Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2241 He deserves it

Chapter 2246 He deserves it

Talking about some topics on which soldiers can find consensus is of course only secondary. Malashenko did not forget that he was mainly here to ask questions and what to do.

Fortunately, Dritz, who was completely disappointed with some people in Berlin, was quite cooperative. He answered almost everything Malashenko asked and told Malashenko everything he knew.

Among them, another main reason why he led all his more than 10,000 soldiers to surrender was that the technical equipment had been basically lost. Except for those that were difficult to maneuver and could not be taken away during the breakout and evacuation, which were directly discarded, the technical equipment that could be taken away and used as the main force for breakout, such as tanks and assault guns, were basically the same. How much is left.

"Using flesh and blood to forcefully break through your steel defense line is an act of seeking death. Of course I understand this. Gathering all the armored forces that can be mobilized to launch an offensive is my last attempt. You also know the result, We failed and you won."

"A breakout operation without armored troops is meaningless, and it is impossible for two legs to run through steel tracks and wheels. Especially after seeing the equipment composition and actual combat effectiveness of you and your troops, I am even more convinced that I will not do anything after losing armored troops. All attempts are in vain, I have no right to let the boys die for a breakout battle that is impossible to win, for no other reason, it’s that simple.”

Dritz simply and directly admitted the main reason for his surrender, which was actually almost consistent with Malashenko's guess.

After talking about these "causes", Malashenko felt that it was time to talk about the more important "effects". After all, this is something that everyone cares about and cares about.

"Do you smoke? Huh?"

Before everything started, Malashenko took out the cigarette case from his pocket and handed one to Deritz. The latter, who was obviously a little surprised by this, took it with a smile after being slightly surprised. He took the cigarette that Malashenko handed him.

"I'm beginning to think that Berlin's propaganda machine is doing something fake."

Malashenko, who was lighting the cigarette in his mouth, laughed "puff" when he heard this.

"As you said, when did those rumormongers in Berlin not make lies? The newspapers are talking nonsense all day long. Today, the leader's division will be severely damaged, tomorrow it will pursue the leader's division, the day after tomorrow, it will surround the leader's division, and the day after tomorrow, it will be completely wiped out, winning streak. After four days, I won a lot of money, and then I was pushed to the city of Berlin. Then I will see how those fools who are serious and talking nonsense can still win. "

Knowing that what Malashenko said was indeed true, Dritz just smiled, but then directed the topic elsewhere.

"I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about you personally, your fraud."

"The radio station in Berlin previously described you as a heinous murderer, saying that you would brutally kill every German you encountered, including the elderly, women, children, and soldiers. They would not escape your hands. They also said that you like to eat human flesh. He drank the hearts and livers of prisoners, drank blood for his defenders, and called on all German soldiers to avenge their comrades and eliminate the devil Malashenko and his minions. "


Malashenko's face was completely speechless when he heard this. The cigarette in his mouth had an expression of "ellipses on his face". He didn't know what to say for a moment. After being speechless and choking for a while, he finally spoke again. Once he spoke.

"It's quite good. It's worth the enemy's efforts to smear me and spread rumors to cause trouble. I should say that this is indeed worthy of honor. It proves that I have indeed become a serious problem for you."

After lighting a cigarette for himself, he also lit a cigarette for Deritz. Malashenko, who felt that it was about time to end the flirtatious opening remarks, then said seriously.

"You should have guessed that I already knew something, something that made you lie to me in the first place. Am I right?"


It can be said that Malashenko's words hit home. In short, Deritz's expression was obviously not right in the next moment, but he did not choose to say anything. Maybe he was hesitating whether to say it, but it was also possible that He was worried and hadn't thought about it yet. Seeing this situation, Malashenko simply continued to hold the right to speak.

"Let's be clear. The people of the 332nd Infantry Regiment of the 197th Infantry Division cannot enjoy the same treatment as most of you. I want to single out this group of people and take them away. As for the reason, I think you should know."

The "shoot to kill, shoot on the spot" order issued by my loving father, Comrade Stalin, is of a nationwide military nature. All Red Army combat units participating in the war on the front line have received such an order, and have also studied relevant materials under the organization of political commissar instructors at all levels. , Understand the entire process of the incident, so that you can better understand the leader's orders and implement them.

In other words, it is impossible for the rival German army to know nothing about such a big event of a national-military nature, and it is even more clear that the group of 332 regiment fell into the hands of the Russians because of the brutal murder of a female guerrilla. "Death List".

Malashenko was convinced that a lieutenant general like Deritz must know about this. If not, he would not engage in word games on the headshot agreement to hide it.

Malashenko can balance his merits and demerits, and use the "merit" of the 41st Armored Corps' final willingness to surrender voluntarily to offset the "merits" of this group of people who lied and played deceptive tricks at the beginning, but this is the problem with the beasts of the 332nd Regiment. Two completely different things cannot be confused.

"I won't embarrass most of you. I can even write down your attitude in the combat report to be more positive and cooperative. This will be the capital for you to live a better life after being taken to the prisoner of war camp."

"But only the 332nd group didn't have to discuss it. Don't take what I'm saying to you now as a discussion. There's no need to discuss it at all. I'm just informing you of the final decision and results. Do you understand what I mean? "


Lieutenant General Dritz, who had been silent and just listened to Malashenko's speech, felt extremely bitter in his mouth. After a while, he spoke to Malashenko again.

"I understand and I am mentally prepared for this, but I still want to know what their final result will be."

Malashenko does not want to lie about this issue. Now that he has said it, he can say whatever he wants and stop lying.

"To say that I know the result is definitely nonsense and to make you look like a fool. This is unnecessary."

"If you resist to the end, then I will let my soldiers use destructive firepower to completely wipe out the 332nd Regiment. This is the outcome that I can decide. But now you choose to lay down your weapons and surrender, which is beyond my scope of authority, but I think it won’t be a case of killing everyone without leaving any trace.”

"You shouldn't have thrown the service files of this group of people into a fire pot and burned them, right? Prepare these things. People who have nothing to do with Zoya may still be alive. Although reform through labor is unavoidable, at least they can save their lives. . I won’t say much about the rest. You know what happens to people who kill to pay for their lives and pay back debts. If you dare to do it in the first place, you must bear the consequences of your actions. There is no regret in the world. "

"I'm not going to say that death makes people feel comfortable, but I really have to say that you deserve it, that's all."

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