Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2229 Emergency

Chapter 2234 Emergency

"Next round, load the grenade and reload!"

"Putter, ready!"

"Loading completed!"

Outside the cold and thick prototype armor plate is a fierce battlefield with flying artillery fire, and the battle room scene inside the armor plate is also a busy scene.

Seryosha, who was alone at the front of the vehicle, accurately controlled this 70-ton steel behemoth with great flexibility and ease. Iushkin, who always maintained his concentration, was constantly tracking and locking the enemy, preparing to fire again. .

Artyom and Sergey, who were standing on the turret basket and standing in front of the semi-automatic loader at the end of the turret, held the ramrod in their hands and fired the huge 130mm full-caliber grenade projectile. , and push the larger and heavier propellant cartridge into the chamber together, which requires two strong loaders to work together to complete it efficiently.

The entire vehicle crew is like an efficient and precise war machine running non-stop. At a time when everyone is performing their duties and busy, Malashenko, as the division commander and vehicle commander, has to take care of both the troops and the vehicle at the same time. The two tasks of commanding the crew cannot be fulfilled without him. There is no doubt that Malashenko is the busiest one among the entire crew in combat conditions.

"Keep moving forward and keep your formation! The guard company should follow me closely and don't break up! Pay attention to cover the infantry!"

"Iushkin, two o'clock direction! The German machine gun bunker can be seen within the firing range. Fire and destroy it!"

"Listen to your leadership!"


If we say that the movement of the is6's 122 Heirloom main gun when it fires is already very big, the huge recoil produced instantly can even push the fifty-ton heavy upward body of the vehicle back and forth, like thunder. In general. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

Then the roar and roar of the is7's 130mm naval cannon when it fires is a real thunderous explosion that is better than the thunder.

The huge muzzle blast generated at the moment of firing surged out from the huge muzzle brake and quickly re-condensed into a dazzling orange-red fireball, turning the snow directly under the muzzle like goose feathers blown up by the strong wind. It was thrown directly into the air.

If a high-speed camera is aimed at the muzzle of the main gun to record the moment of firing, in the slow-speed video playback, you can even see the huge 130mm projectile coming out of the muzzle, like a loose string. The arrow pierced the entire snowfield instantly, leaving a trace clearly visible to the naked eye, pressed out by the breaking wind and waves.

All the falling snow along the path of this ballistic trace was forcibly pushed to both sides, like a shallow and straight ravine going all the way to the bottom. This is proof of the powerful power of the 130 main gun, which has a firing capacity that far exceeds that of the 122 gun.

Of course, pressing out a clear ballistic trace visible to the naked eye from the shallow falling snow is just a sideshow. The real show must be the wonderful scene when the German machine gun bunker that Iushkin was firmly locked on was blown into the sky. .

It was said to be a machine gun bunker, but in fact it was just a German machine gunner who held the thing in his hand to the edge of the crater, and minimized the area to be bombarded in the crater to conceal his crazy strafing.

Being targeted by Malashenko and using the 130mm main gun to "serve" him was mainly because this little German machine gunner persisted in fighting to the death even when his comrades around him were either killed suddenly or retreated, and even went crazy. It is no longer a burst of fire, but a sudden burst of arms around the G42 shoulder.

Either he is crazy, or he has a mental breakdown, it doesn't matter which case, Malashenko has no interest in knowing and doesn't care, as long as he sends this crazy machine gunner on the road, everything will be fine.


After a huge explosion with far more power than the sound of a cannon fire, the 130mm grenade hit the edge of the crater and detonated instantly from a distance of less than two meters.

The German machine gunner, who was completely unaware that the killing opportunity was coming at supersonic speed, completely disappeared into the steaming wave of flames without leaving any trace.

Let alone a human being, even the G42 metal part in his hand, which is stronger than flesh and blood, has no obvious traces of flying out.

When the violent wave of flames dissipated, the crater that was originally used as a bunker was torn apart by the explosion and expanded by at least half, becoming horribly mottled.

The man disappeared, the gun disappeared, and only wisps of burnt-smelling green smoke emerged from the crater, leaving no trace of the struggle.

"Target eliminated, continue, reload high-explosive bombs!"

After one target is eliminated, there will inevitably be another target. They will not stop until the Germans on the opposite side are completely killed until there is no trace of armor left and they collapse. The entire leadership division still has plenty of offensive energy and back-up cards that have not yet been revealed, which is more than enough to deal with such a face-to-face enemy.

But just when Malashenko gave the order after confirming that the target had been annihilated, and before he finished speaking, the radio transmitter that had been hanging on the right side suddenly came out with a familiar, but shouldn't be there. The sound came at this time.

"Malashenko, can you hear me? There's an emergency!"

"Emergency situations?"

Malashenko, who was suddenly stunned, was stunned for a moment. He didn't realize what this "emergency" meant, but his hand movements were faster than his brain could react. He grabbed the microphone and pressed the button.

"I'm listening and speaking."

"The Germans sent a clear telegram, and the content was specifically for us to see. They demanded an immediate ceasefire and wanted to talk to us about surrender."


Malashenko held the microphone in his hand and blinked twice, feeling that his head was a little excited and even more confused.

"Clear telegram? Surrender?"

"Are you sure you're not mistaken? This is real??? It's not delaying time???"

Malashenko regretted these subconscious words as soon as he said them. He just felt that he was a little short of IQ for blurting out without thinking. The truth is that he was fighting on the battlefield and the adrenaline secretion was so high that he didn't have time to think more. , and the next answer from Comrade Political Commissar was exactly what Malashenko expected.

"Whether it's procrastinating or not, I won't know until you try it, but I think at least the first time is worth it. This may be an opportunity. You decide."

There was no time to call Malashenko back to the division headquarters from the battlefield to discuss and evaluate the situation carefully before making a decision. The battlefield situation was changing rapidly and we could not afford to delay. The timeliness of information also determined that a decision must be made as soon as possible.

The problem was now in Malashenko's hands. Comrade Ma, who knew that time was running out, held the transmitter in his hand, felt the tremor of the is7 still rushing forward, and listened to the noise of war coming from outside the car through the armor plate. In this cold winter day, beads of sweat were still sliding down his cheeks, and decisive words came out of his mouth quickly after thinking for a moment.

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