Chapter 2230 "If I don't do it for a day, I feel uncomfortable all over!"

"Knocked it off? Killed it?"

Alsim, who jumped into the pit with a flying lunge, couldn't wait to ask Gerashenko who had just finished his work beside him. The latter who had just inserted a new magazine into the AK in his hand just loaded it with one hand in an instant, and then He spoke immediately without thinking.

"It's over, done! One shot penetrated the soul and killed a few German deserters."


Hearing this, Alsim silently poked half of his head out. His eyes had just seen something come into view, but they never expected that a sudden accident would suddenly happen at this moment.



A huge explosion roared within a few dozen meters around him, and the shock wave swept the ground. Even the snow falling on the permafrost was instantly blown into the air, raising a burst of white hair. It can be seen that the impact of the explosion was so powerful. It's really not small.

"Are you okay? Comrade Company Commander."

Gerashenko, who grew up in an ordinary working-class family and had only completed compulsory education, was not a top student, but with his superb tactical skills and superior battlefield performance, he won the appreciation and recognition of his superiors, and eventually Therefore, he was able to submit his application to join the party, which was approved, and he became an elite party member combat engineer who took the lead.

With such a serious and excellent growth experience, Jelashenko has no problem with respect for his superiors or his own quality.

Seeing that the company commander next to him seemed to have been hit by an explosion, Gerashenko, who was a little panicked for a moment, quickly pulled Alsim down from the edge of the crater, and quickly took a look with several other soldiers who came up. How is Alsim doing? Is he injured or missing any parts?

"I'm fine, don't panic, stay calm! Bah——"

After taking a mouthful of dirt and snow mixture, Alsim spat out the foam and waved to the anxious soldiers who gathered around him to indicate that he was fine. However, the incident happened quite suddenly and he was quite unexpected. That’s all.

"Damn it! This German guy's coffin was so explosive that it almost blew away!"

Yes, Alsim, who was cursing at this moment, was not blown up by something special, not a German hand grenade, nor a howitzer shell.

The only reason why Alsim was thrown into the pit with a loud bang and ate a mouthful of dirt and dirty snow was because the car not far away had just been hit by Gerashenko's iron fist and set on fire. The Santuzi who abandoned the car exploded.

Although the Santuzi is an old and outdated model, you should never forget that it is still a mobile self-propelled explosives depot filled with fuel and ammunition and covered with a steel shell.

Not to mention anything else, the power of this explosion alone is far beyond what 105, 152, or even 203 grenades can compare with, and the noise caused is not on the same level at all.

Although Alsim was lying on the edge of the bomb crater with half of his head exposed, he was still blown away by the violent instantaneous ammunition explosion that was only a few dozen meters away and less than a hundred meters away. He was also blown away by the way. His mouth was stuffed with dirt and dirty snow, and he was really embarrassed.

Seeing that Comrade Company Commander was not only ugly, he realized that the Santuzi he had just killed had directly caused such a result. He was quite timid and fearful in front of Comrade Company Commander, whom he had always respected. Compared with the 1.86 meter tall Gerashenko, whose height did not match the Slavic man, continued to speak.

"Sorry, it's my fault, Comrade Company Commander, I didn't remind you that"

"Okay, no need to say anything else. What's wrong with you? It's a meritorious service. You're right. I'm still saying the same thing even when Comrade Commander is here. If there is no emergency, is it still a battlefield?"


The speechless Gerashenko was speechless for a while and didn't know what to say. On the contrary, Alsim, who was eloquent, checked the AK in his hand and continued to speak.

"I've seen it all, just like Gerashenko did just now. Find bunkers, follow the cover of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, and knock out all the Kraut tanks within the range. Now fighting close combat is what our combat engineers are doing. Good time! Let those naughty bitches know that we are still the boss even in their territory!"


Responding to the order of Comrade Company Commander with a confident "Ula", this small team of elite combat engineers who followed Alsim set off again, using an IS6 heavy tank that rumbled past the crater. Cover, they ducked behind the tanks in an orderly manner, and began to move forward under the cover of this mobile heavy armored castle like the Wall of Sighs.

In fact, according to Malashenko's original order, they have not had a good rest since the battle in southern Poland. The combat engineers who are either on the Bakugan Degun or on the Bakugan Degun road do not need to participate in active offensives. , which can be used as a reserve team to fight again when the situation really calls for it.

However, the combat engineers of the Leadership Division are not ordinary people. If they were ordinary people, they would not be able to join the leadership division's combat engineers.

This group of Slavic men who are as strong as cattle all have the violent gene in their bodies. In the words of Brother Dali, "if I don't do German sticks for a day, I feel uncomfortable all over!". This matter is like eating, drinking, and sleeping every day. It has become an essential part of the daily life of this group of combat engineers.

Under the "extremely violent" premise that the combat engineers came to block the brigade department's entrance to request a fight, Kulbalov, who was annoyed, had no other choice but to ask Malashenko for instructions to see if these actions could be allowed. The combat engineers who "will feel uncomfortable if they don't do it" went into battle.

When Malashenko on the other end of the radio heard about this situation, he was very angry on the spot.

I wanted to scold you, "You brigade commander can't even handle his soldiers. I'm not here to wipe your ass." But then I thought about it. With Kurbalov's temperament, he wouldn't bother with such a thing unless it was absolutely necessary. Own.

I guess it's also because the combat engineers of the first brigade are the combat engineers of the leader division who were established by themselves. Unlike Varosha's second brigade, they used a small amount of the old foundation after the leader division was upgraded and synthetically adapted. With the addition of elite infantry, it was a newly formed combat engineer team that was slightly less than half a point.

It is no exaggeration to say that Malashenko is really the serious old leader of the combat engineer battalion under the first brigade, and the true original founder of the entire battalion.

Now that something like this has happened, it seems reasonable to approach the corresponding old chief and his direct superior to resolve it.

After understanding Kulbalov's situation, Malashenko immediately pressed the button on the radio transmitter and gave a calm reply.

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