Chapter 2249 "Meeting Ceremony"

"How long are we going to keep walking like this? Don't tell me that if we just keep marching in the snow and then reach the final destination, we have completed the mission. Isn't this a cross-country competition?"

Iushkin, who is accustomed to physically exterminating Germans, is a "violent element". For him, it is good news to have a battle to fight, and it is boring and lonely to go through it peacefully.

Malashenko, who was pressing the battle zone map on the top of the turret for careful analysis, remained silent and looked at it carefully for nearly a minute before raising his head.

With one hand, he held down the unfolded map on the top of the turret to prevent it from being blown away by the strong wind. With the other hand, he held the telescope and looked into the distance to observe the situation. After thinking for a while, he finally spoke out under Iushkin's impatience. Open your mouth.

"It won't be long. According to the marks on the map and our speed, there should be a town ahead. It's not a big area and can only be regarded as a relay node. The reconnaissance force will probably send news soon. Just wait."

Coincidentally, just when Malashenko finished speaking, but before he finished speaking, a call suddenly came from the radio that was taken out of the turret and placed on the dome armor plate at hand.

"Forward reconnaissance team? There are no German troops in the town? Okay, I understand. Let's take control of the town first. We will rest there overnight and report any new situations in a timely manner. That's it for now.

The news from the forward reconnaissance force is indeed good.

First of all, the town that Malashenko took a fancy to was not garrisoned by German troops. As expected, it was an undefended town with no one stationed in the background of a serious emptiness behind the German army. After all, this place It really doesn't have any importance from the map. It has nothing to do with a battleground for military strategists, let alone a strategic pass.

To say that it has any value, it is after the leader division's encirclement of the 41st Armored Corps ended. Malashenko connected directly to Fort Nordenburg and planned the best action route based on the location at that time. He happened to be on the action route. It’s just a small town that is suitable for resting and replenishing supplies nearby.

It is true that the leader set out after fully replenishing fuel and ammunition, and there was enough food and grass, but everyone had personal needs such as drinking water. They needed it for cooking, normal drinking water, and even machine cooling water. It took up a lot of space to carry it around. Don't bring too many gadgets. The weight is not light according to the standards of the whole division, and the consumption speed is very fast. It will definitely not be able to bring enough for the whole journey at one time, so you must add some supplements.

Furthermore, after a day of fighting, it was already sunset and approaching night, and Malashenko also realized that it was time for the soldiers to take a break.

Not only can't you see the sun in the sky right now, but snowflakes have even begun to fall. If you have to bravely march late at night, not to mention there is no moonlight to guide the way, you have to march with bright lights at night, with people two miles away. It's easy to be exposed if you can see, and it's not a good thing to be walking in the middle of the night when the snow is heavy.

Being blind and trapped in the wild by heavy snow, you don't have to think about it to know how bad it will be.

It doesn’t matter if you are born in Russia and are naturally resistant to cold and frost. Rather, it is precisely because you are born in Russia and have enough knowledge about winter and snow that you know how terrible and serious this situation can be and try to avoid it.

In any case, due to circumstances and reasons, Malashenko should temporarily stop advancing and take a rest. This is exactly what Malashenko has ordered the troops to do and is currently executing.

As for the specific information reported by the forward reconnaissance force, except that there are no German troops stationed in the town, there are a large number of indigenous people in the town who have not yet been evacuated and are still staying in place.

There was no time to talk too much on the radio. After briefly understanding the situation and communicating, Malashenko hung up the radio. Malashenko’s plan was to wait until he arrived with a large force to go to the town to take a look and understand the situation. It is not too late to make specific deployments based on the actual situation after understanding it.

"What are your plans? Drive all the Germans out, let's sleep in the house and let them sleep on the street, right?"

Let’s leave aside the actual actions. Anyway, Iushkin at least said nothing and dared to say anything. Malashenko, who knew what he was thinking and saying, didn’t pay much attention.

"Let's see how the attitude is. The situation reported to me by Alsim when he arrived in the first town is quite complicated. We can't just suppress the Germans here or blindly show their kindness. We will discuss the specific measures for the specific situation later."

After going abroad to fight, this identity or role will also change.

In the past, we fought domestically, and most of the time we were defending our country. We had a mass base wherever we went and could get the support of local people.

But now this is fighting abroad. Strictly speaking, you are a conqueror, no matter whether it is to the Poles or the Germans, at least in the eyes of many local civilians wherever you go.

Do you really think that the locals will warmly welcome the Red Army as liberators?

Thinking like this is obviously unrealistic and too naive. It is okay to use the propaganda statement to talk to domestic civilians. Malashenko, who is on the front line, understands the situation and is a time traveler, will not think so and has a bad attitude towards the Red Army. There must even be thorns of hostility and hatred, and there may be many.

Malashenko is also prepared with "a big stick in one hand and sweet dates in the other". Just like in Warsaw, the specific decision will have to be made after an on-site inspection.

But what Malashenko didn't expect was that the scene he witnessed as soon as he arrived at the gate of the town and before he could even get off the tank would break people's glasses to the ground.

"Is this a meeting gift prepared by the Germans for us?"

Iushkin, who was just as surprised as Malashenko, opened his eyes wide, and was even more "shocked" than Malashenko.

The situation was slightly better, but he felt a little surprised at first glance. However, Malashenko, who quickly calmed down as a time traveler, spoke quietly.

"Don't be too sentimental. This is not for us, but for their own people."

There are several light poles lined up on the roadside at the entrance of the town, stretching all the way into the town. The light poles closest to the entrance all have something hanging on them: sticks that are stiff after being frozen. Like a dead body.

Of course, this was not the corpse of the Red Army or the Germans themselves, but a corpse dressed in civilian clothing.

Ask them why they were hanged in public?

It’s simple, what’s written on the sign hanging around his neck, Malashenko, who is proficient in German, has to read it to Iushkin on the side.

"I am a traitor to Germany. I don't want to fight for the Führer. It's shameful!"

"Resisting to join the SA is a disgrace to your loved ones!"

"The worms of Germany waste food but are unwilling to fight for Germany. This is the end!"

"Attention! She refused to let her children fight to defend East Prussia and encouraged the Russian aggression. She is extremely despicable."

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