Chapter 2250 "Someone Helps"

"Those Nazis killed their own people, civilians, and then hung their bodies on lampposts? It's unbelievable."

Although we have seen countless Nazi executions of Soviet civilians or Polish civilians in the past, after all, they were using their identity as a German to attack enemy civilians, which is logically understandable. . Google search reading

After all, they are the enemy in a state of war. After witnessing such a situation, they will at most hate these murderous fascists even more, at least for Iushkin.

But it was the first time for Iushkin to see such a scene in front of him of the Nazis doing evil to the people of his own country. He had just set foot on the territory of the Germans and encountered such a thing not long after. It was really terrible. It can be said to be unexpected.

Compared with Iushkin's surprised and puzzled face, Malashenko, who was lying outside the turret with Iushkin and advancing with the tank, seemed much calmer.

"There's nothing abnormal, that's just what those nazis are like. This is their traditional performing arts, and it's the same no matter where they go."

"Those who cannot satisfy the Nazis will be killed, regardless of the Soviet Union, Poland or the Germans themselves. How do you think the Nazis got into the position of power? I don't know how many people were killed just to secure their positions. They killed their own people when they came up, killed them to stabilize their rule, and now that they are about to die, they continue to kill them. The more they get to the end, the crazier they become.

"So as for the scene in front of you, believe me, this will not be the last time I see it, it will only be the beginning. The deeper we go into German territory, the more we will fight. There will be more."

After all, this thing is like a piece of stinky dog ​​shit. Not only is it smelly, but it also attracts bad things like dung beetles, bugs, mosquitoes, and flies to it.

What good can these stinky, rotten things do if they get together? You can find all the evil in the world from them, except for what you can't think of, and there is nothing they can't do.

The nazis of today are like this, and the nazis of the future will still be like this. Taking advantage of civilians and bullying the vulnerable groups has always been a traditional art of nazis. No matter how much time passes, stinky shit will still be stinky shit, and it will never be the same. Change.

The main forward force of the division led by Malashenko arrived later. In the true sense, the first batch of leading division troops to arrive in the town should be the leading reconnaissance force.

After confirming that there were no SS or Wehrmacht garrison in the town, the scout troops did not wait for the large troops to arrive and rest in place. Instead, they immediately took action and began to search for the people in the town. The top chief executive, that is, the mayor of the German town, and arrest him, or ask him to cooperate, no matter what you say, this is also a direct order from Malashenko.

"Comrade Commander, Alsim is reporting to you that the mission is accomplished and I have brought you the target, this wretched guy with glasses."

Malashenko's huge IS7 heavy tank had just arrived at the central square of the town and stopped. Alsim, who had successfully completed the task assigned by Malashenko and personally brought the people over, hurried over. At the next moment, two combat engineer battalion soldiers were escorting a middle-aged man wearing glasses, who was obviously the "target" in Alsim's words.

"Is the identity confirmed? He is the mayor of this town?"

Holding the turret dome with one hand, he jumped out of the car, and then took three and two steps to reach the ground. Alsim, who was very confident about the "target", immediately jumped out of the car without hesitation. replied Malashenko.

"It's true, comrade division commander, I caught him in the mayor's office."

"This wretched man didn't understand the situation at first, and he thought we were one of his own. I slapped him twice before he stopped talking nonsense and cooperated honestly. We found a lot of useful information from his office. , and something that can prove his identity.”

"Such as his personal documents, some relevant documents and files of the town, and the situation of the German troops passing through the town these days. I don't know which ones can be used, but I packed them all and brought them. It’s in this bag, Comrade Commander, what do you think of dealing with it?”

As Alsim spoke, he took off a large satchel from his waist, took out a thick pile of documents, flipped through it, and motioned to Malashenko.

Comrade Lao Ma, who was indeed a little curious, immediately took a few of the documents and looked through them, but as he looked at them, he thought of a very critical issue: he could not read a few characters in his native language, and was almost completely illiterate. How did Alsim understand the contents of these German documents? Feeling quite puzzled, he immediately asked.

"That's good. The content of the file is indeed useful, but how did you understand the content on it? I remember that you can't read, right?"

Malashenko's question was a casual one at best and he didn't take it too seriously.

After all, even if Alsim can't read it, he can have someone who knows German translate and retell it to him, and then he can take these documents to Malashenko and ask for credit. Of course, that's okay.

What surprised Malashenko was that Alsim's next answer was not what he expected.

"Well, hey, someone can help."

"Huh? Can anyone help?"

Alsim, who looked a little embarrassed, turned aside slightly, and Malashenko saw that there was a woman following him. She was a young woman in her thirties in civilian attire. As for her appearance, she had the characteristics of a German woman. That kind of indescribable feature, but you can feel it at a glance and know that she is German, not Soviet, which actually made Malashenko interested.

"We met her when we were searching a small town. She was the director of an orphanage. She had participated in the German communist movement before. She knew Russian and was willing to cooperate with us. It was she who led us to find the hidden Germany in the town. "The arsenal, we found a large amount of unopened stored weapons and ammunition and new, uh, I don't know what they are used for. You should know what I'm talking about."

"She then expressed that she wanted to follow us. She is very familiar with East Prussia, and her family has lived here for generations. I thought it might be useful to keep her, so I took her with me. This is probably the case, Comrade Division Commander."

Alsim's description was concise and clear. Malashenko also trusted Alsim, a super veteran, with his battlefield intuition and eye for people. He also believed that Alsim had not seen him. Women are the kind of old perverts who can't move their legs out of the way.

Objectively speaking, it will indeed be a lot more convenient to take an unarmed local person who has taken the initiative to cooperate and cooperate with us, and will facilitate future missions. The reasons given by Alsim are of course tenable. , Malashenko will not say anything more about this.

However, if there are things that should be reminded, Malashenko, as a division commander and superior, still has to remind him.

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