Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2238 I’m quite curious

Chapter 2243 I’m quite curious

"General! It's not bad. The Russians are not going to wait any longer. They seem to know something. I don't know how, but they act as if they know the truth. Ye Yan"

"That Malashenko had ordered the troops to be assembled to prepare for the attack. He let me see with my own eyes how many tanks were gathering! Then he asked me to come back and tell him that there were still more tanks left before his tanks entered the effective range. Time is our last chance, and you asked me to bring this back, just this."

I don’t know whether it was the panting caused by simply trotting all the way or the excessive nervousness. In short, Major Koller’s expressions were stuttering and somewhat unclear, but in general, it was still understandable, and of course it was possible. I saw what he hurriedly took out of his pocket - it looked like it should be a note.

Major General Graeme, who did not dare to neglect anything, stood up quickly, walked forward in person and took what the major handed him, then returned to the table and opened the seal with Lieutenant General Dritz, who was also impatient. Watch.

Inside the simply folded outer wrapping paper was a small note. The note itself was not too big, at most only slightly larger than a cigarette box. But on this small piece of note, someone wrote a short two lines of German in neat and clear handwriting, which is clear at a glance.

"If you don't go to the Red Army, then the Red Army will definitely come to you.


It was more like a proverb than an ultimatum.

There is no such thing as "fewer words, bigger things" these days, but both Deritz and Graeme, without exception, can feel the unprecedented intensity from this short and neat handwriting. Crisis and intense murderous intent.

What "going to the Red Army" refers to can be guessed by anyone who is familiar with the situation and has no brains. It is not difficult to understand.

The key to the problem lies in the second half of the sentence, in the sentence "The Red Army will definitely come to you." That is a torrent of steel composed of hundreds of tanks, armored fighting vehicles, and self-propelled artillery rushing towards you. Seeing this thing crush you You're damn dead when it's on your face. This is probably what Malashenko wanted to express.

Graeme and Deritz, who had already had a round of actual contact and exchange of fire with Malashenko, knew very well that a group of people like the 41st Armored Corps alone was by no means a match for Malashenko. Why his so-called division is so ridiculously strong? In the short run, it doesn't matter. What matters is that he can't beat him at all. He will be crippled and die if he hits him.

Now, it can be said that Namalashenko has lost his patience, and it can be concluded that he should have learned part or all of the truth through some temporarily uncertain channels. This time there was such a sudden His attitude changed 180 degrees, and he turned over the table and refused to recognize anyone.

Then the current situation is very simple and clear. There are only two options left before everyone in the remaining 41st Armored Corps.

Surrender immediately or face complete destruction in the leader's devastating and violent attacks.

There is no such thing as "defeating the enemy". Now, even the most fanatical people know that after the war has been fought so far and the losses have been so heavy, it is no longer possible to defeat Namarashen head-on. The possibility of science. Even if he chooses to fight, it means that after taking the lives of the vast majority of people, it will only cause a few negligible casualties to Malashenko, who has an overwhelming advantage in technical and tactical indicators.

But the final result of the matter should not be like this. If the result is like this, what is the point of choosing to surrender and negotiate? All previous attempts and efforts were in vain and in vain, which was completely contrary to the final result that Dritz and Graeme expected.

The roaring and roaring Bolshevik war machine is rushing towards you, and you must make an immediate choice whether you want to live or die.

Graeme, who couldn't help but procrastinate any longer, was the first to make up his mind and make up his mind. As soon as he raised his head, with an expression on his face that said he was not going to hesitate any longer, Dritz, who had the same expression on his face, spoke first.

"Give up, there is no point in doing this. Do we really want everyone to be buried together for the stupidity of that Austrian corporal? It was not us who lost this battle, but him. It was he who personally ruined the possible victory, soldier We have no obligation to pay with our lives for such a stupid failure, but we should never die in vain like this."


There is no need to say anything more. Major General Graham, who is familiar with his old partner's behavior, naturally knows what to do.

When the 122mm main gun of the heavy tank of the Leader Division was aimed at the position where the German troops were entrenched and ready to attack, the roaring torrent of steel rolled up the white snow mist storm on the ground, and it was about to hit the face of the German troops.

Countless German soldiers finally raised their hands high one after another, and walked out slowly with heavy steps and bare hands, which also indicated that the end of everything had finally settled.

Such a result is not surprising. Malashenko could guess that these Germans who were willing to come here to actively negotiate for "better surrender" would eventually do it for their own lives, or at least for the lives of most people. life and make such a choice.

Of course, this also means that some of the next things will naturally become much easier to handle.

Accommodating and escorting tens of thousands of German prisoners of war was a systematic project, which involved a series of specific tasks such as head count, seizure count, registration, and subsequent necessary personnel screening and key interrogation. As the leader of the first unit in charge of the scene, he naturally had to take over most of the work and deal with the aftermath. As the division commander, Malashenko also could not be idle.

There are corresponding people to deal with the lower-level German soldiers and middle-level officers. Malashenko does not need to worry about the complicated and complicated head counting and seizure counting. He can pick out the highest-ranking German prisoners from the more than 10,000 German prisoners. Big Fish has seen it in person. This is what Malashenko wants to do, feels he should do, and of course is doing.

"I guess the 41st Armored Corps doesn't have a second lieutenant general, right? Commander Dritz."


Being asked such a contemptuous question by a "little kid" who is more than two rounds younger than him, it is impossible to say that Dritz has no feelings in his heart, but at the moment, the form is stronger than the person, but he can only nod his head hard, He said "that's right".

"Okay, that's good. I happen to have something else I want to ask you."

"This is the first time since I joined the Great Patriotic War that I have captured tens of thousands of German prisoners. However, I have seen tens of thousands of German corpses before my eyes countless times."

"I'm quite curious. What's the reason for you to do this? Aren't the remaining 10,000 of you worth fighting for? Maybe there will be reinforcements to rescue you, huh?"

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