Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2230 Last chance

Chapter 2235 Last chance

"Give them a chance. I now order the troops to cease fire and keep in contact at any time. The call is over.

Malashenko did not give any other orders to the political commissar. To be precise, it was because Malashenko had no choice but to think about it in detail. He could only leave the problem to the people who had always believed in each other. Comrade political commissar solves the problem. Malashenko believes that comrade political commissar can handle everything, just like usual.

After the brief communication with Comrade Political Commissar ended, Malashenko raised his hand and tuned the command-type inter-vehicle radio station in the commander's position to another section, and then pressed the call button again and gave orders. .

"Attention all units, stop attacking immediately! I repeat, cease fire, stop attacking immediately! Disengage with the enemy and rally to me, over."

This attack-on-offense encounter in the wilderness and snowfields did not have any existing positions or fortifications and bunkers to speak of, so the profiles of both the enemy and us, whether it was the Red Army or the German army, were almost the same.

In a wild encounter, it is actually very simple for the dominant party to break away from the contact. It is difficult for the disadvantaged side to defend itself after being beaten. It can't even block other people's attacks. How can it have the nerve to attack others? This is like a thin little gangster who has just been beaten by a strong man and yells to go. It's like beating up a strong man who just left after being bored. It's pure fucking bullshit.

This little bastard had something wrong with his head, and the German army who could make some rational demands obviously hadn't reached the point where his IQ had dropped. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been so smart as to do anything to test the situation by sending clear messages.

Malashenko commanded the troops to immediately cease fire, disengage with the German troops and temporarily retreat.

Being able to quickly transmit immediate combat orders to the infantry squad level and the leader division combat troops of all armored combat vehicles, the speed of this orderly retreat is really incredible. It is really the kind of "invasion is like fire, and the rear is like fire." "Withdraw like the wind" dual high-speed efficiency.

Of course, this also made some people who used binoculars to see the orderly and efficient scene when the combat troops of the leading division retreated after hearing the news, remembered it even more, and came to the conclusion from this Words that reinforce the previous judgment.

"This group of Russians is no longer an opponent that we can defeat now. There is something wrong with them in everything, not only their fancy and powerful equipment that we have never seen before, but even their retreat. Have you ever seen such a uniform, even Did even the infantry receive the message and start to retreat in an orderly manner? I have never seen it, and I have never seen it with the Russians.”

"This gives me an illusion, William, as if all the Russians have radios on their bodies and can receive tactical orders instantly. I know this is impossible, but look at the reaction speed of those infantrymen, they even There was no need for the officers to give orders by shouting. They just retreated without saying a word and followed the reversing tanks to cover alternately. This was even more terrifying than their unstoppable and powerful attack.

There are many elite troops in history who can win and fight tough battles, but there are really only a few troops who can retreat well, just like some wild animals on the verge of extinction.

Lieutenant General Dritz, who used his rifle as a cane and refused to let others support him, insisted on standing and walking by himself. He was still holding the telescope that had just been put down from the raised state in one hand. The words he blurted out were full of thoughts about what he had just seen. The sight was unbelievable and unbelievable, and there was even a hint of something unnoticeable in his eyes.

I did indeed see a subtle strangeness in the eyes of my old partner. The man next to him, whom Lieutenant General Dritz called William, and who saw all this, was the chief of staff of his partner, this tall and lanky man. The orthodox Prussian soldier replied to Deritz almost without thinking.

"No matter what, at least our method worked. The Russians ceased fire. Even if you knew it might be a trick to delay time, you still gave it a chance. What are you going to do?"

It is true that he sent the clear telegram as a test to end the battle, but objectively speaking, since it has been transformed into a practical opportunity, it may not be possible to use it for other things.

A practical opportunity is right in front of you. The key lies in how to grasp it and how to use it.

Fortunately, Dritz, who knew he was not waiting for me, quickly gave the answer.

"Then let us"

"The Fascist bandits across the way listen!"

Before Dritz finished speaking, an unexpected and sudden loud roar forcibly interrupted his words, knocking back the words he had not finished speaking in his mouth. It was obviously an electric speaker amplifier. The Russian-style German after the sound amplification continues.

"You are fighting against the powerful and invincible Red Army's most elite field group, the 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division! You are now surrounded by Red Army troops from the front, rear and left! Put down your weapons and stop making unnecessary resistance. The Red Army will ensure that Your lives are safe!”

"Take five minutes to think about it. If you don't want to face Stalin's tanks again, seize this last moment! This is your last chance to save your life and see your loved ones alive. Don't give your life to the evil bandit leaders in Berlin! Be good. Think carefully!”

In the air of the war smoke blown by the cold wind, there is still the lingering sound after the electronic loudspeaker roared, echoing in the minds of all the German soldiers still alive on the battlefield, like a train that roars endlessly and incites people. Food for thought.

"Oh my God, Hans! The group of Russians opposite the Russians are the Stalin division, did you hear that!? They are the troops of the Iron Butcher!"

"Damn it! I told you that we can't win at all. There is no chance of winning against Stalin's murderous devil! Who knows how many German soldiers he killed."

"I don't want to die, I dare not surrender! Then Malashenko will definitely kill us. If we enter the prisoner of war camp, we will be like pigs entering the slaughterhouse!"

Several German soldiers who had just been hanging on by a thread were either annoyed, panicked, cursed, or frightened, and hid behind an abandoned truck with a flat tire. In the end, the squad leader who was the calmest said: Summarize the discourse.

"We can't decide, just wait, someone will make a decision, and it will be soon."

Just as this squad leader who can not only think calmly, but also seize this precious five-minute opportunity to quickly light up a cigarette, perhaps take two last puffs before dying, said, there are many people on our side who can make decisions. The decision was made quickly.

"What kind of person do you think that Malashenko will be? William, after all, we will see him soon."

"I don't know, but I don't think he is really the number one murderer under Stalin. You should have heard of some of his deeds in Warsaw. The above propaganda may have portrayed him as too demonic. Some people think Want this effect.”

After sorting out the documents in his hands and stuffing them back into the prepared briefcase, Deritz just sighed, then solemnly handed it over to the chief of staff in front of him, and finally spoke.

"Be careful along the way and have a good talk with the Russians. I'll wait for you to come back."

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