Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2226 The way to govern

Chapter 2231 The way to govern

In the end, Malashenko finally agreed to the request of the highly morale combat engineers to fight.

I guess if they don't agree, this group of Slavic men with violent genes in their bodies will not be able to sit still. If there is really a bastard with a head full of muscles in the lead, they might even dare to block him, the old leader. It's no joke to come to the door to ask for a fight.

Therefore, it can be said that Malashenko issued such an order and agreed to the combat engineers to fight in order to avoid trouble for himself. There is indeed a small part of this reason, but there are also prerequisites for allowing the combat engineers to fight.

Don't let the combat engineers rush too far forward. In addition, only a limited number of combat engineers are put into the battlefield to assist the mechanized infantry in the battle. This is the order details Malashenko gave Kulbalov.

It is one thing to be allowed to participate in the war, but it is another thing to be allowed to participate in the war and in what manner.

Objectively speaking, Malashenko, who is proficient in word games, does have many ways to deal with his group of elite Slavic men who are chasing wild winds.

Kulbalov, who accepted Malashenko's order and understood it, executed it very well. He deployed a small number of combat engineers into the battlefield to follow and protect the armored units to prevent them from being approached by German infantry. .

"This is Comrade Division Commander's order. I am only responsible for conveying it to you. So you know exactly what to do. Don't let Comrade Division Commander down. His evaluation and expectations of you have always been very high."

Kulbalov, who has learned a lot from Malashenko, has made great progress and learned a lot in this way of serving.

To deal with a super veteran like Alsim, who has "108 ways to kill German sticks in his head", you can't set out as a brigade commander to directly issue orders. He is quite unruly and full of skills. A guy who looks down on ordinary people may not take advantage of you at all if he has to.

As long as he feels the need, he can do things like disobeying orders on the battlefield and leading a group of Slavic men who are also "fierce" in their command to attack and blow up German sticks without thinking or hesitating, and do it in a minute. You did it.

After all, there are only one soldier and one general, so what kind of commander will bring out what kind of soldiers.

With Alsim's ability as a "prick-headed brother" as his leader, it is entirely conceivable what the following combat engineers can do.

So what to do?

You can't just let the leader of the combat engineers lead his men to do whatever they want, right?

Simple, Kulbalov has a way, and it is the kind of "medicine to cure the disease, precise strike" method to deal with Alsim, just carry Malashenko out.

This unruly "Siberian barbarian" who has neither party membership nor education respects and of course fears one person. This person is our leader, Comrade Ma.

Age is not a problem. Alsim truly admires and respects Comrade Lao Ma, and treats him as his lifelong allegiance.

Alsim might dare to disobey other people's orders, but this wild and tough-looking man really didn't have the courage to obey Malashenko's orders.

Why do you say?

As far as Kulbalov is concerned, Comrade Alsim is probably afraid of damaging his image in Malashenko's mind. He has always valued this very much. Whenever he has the opportunity, he will ask comrade the division commander if he has mentioned him recently. What's your opinion of me? Did you praise me?

Kulbalov was indeed asked this question many times by Alsim.

Of course, if you answer him, "Yes, comrade division commander just praised you to me, blah blah blah (omitting a few hundred words here)".

Regardless of whether this is actually the case or not, Alsim can always laugh like a fool with no brain and keep saying "hehe". He is as happy as a small farmer who knows that the landlord's old wealth will not be taxed this year and will be returned to him. It's like giving out a few more bags of white flour.

But if you say something like, "Oh, Comrade Division Commander, Comrade Alsim has had some problems recently, which makes him not want to come down to see the situation of the 1st Brigade Combat Engineer Battalion."

When it's over, Alsim can immediately cry like a donkey and become angry, carrying all kinds of uneasiness and anxiety, thinking hard about what he did wrong to make his teachers and comrades dissatisfied and unhappy, and even brought him out with his own hands. The elite combat engineer company no longer comes to inspect, and the anxiety of being uneasy, hesitant and at a loss will continue to linger around me and linger.

Malashenko said yes, it will be sunny here in Alsim.

Malashenko is not happy, so there are clouds and even lightning storms here in Alsim.

Of course Malashenko knew this situation very well, and so did Kourbalov.

However, both of them remained silent and allowed the situation to continue. When dealing with special talents who are very capable but difficult to discipline and cannot be controlled by ordinary people, you often have to use some special means to defeat them. Check it out, it's true.

Once you understand this, you will know why Malashenko knew this was the case but still allowed this situation to continue to exist and develop. This is not difficult to understand.

Of course, if we leave it to the distant future of the 21st century, Malashenko's method of managing people will have a more accurate analytical term in psychological terms, called "PUA."

Well, that's right, the kind of "PUA" often used by the scumbag Neptunes can also be called "psychological control" in terms of grounding, but you have to distinguish between active and passive, and you have to taste the extra ones carefully. .

In short, this is a form of establishing psychological dependence and seeking approval to implement the "Way of Control" in disguise. It can be used on both the opposite sex and subordinates. After all, they are all living people. As long as they are human, they have intentions. , have feelings, have their own soft spots and weaknesses, this is always the same.

Kulbalov couldn't help but boast that he could completely capture Alsim, but he could indirectly control Alsim by "lifting Malashenko out."

After all, once Alsim heard that it was Malashenko's personal order, he didn't even have the courage to question whether it was really the division commander's personal order and go to Malashenko to ask the authenticity.

The reason is also very simple. He is afraid of being scolded by Malashenko.

I am afraid that if this order is true and I am too suspicious and mistaken, I will be labeled with disdain by Malashenko as "disloyal", "somewhat problematic", "discounted in executing the order" and other negative labels. Then my image in the minds of comrades and teachers has been completely destroyed, so why bother? It's all bullshit.

So when Alsim led a large group of combat engineers under him, he suppressed his inner desire to fight and restrained himself. He also strongly demanded that his fierce men must also control their desire for war and strictly restrain the troops to be honest. When working as a close bodyguard for infantry fighting vehicles and tanks on the ground.

You will know that a certain management method is really effective.

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