Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2223 Horrible Nightmare

Chapter 2228 Horrible Nightmare

Just a tank-to-tank battle is not called a mechanized assault battle. Malashenko's purpose is to use the residual power of the artillery bombardment to drive down this group of enemies in person as quickly as possible.

A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength, not to mention that the German guys in front of him are not rabbits at all. They are all jackals who have been lame but still want to bite people. Naturally, we, Comrade Ma, have no reason to underestimate the enemy, even if In line with the truth of "Kill you while you are sick", you have to use all your strength to completely defeat these Germans in one go.

"Let's go, get off the car! Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

"Comers of Class One and Class Two, follow me! Pay attention to alternate cover!"

"Go! Kill those fascists, Ulla!!!"

The large number of German soldiers who had never seen such a scene, and it was actually the first time they saw it, were all shocked. It is hard to believe that the equipment was primitive and backward. A group of iron bastards suddenly appeared from the tanks like magic. A lot of hair, this is like a fantasy like a mouse and a cat sleeping together.

"Damn it! Am I blind? The Russians are getting out of the tanks one after another. Are their tanks mobile barracks???"

"Stop talking nonsense! Change the bullets, change the bullets quickly! Fred, bring another box of bullets over here, I'm going to use them all!"

"Kill the Russians down and no retreat is allowed!"

There were sounds of surprise, shouts, and low-level officers shouting orders as they tried their best to stabilize their own positions.

If this isn't a battlefield, then it must be a morning market in a mysterious country in the East.

This noisy and chaotic shouting does not look like a well-deployed and well-configured defensive position, but more like a group of vegetable market sellers repeatedly arguing and spitting in order to bargain.

Of course, this is indeed true from another perspective. This is not a real position in itself.

It's just that this group of self-righteous Germans, who thought that they were the attackers and should take advantage of the Russian idiots on the opposite side in order to regain the ground, were unexpectedly intercepted in the middle of the road and hit by a hail of heavy artillery fire. When I came down, I was paralyzed.

It's nothing more than hemiplegia. What's more terrible is that those Russian idiots won't even give you a chance to be hemiplegic. They want you to be sent away with a wave of more hearty relief before you experience the pleasure of hemiplegia.

What's so refreshing?

The comfort of dying on the spot was performed by Malashenko personally arranging a one-stop service.

Of course, it is your fault that you are not willing to retreat and are embarrassing yourself by insisting on staying here. That is your fault and will not affect what Malashenko will do next.

It is very obvious that the German army has no intention of retreating and wants to hold on to the end. Of course, Malashenko can also see it, and he will not let the Germans get used to this problem.

Holding on to the end will not allow you to find any usable steps for the Germans. On the contrary, if you do not quickly retreat and run away, let alone raise your hands and surrender, there will be only one final outcome: there is a dead end over there. .

"The infantry fighting vehicles cover each infantry squad, and the tanks advance forward in coordination with the infantry fighting vehicles! Fire freely and push these nazis down!"

Just like the order given by Malashenko on the radio, the leader division in the assault state quickly showed an almost perfect coordination posture of infantry and tanks, and began to advance step by step and quickly in an orderly manner.

As the main force carrying the line and increasing output, heavy tanks undoubtedly need to be at the front. Every time the powerful 122mm tank gun roars and fires, it is the German army's most terrifying nightmare, and the wall of sighs-like solid armor combined with the upgraded external defense kit can make almost all existing anti-tank weapons in the hands of the German army useless.

They can't hold it, they can't fight, and what's even more terrible is that behind these Russian Steel Godzillas, they are followed by things that are even more terrifying for infantry: the kind that can give birth to a bunch of Russians in their stomachs, A "weird tank" with a high-rate, small-caliber machine gun on top of its head instead of a tank gun.

The remaining German infantrymen who were suppressed in the crater and could hardly find any usable bunkers once they got out of the crater, and who were dying, soon found out in despair.

Every time the Stalin heavy tank roars and fires, it is indeed terrifying. As long as the shot is accurate enough, it is not difficult to take away a German infantry squad instantly with a grenade.

But the long reloading time that followed made the German soldiers' fear of Stalin's heavy tanks a pattern that could be followed and avoided. German veterans who pay attention to the battlefield conditions and are good at taking advantage of the characteristics of the enemy's equipment are still confident that they can survive the roar of Stalin's heavy tanks.

The premise is that this thing has not ridden on your face and ground you into sausage meat. In the latter case, even the reincarnation of the Kaiser cannot save you, let alone a German veteran.

But facing those Russian tanks with a small-caliber rapid-fire machine gun, not only the German recruits, but also the German veterans felt like they were in trouble.

This thing has almost no reload time and fires extremely fast, either firing continuously in bursts or in the process of turning the turret and pointing it at the target, which is in the process of preparing to continue firing in bursts.

It is said that the rate of fire of the machine gun is similar to that of a machine gun, but it is obviously not that fast. It is far from that fast.

But the problem is that this thing is really a continuous fire, and it is the kind of ball that can penetrate the frozen soil layer more than half a meter thick. It is useless if you place it on the edge of the crater or even close to the center of the crater or further inside. Once you are targeted, you may be shot through the permafrost. If you die in a crater, you don't have to dig a hole to bury you, which saves trouble.

This small Russian cannon with a low rate of fire is just like an old chain saw in the hands of a lumberjack. You can say that its slow rate of fire is like the half-dead motor of an old chain saw that is about to die, but it is indeed always " "Dong-dong-dong" sounds incessantly, as if a chainsaw killer puts his work gadget to your ear to warm up and buzz.

It was not scary to be killed by a single shot in a crater, with the body and torso torn into a pile of broken pieces.

The scary thing is that the haunting, terrifying, nightmare-like sound is always lingering in your ears. Every minute and every second of waiting for death is painful, difficult, and tortured, as if it is driving people crazy.

Death is not scary, what is scary is the process of waiting for death, and the unknown fear of not knowing when you will die, or maybe dying suddenly in the next second.

But even so, there are still German soldiers who dare to get up from the craters and try to fight back with their guns. It is as if there is no shortage of war warriors on any battlefield since ancient times. Fear has never been able to conquer everyone. There will always be people who dare to face it. And challenge, even fear.

It's a pity that the only thing that can be defeated by the German soldiers is inner fear and nothing else.

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