Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2243 Snow is everywhere, as far as the eye can see

Chapter 2248 Snow is everywhere, as far as the eye can see

It's not like the leader has never captured prisoners in the past. To be precise, he has even captured many big fish. For example, a man named "Bao" was a marshal.

However, it is indeed the first time in history to catch so many big fish at once and catch a full harvest. One lieutenant general and three major generals were caught in one net. This is why Vatutin feels about this. Some cause for surprise.

After all, those who can compete with the Leader Division are ruthless characters. Except for the special case of Stalingrad, the Leader Division rarely captures so many high-ranking enemy generals alive. Instead, they were beaten by Malashenko's devastating firepower offensive. He had died or been forced to death many times, such as the commander of the Viking Division and the commander of the Grossdeutschland Division.

"Is there a specific battle report? How did this battle happen? Why did it change so quickly and so violently!?"

Vatutin didn't like to talk unnecessary nonsense. He always got straight to the point and went straight to the point. Of course, this was really not the time to talk nonsense. Every minute and every second of the fleeting fighter plane was precious.

"There are no details yet, but Petrov reported that the leader division had a head-on contact with the enemy's 41st Armored Corps, and a fierce encounter broke out when they were encircling and cutting off their escape route.

"The Leader Division gave full play to its own advantages, concentrated its heavy firepower to attack each other, and launched a strong frontal attack on the enemy's breakout vanguard. The results of the battle were very good. The Germans were beaten and defeated in front of the steel torrent of the Leader Division, and retreated. In particular, the armored troops necessary for a breakthrough have been almost exhausted, and the theoretical possibility of continuing to break through has been lost.”

"After a short period of negotiation and wrangling, after the Germans took the initiative to negotiate surrender with the leading division, the dust finally settled, and the result we see now is achieved."

In short and concise words, the chief of staff gave a basic overview of the battle process he had learned, and at the same time handed Vatutin the telegram he had just received.

While listening to the chief of staff's report, he quickly read the telegram in his hand. After fully understanding the entire general process, Vatutin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I see, this little guy Malashenko is very thoughtful! This battle was beautifully fought! The main force is the main force. This battle brought out the momentum and majesty of the entire front army. I want to personally ask Comrade Stalin to help him. achievement."

When a subordinate does a job well and brilliantly, it is normal for the leader to be happy and express his desire to reward and praise him.

While the conversation is cheerful, the next important things should also be put on the agenda in time.

"What about the current situation of the leadership division? What is Malashenko doing now?"

Malashenko is not the kind of person who likes to sit still and pretend to be a bastard. Before the matter is completed, he will consider the next step and prepare in advance. For a commander with a big responsibility, this is It's a very good habit, and it's something that Vatugin appreciates. The chief of staff's next answer happened to correspond to Vatugin's guess, as expected.

"Already in action, Malashenko began to command the leader's division to advance in the direction of Nordenburg in accordance with the combat plan formulated by the front army headquarters. This is the material distribution center and supply center for more than half of the German combat forces in the Eastern Front Theater of East Prussia. Take Once here, a large number of German troops will be defeated on the front line. They will not be able to survive for long without supplies in this harsh environment, and they will even lose the ability to move strategically. "

Warfare has always been a matter of logistics since ancient times, especially when the two warring parties are facing a decisive battle between large corps. You can even say that whose logistics collapses first and whoever loses his strength first will lose. Throughout the ages, there have been countless examples of battles in which victory was completely lost because the logistics were defeated first, and the Germans are very likely to encounter this situation now.

"Tell Malashenko that the enemy's concentration of troops to fight a decisive frontal battle with us has resulted in a lack of troops in the rear. The enemy's main force is now firmly restrained by the frontal attack and cannot be spared to deal with it. Now is the time for the leader's division to display its outstanding mobility. At the best moment, let him seize the opportunity, give me the speed of the battle in Cherkasy, and use the fastest speed to remove the heart of Nordenburg. "

The order from Vatutin should have been sent quickly. When Malashenko took over the "freshly baked" telex newspaper, Comrade Ma had just got into his car and was getting ready to set off.

"This is no different from what we are planning to do. Just continue to act according to the original plan. All units will set off immediately."

Political Commissar Petrov, who climbed up the turret to deliver the telegraph newspaper to Malashenko and gave his final instructions, nodded, then took the telegraph newspaper from Malashenko, put it away and got out of the car.

"After the division headquarters is cleaned up, I will immediately lead people to follow. You should be more careful in front, pay attention to keep in touch, and communicate immediately if there is any situation."

"Don't worry, do you need to say this? It's not always like this."

The Leader's Division was mobilized again and began a new round of advancement. Except for a small number of troops who were left to take care of the German prisoners of war and wait for the arrival of follow-up friendly forces to hand over the prisoners, almost all the remaining main forces of the Leader's Division followed Malashenko's instructions. Ordered to set off in an orderly manner, a vast and winding steel dragon soon opened up the queue and moved forward again on the vast snowfield.

"There is snow everywhere, as far as the eye can see. I thought the Germans' territory would be so different, but now it seems like it is just that, no different from our own country."

Iushkin, who was chatting away when he had nothing to do, began to improvise again. Malashenko, who also did not want to be bored in the turret, also leaned half of his body out of the turret, right next to Iushkin. Lying on your stomach.

Arranged squarely in front of him was the twin 5mm KPVT heavy machine gun mounted on the top of the head of the IS7 prototype. Malashenko put his hand on the gun stand and blew air with a cigarette in his mouth. It looks quite pleasant.

"What do you want when there is no snow in winter? It's better than the mountains and plains with Germans everywhere. You should be glad that it's winter. Hardened off-road roads are best for our high-speed maneuvers. If the snow melts alternately between winter and spring, you will be there. ”

Malashenko has always liked winter. Although the biting cold and cold wind in winter really make people crawl into bed and be too lazy to move, the benefits of winter combat are indeed real. There is no other season that is as comfortable as winter cross-country. .

There is no need to consider the muddy swamps, and there is no need to worry about a sudden heavy rain trapping the heavily armored troops. The amount of snowfall in East Prussia is nothing compared to that in Moscow, and it cannot stop the leader of the heavy armored artillery division from advancing forward. The only way The only remaining advantage is that the road is frozen solid and hard in winter.

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