steel and flesh. Almost all German tracked armored combat vehicles are not immune to what they are encountering, or have already encountered, and will encounter in the future.

"Next shot, reload with armor-piercing bullets! Ilyukov, smash the head of Black Panther II!"

Of course, this does not mean that grenades are easy to use and have strong battlefield adaptability, so they can be used everywhere.

After the first few rounds were able to ensure concentrated grenade fire and salvo bombardment against the German armored targets that threatened the most, the tank commanders of the Leader Division, whose vehicles had different reloading speeds and enemy tracking speeds, still timely responded according to the target at hand and Due to the current battle situation, an order was issued to adjust the type of ammunition loaded.

For example, those vehicle commanders who had high-threat and high-value enemy armored targets within their field of vision, without exception, ordered to put on armor-piercing bullets and prepare to fire.

The reason for this is also very simple. After the first two rounds of grenade volleys that can maintain the rhythm, each vehicle crew will soon enter a relatively independent state. Unless there is a special order from a grassroots commander to coordinate, it will be a matter of "fighting whatever enemy you pick up" on the premise of maintaining the basic formation and maintaining the relative distance between vehicles.

Each vehicle crew works relatively independently, so the reloading time after a single firepower has to be considered.

If the 122 grenade misses, or is only severely damaged but not killed, and the German tractor on the opposite side still has the power to fight back, then the situation will become a turn-based beating, which is relatively passive.

Armor protection is only the last line of life support. The best way to ensure the survival of the entire vehicle crew is always to kill the enemy target first, so that it cannot fire and the threat to you is naturally reduced to zero, rather than relying on thick skin and thick flesh. Just passively taking a beating and waiting for the next shot to fire back after a missed shot. No one can tell whether the German's shot will hit some dangerous places at a tricky angle.

Therefore, in order to ensure the absolute hit rate and damage to armor, it is a good choice to switch to armor-piercing bullets at this time. It is necessary to flexibly switch bullet types according to local conditions and changing real-time battlefield needs. This is a must for every veteran commander. Only after passing this level can one be considered an elite commander.

At the same time that our own tanks were aiming at the German armored targets and firing fiercely, killing them wreaking havoc, the mechanized infantrymen riding on infantry fighting vehicles and entering the battlefield simultaneously with the tanks also got off their vehicles one by one and joined the battle, with their hands already charged. The ready-to-go iron fist is the best "German livestock killer".

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