Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2227 It’s easier to come than to leave.

Chapter 2232 It’s easier to come than to leave.

This is a battle that does not require combat engineers to take the lead. The mechanized infantry, which are both elite but slightly inferior to combat engineers, will handle the problems that need to be dealt with. Google search reading

Arsim, who was restrained by Kulbalov and Malashenko, did not dare to do anything rashly, and even restrained the Slavic men under him whose arms were thicker than the little girl's thighs. If anyone dares to disobey orders on the battlefield, he will definitely be in trouble with someone.

From Alsim's point of view, this was playing with his personal image in the minds of his comrades and division commanders, so he had to be impatient.

However, even if the combat engineers do not charge forward and confront the Germans face to face, but just follow their own steel behemoths calmly and concentrate on acting as close bodyguards, this does not mean that the German army on the battlefield can therefore Despite being able to stay strong and achieve something, the current German army is still stuck in an unstoppable and continuous retreat, and is simply defeated.

The infantrymen who were shot and killed were either wailing and screaming, or fell silently into a pool of blood, surrounded by cold snow, and they could never get up again in this life.

The situation of the German tanks protected by steel armor was not much better. The extremely ferocious Russians' direct heavy artillery fire punched large and small holes in the seemingly solid armor, which was extremely miserable.

It was extremely lucky for the current German armored personnel not to be decapitated by the strong ammunition explosion and spiral up to the sky.

As for what it means to be able to defeat your opponent and repel the enemy.

I'm sorry, I can't even stand alone, so what else can I do to fight the burly man in front of me, and keep saying that I have the strength to win?

Don't say that the Germans don't have this ability, anyone else wouldn't have this ability either.

This is the most basic objective fact. It cannot go against the will and common sense, that's all.

Since I can't fight, can I run?

Let’s not talk about whether the German army, which has become a group of desperate runaways, has this idea and retreats towards the frontal battlefield where the main force of the Belarusian Third Front is pressing. Let’s put this kind of thing of getting out of the fire pit and jumping into the sea of ​​fire for now. It really doesn't make much sense. Being defeated by the leader is still a dead end and there is no way to escape.

Even if the German army really wanted to run away, it would be extremely difficult for the German army to withdraw from under Malashenko's nose in this fierce close combat posture where they were fighting each other and their brains were beaten out. thing.

Of course, this does not mean that Malashenko rigidly retains people, with the goal of maximizing the annihilation of the German army's effective strength, intending to completely annihilate the enemy forces without allowing the Germans to retreat.

This is not Malashenko's tactical goal. Our Comrade Ma's tactical goal is to repel the German army's breakout operation.

As long as the Germans have the sense to roll back into the encirclement, they can indeed stop pursuing them and instead take a break and save their strength for the subsequent more difficult deep penetration operations. From the German perspective, this It is true that one can live a little longer by extending his lifespan, that is true.

At the moment, this is just an appetizer. Malashenko is really ready to show off his punches later, so he can't compete with this group of Nazi armored forces who are missing arms and legs and only have half a life left.

However, everything has a prerequisite.

It is certain that Malashenko will not launch a follow-up pursuit of the Germans, but this does not mean that Malashenko can let the Germans get out from under his nose so comfortably. How can there be such a beautiful thing in the world? At least don't think about leaving your three virtues here with "Lord Ma".

There is a premise that everyone knows that the remnants of the 41st Armored Corps pose the greatest threat to Malashenko's follow-up actions, which is the only remaining main armored division.

This remaining armored division was not somewhere else, but was engaged in a firefight with the leading division right before their eyes.

The Germans, who had put all their last chips on the gambling table of a successful breakout, were willing to spend a lot of money. This first wave of attacks after the comeback did not even have a fire test. It basically suppressed the entire main force of the armored division, planning to attack It is very obvious based on the actual situation to use the most valuable troops in the shortest time and achieve victory in one go.

In this way, some situations will naturally change.

The purpose of repelling the Germans' breakout was to prevent this group of bastards from causing further trouble for themselves, but why could the Germans cause trouble for the leader? It's not just the only remaining armored division.

Then the answer is clear.

I repelled the attack of your armored division. After you were surrounded by groups, you lost your strategic maneuverability and became an immobile dead piece on the chessboard. This naturally cannot hinder the subsequent deep penetration maneuvers of my leader division.

But I will take off an arm and a leg of your armored division, and even beat you until you are barely alive on the spot.

Just imagine, I can also achieve the tactical goal of preventing you from hindering my follow-up actions. This is the same as the loss of strategic maneuverability after repelling you and being surrounded by groups. They are essentially the same. And it also comes with another benefit: it can change the defense for the follow-up troops, so that the friendly encirclement troops can be released by the leader division to solve a serious problem.

You Germans don’t even have tanks anymore, so what are you going to do to break out? Rely on the two legs of the infantry? Um?

The opportunity to cripple and kill the German armored division did not even require Malashenko to actively seek it, but was presented to him by the Germans right before his eyes.

It's okay if you German guy doesn't show this card and use it. You have no intention of doing the hard work now and have to save a hand for Malashenko in the future. You also don't intend to actively seek fighter opportunities and kill your three virtues. The only remaining armored division.

But now that you are taking the initiative to deliver food to your door, wouldn't it be a bit unreasonable and unjust if I, Malashenko, don't give you a favor as a German?

You Germans want to withdraw into the encirclement now? Feel like you can’t break out and don’t want to fight?

Okay, let's keep your main armored division and let my leading division kill and cripple it. I, Malashenko, promise not to send troops to continue chasing the fleeing infantry. I can write a letter of guarantee to you, San De Zi.

If you want to talk about it, it is just like this. Of course, the situation is also like this.

It's just that Malashenko will not put this matter in writing and send it to the Germans. How he wants to fight and what to do next depends on the Germans' own judgment and understanding. What do you think and do? It's your own destiny that has nothing to do with me, Malashenko.

Anyway, I am only responsible for killing and maiming your main armored division as much as possible before leaving the battle, preferably until it loses its combat effectiveness. You can do whatever you want with the rest of the three virtues.

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