Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2237 No choice

Chapter 2242 No choice

As the chief of staff of the army, Major General Graeme is by no means a timid person who is afraid of life and death. As the commander of the army, Lieutenant General Dritz is fully aware of this, so he appointed Major General Graeme. As the head of negotiations, he led a team to discuss surrender with the Russians.

To be precise, Lieutenant General Dritz has believed that Major General Graeme will do his best to achieve the best negotiation result from the beginning, and not only did he believe it in the past time, but he still trusts his old partner now, convinced that he Everything has been done.

However, doing your best does not mean that you will definitely get good results. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. This principle applies at any time.

Dritz is well aware of this and is mentally prepared to face the worst negotiation outcome at any time.

But even so, when Deritz, who boasted that he was well prepared, heard such a situation, he still inevitably became as stunned as a puppet with its strings cut off, as if he had lost his soul.

"Is this the end? Are our soldiers, those who fought on the battlefield and dedicated everything for Germany, sold out? Handed over to the Russians? Is this the final result?"


Although you don’t want to admit it, this is indeed the current situation. The objective reality will not be changed by people’s subjective will. What should happen is that no matter what you think or think, it will happen as time goes by. , this has nothing to do with whether you are willing to face it or admit it. Those unfortunate and cruel things will eventually hit you on the top of your head like a sledgehammer.

"Admit it, Dritz. We lost, and we lost completely, without even a little room for maneuver."

"Even if we are unwilling to take the initiative to hand over people now, what will be the result? The result is that those Russians who are absolutely unwilling to give up will definitely ask for an explanation. In their own way and their own actions, they don't care about us at all."

"At that time, there will only be scenes of death and injury on the ground and rivers of blood. I know that some decisions are difficult to make, but this is the reality. If giving up a small part can get a large part of the benefit, then this is Worth doing in the worst possible situation.”

"Someone has to step up and take responsibility for this."

"We were classmates when we were in the military academy. After we graduated and enlisted in the army, we were comrades-in-arms and partners. We have always stood together and walked side by side. We have experienced too many ups and downs together. No matter how great the hardships are, we have survived them together. . This time I will stand side by side with you. Some people have to do it, and the two of us are the most suitable.

Gram knew that Deritz still had reluctance, regret, entanglement, and even pain in his heart. These negative emotions were all natural at this moment.

But Gram hopes that Dritz can understand that he is not facing and bearing the burden alone. Even if the sky falls, he will stand with him and support him with his head. This is the friendship between men, a friendship that has passed away in the blood of the battlefield. Even if this black pot is enough to crush anyone who carries it to death, it will never be just one death, but both will go to the ground. Kill two people.

This is what Graham wanted Dritz to understand behind his words.

"I understand, yes, I understand."

While mumbling to himself, his face was expressionless, and his unblinking eyes seemed to be thinking about something, but no one could guess and couldn't tell clearly until a moment later, Delhi After some deep and silent thinking, Ci finally spoke on his own.

"Give them everything. Give them everything you want to know, the truth."

"Not only did we lose on the battlefield, we also lost completely on the negotiating table. Maybe the rumors are right. No one can defeat that Malashenko. No matter what way or method, anyone who dares to challenge this Russian All the Germans will be defeated completely by him.”

"The Viking Division is like this, and the Grossdeutschland Division is like this. Now it's our turn. It's our turn to be the same fate as those who were ridiculed by us before."

"What will Germany be like in the future? Graeme, how will our descendants evaluate us?"

"Traitors to the motherland? Shameless survivors who betrayed their comrades? Or weak cowards who bowed to the Russians? I never thought that our final end would be like this. I thought we would imagine a German future across Eurasia in Moscow. , established a legendary era that was as grand as the Roman Empire, but now it seems to be just a dream.”


People who are frustrated and have reached the lowest point in life often like to look back on the past, just like some summary reports, recalling the ups and downs, honors, disgrace and glorious history they have experienced in the past.

The speechless Graeme didn't know how to persuade this old friend Deritz. At this moment, he himself felt uncomfortable, but he knew better that he couldn't show his emotions at this time. If someone is lost, then someone must be strong. It is miserable enough for a world to collapse in half, but it is simply unimaginable to imagine the whole world collapsing.

"That Malashenko is still waiting for me to go back and continue talking to him. Time waits for no one. Since we have decided on the plan, I will do it now"

"Send a report!"

Before Major General Gram finished speaking, there was a sudden interruption at the door of the headquarters where the temporary field camp had been set up.

Major General Graham, who stopped abruptly in the middle of his words, looked back and saw a familiar figure panting and standing at the door of the headquarters after coming all the way.

"Koller? Didn't I ask you to stay with the Russians? Why did you come back!?"

One is to reassure Malashenko as a guarantee that he will definitely come back later.

The second is that in order to establish effective contact in an emergency, at least there is someone who knows how to contact one's own headquarters on the Russian side. If there are any signs of a breakdown in negotiations, or the Russians' patience, Even if it is almost exhausted, I can still make up for it by contacting and communicating in a timely manner to stabilize the situation.

For these two reasons, Major General Gramm left a major combat staff member in the negotiating team with Malashenko.

But now, this boy who was specially kept by him to be useful has unexpectedly come back to him.

This caused Major General Graham, who had maintained composure during the negotiations, to become a little frightened. He guessed that the Russians were about to break up, so he hurriedly asked questions.

But he didn't expect that Koller's reaction was more anxious than his own, and the words he said immediately after him were even more chilling.

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