Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2242 New Direction

Chapter 2247 New Direction

What Dritz thinks is his business. The defeated party has no right to influence or obstruct the victorious party's choice. Moreover, this matter is essentially "deserved" as Malashenko said.

The leader division has no time to carefully identify and deal with the few thousand people of the original 332nd Regiment after the division and reorganization. These people will be picked out separately and handed over with relevant archives. This is also what Malashenko explained to Dritz clearly. As for what will happen next and what the final result will be, that is not something that Malashenko can explain or decide now.

"Don't think this is your problem, it's not. They are just paying the price for their actions. As for you, you have at least saved more than 10,000 lives. From the perspective of you Germans, this is a good thing anyway."

"I believe that those who survived this incident will understand and appreciate you, and future history books will give you a fair evaluation. It is only natural that criminals should be punished. Think about it. That's all I can say. It's also because you are willing to cooperate actively. By the way, have you told those people what their fate might be? Did you tell the truth?"

Malachenko didn't forget to ask a final question, but in the end, all he got was Dritz's speechless response.

Malachenko, who guessed the result when he saw this expression, shook his head. If the truth was told to the group of people in the 332nd Regiment, it was still unclear whether they would be willing to surrender so simply. Pigs have to struggle and run around before being killed, let alone people. No one would surrender without scruples when they know they are going to die.

If you don't surrender, you will die. If you surrender, you will die. If the result is the same, you might as well do something exciting, right? There is no shortage of crazy people and perverts in the Wehrmacht where Nazism is rampant. After they become desperadoes, they will be even more terrifying and unpredictable. You can imagine what Dritz will do.

"Let them continue to maintain the status quo, so that they don't make any trouble after knowing the truth. This will be bad for everyone."

Malashenko, who had almost finished talking, stood up. There were still a lot of things waiting for him to do outside the tent, but he didn't have much time to continue chatting here.

"So, they will die in ignorance, is that right?"

Malashenko, who was almost at the door of the tent, was suddenly tripped by Dritz's sudden words.

Facing the outside of the tent, with the cold wind blowing on his face, Malashenko did not choose to turn around, but with his back to Dritz, he left the last sentence leisurely after a little thought.

"Doesn't Zoya want to live? She is tortured and knows she will die. She is watching herself die step by step but can't do anything. How desperate is that? But she is still brave and strong. It is the greatest mercy not to bind them in despair until the final judgment. What else do you want? This is the last kindness to them."


Malashenko left the tent with only his back left, leaving only Dritz sitting in the tent in silence with a dull look in his eyes and as if he had lost something for a moment.

"Give him ten minutes, keep an eye on him, don't let him kill himself. Take him away in ten minutes, and the people from the front headquarters will take over, and then hand him over to them."

Kurbalov, who had been waiting outside the tent, nodded repeatedly after hearing this. The division commander personally gave an order, so of course it had to be implemented truthfully.

"I will arrange it, so what should we do next? It seems that we don't need to wait for the friendly forces to come to replace the defense. The problem has been solved. Should we prepare to leave immediately?"

The key point of the problem lies in the containment and obstruction of the 41st Armored Corps, at least it was like this before, but now the problem no longer exists, which has become another situation.

Now we can indeed start the next stage of combat missions immediately. Even if Kurbarov doesn't ask, Malashenko will take the initiative to say and issue orders. The deep penetration that must be carried out in a hurry must be carried out as soon as possible.

"The original plan was advanced. The target is Nordenburg. As usual, your brigade will take the lead. The 41st Armored Corps is gone, and the German troops in other directions are dragged to death and have no time to return to defense. If we make good use of the speed advantage, we will be unstoppable. The entire German rear in front of us is empty."

"Take down this material distribution center and supply center. The Germans on the front line will not be able to hold on for long. The entire front battlefield will be greatly accelerated because of our combat operations. This messed up battle in East Prussia can also be fought earlier, and we can also withdraw earlier. The next step is to kick the shampooer's ass in Berlin. This is the final chapter of the glorious epic."

The preliminary combat plan prepared in advance is relatively clear. The entire plan framework has been built and has an overall outline. The rest is to fill it in with targeted content according to the real-time changes in the combat situation until the next combat plan is finalized and perfected.

It can basically be regarded as the version that Malashenko just dictated, except that the actual written version of the plan is clearer, but it is basically like this.

Because of this, Kurbalov, who had a preliminary understanding of what to do next and how to fight, was naturally very excited when he heard this. After saluting Malashenko and answering in the affirmative, he immediately turned around and trotted away to execute the order.

Looking at the black sea in front of him, the German prisoners of war who were being escorted down by the soldiers of the leadership division in groups were dejected. Malashenko, who no longer felt that such a scene was unusual, was still in high spirits. , getting rid of these messy things in East Prussia as soon as possible is already the top priority.

"Then come on, let's make a quick decision."

At the same time, in the headquarters of the Third Belarusian Front, Vatutin, who was leading the staff team to study the situation in the theater in front of the map, was very attentive. He was listening to a colonel staff officer explain the latest developments of the enemy's 26th Army on the Northern Front. .

All the smooth progress of the war put Vatutin in a relatively relaxed state, but this did not mean that he relaxed his nerves and became paralyzed, just as he heard the sudden sound from Malashenko. The same good news.

"What did you say? The 41st Armored Corps surrendered? Malashenko did it???"

It sounded unbelievable. Even Vatu Kyo, who was familiar with Malashenko, felt that this was a bit exaggerated. However, before he finished speaking, what was still waiting for him was the chief of staff's affirmative answer, and even handed him a message. on the telegram.

"Already victorious! Comrade Commander. Malashenko is now leading the soldiers to escort the prisoners! Now they have caught a whole bag of big fish in the net, including one lieutenant general, three major generals, a colonel and a lieutenant colonel. With the ability to pull a full truck, Malashenko completely captured the enemy's entire military headquarters. The Germans surrendered completely this time!"

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