Chapter 2241 "That Russian kid"

The Germans certainly knew what would happen to someone like the 332nd Infantry Regiment if their background was exposed and they fell into the hands of the Red Army as prisoners of war.

After all, this is not a matter of the lives of a few people, or dozens or hundreds of people, but the life and death of an entire main infantry regiment.

I have something to say. Malashenko, who understands the ins and outs of the matter and the truth behind it, really wants to say something.

At least when it comes to dealing with his own people, the Germans are still very righteous and do not choose to "die as Taoist friends rather than die as poor Taoists" or "fly separately when disaster strikes".

Just imagine, if the Germans honestly exposed the rubbish of the 332nd Infantry Regiment, drew a clear line with this group from the beginning, and betrayed them in exchange for certain benefits, then Malashenko would feel that this was the case In fact, it can be successful, at least it can be done here.

Malashenko asked himself that if he really encountered this situation, the most he could do was to pick out the scum of the 332nd Infantry Regiment and deal with it alone. There was no reason to make it difficult for the remaining more than 10,000 people to surrender to the German army. After all, the orders of his loving father were limited to the 332nd Infantry Regiment, a group of scum and rubbish. Malashenko only followed the orders.

Maybe if you're in a good mood, you'll be able to provide some high-quality treatment to Major General Graeme and the top brass of the 41st Armored Corps because of the German guy's meritorious service. At least it's no problem to let this group of people have a full meal before handing it over to the friendly troops in the rear and being escorted to the prisoner of war camp. Maybe if you are in a good mood, you can even give you two a drink.

But now, Major General Graham and his negotiation team never mentioned the existence of the 332nd Infantry Regiment to him until they left.

If it weren't for the fact that when cleaning the battlefield, a German major who pretended to be dead with a broken leg and couldn't run was pulled out from the pile of dead people. It just so happened that this coward was still afraid of death and shook everything he knew out of the bamboo tube. Malashenko was able to know the truth of everything.

As for Major General Graeme and his gang, Malashenko didn't think he could learn such a complete truth from their mouths.

Even if Major General Graham and his group come back for a second round of negotiations, they will most likely bring some magically modified "truth" to try to deceive themselves again. All in all, there is a high probability that they will not confess the person so straightforwardly, you know. That's no joke, the fate of a main team.

"What's next? What are you going to do? Do you think what this German major says is credible?"

While Malashenko was busy negotiating and preparing to interrogate the prisoners of war in person, the political commissar who led and commanded the forward field division also happened to arrive and participated in the short but efficient interrogation work with Malashenko. After leaving the interrogation tent, he immediately asked Malashenko questions.

"I'm also going to ask you if you think it's credible. If you want me to tell you, then I think there's no reason for him to continue lying after a gun was put to his head, and he peed his pants and trembled all over. It doesn't make sense."

Comrade Ma lit up the cigarette in his mouth and closed the lighter. Comrade Ma, who had a fairy spirit in his mouth, obviously didn't have a good face, and the tone he blurted out was also quite unkind.

"I don't have time to play house with these fascists. The situation has changed now."

"Didn't they leave a liaison officer here with us? Just in time, let this Sukka go back and bring a letter, a handwritten letter from me. I want these bastards to know what will happen if they dare to lie to me. Come out and surrender honestly, I will prevent them from ever having a chance to regret it again in this life, I will do what I say!”

The nature of the incident has actually undergone some subtle changes here.

If the previous leading division followed Vatutin's orders, they only needed to hold the encirclement line and prevent the Germans from breaking through to complete the mission.

So now, after finding out that there is a group of fascist scum locked in the encirclement circle that the loving father Comrade Stalin ordered to be killed. Malashenko felt that it was necessary for the leadership division to let this group of naughty dogs who dare to play tricks and deceive people know what the real wrath of Stalin and the iron fist of the Red Army are.

As for what to do next, there is actually no need to say anything. It is so simple that you can figure it out just by thinking about it.

At the same time, on the other side, in the lifeless and terrifyingly quiet headquarters of the German 41st Armored Corps.

Army Chief of Staff Major General Graeme, who had just driven back with his negotiating team, was sitting at the table with Army Commander Lieutenant General Dritz. They were discussing something with each other with solemn expressions.

Beside these two people, other various personnel in the entire headquarters, although on the surface they still seem to be doing their own things and busy, in fact their minds are not focused on the work in hand at all, at least. Most people can no longer focus on the work at hand.

Major General Graham's expression was not so good when he walked in. It was probably because he didn't get any good results from the talks.

Even among these small players in the headquarters, most of them do not know the specific content of the negotiations, let alone what demands they made and how they were rejected by the Russians on the opposite side, but this does not prevent people from guessing. How about saying that human beings are separate individual creatures with independent thinking consciousness? In such a life-and-death matter that concerns one's own life, how can one not let people guess?

And with just a little guessing, most of the results will be bad. This is inevitable.

Some people in the headquarters, who seemed busy but were actually absent-minded, even felt that their lives were hopeless. The result of failure was to fight to the death with the Russians? I'm afraid it won't be long before I have to risk my life in this world of ice and snow.

What's worse is that in this situation, there is no one who can send you a suicide note home. The entire army is surrounded by Russian iron walls and cannot escape. Where can you find someone who can send you a suicide note? To die in such obscurity and without a sound, your relatives at home don't even know whether you are dead or alive, and you don't see anyone alive or dead, how can this not make people feel desolate?

"It means that the Russians saw through our plan, is that what you mean?"

The two big bosses, Lieutenant General Dritz and Major General Graeme, who were sitting at the table for a secret discussion, had no intention of paying attention to what other people around them were thinking. They just wanted to win as much as possible for the fate of the entire Armored Corps. Vitality and hope.

"That Malashenko didn't admit it directly, nor did he say anything similar, but this is what he wanted me to see in his words and deeds. I am convinced that he just didn't say it clearly and wanted me to go on my own. Guess, my will collapsed under the unpredictable psychological pressure, and I took the initiative to confess to him or leak something."

"If you have met him, you will know that that Russian kid is not simple. He even showed me his super heavy tank at the negotiation site. There was a huge series of slogans printed on the tank. I recognized it. Russian characters that read "Avenge the hero Kirill".

"God, he just wanted to use that thing to create pressure on me! It's a super tank that I've never seen before, I've never heard of it before! It's huge, strong, and powerful, and it just sits there. It makes you look at it quietly without moving, and it has a great sense of conquest and visual impact.”

"For a moment, just for a moment, when the tank occupied the entire boundary of my sight, Malashenko looked directly at it with a sneer, while the Russian soldiers around him were all wearing armored body armor and holding their rifles. When all the new assault rifles were watching me, I almost told the truth. I was lucky to come back alive from Malaschenko, I’m serious, Deritz.”

"Now we must think about how to tell him the truth more appropriately, so that he will think that we did not deliberately lie to him before. Only in this way can we win opportunities and hope for more people. Now is the time to make the necessary sacrifices And the decision is made, you know what to do, old man.”

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