Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2246 Mr. Mayor

Chapter 2251 Mr. Mayor

"Keep an eye on this woman. Trust is appropriate and needs time to be tested. I don't need to say anything more. I believe you know what to do."

Malashenko, who quietly pulled Alsim forward, said such a simple sentence, the sound was just loud enough that only the two of them could hear it. Alsim, who was not stupid, quickly understood what he said after hearing the words. nod.

"Don't worry, Comrade Commander, I know what to do."

"Well, I believe you, as always."

After giving the instructions, Malashenko looked down at the documents in his hand and handed them back to Alsim. Then he spoke again, but this time his tone was obviously back to normal.

"Give these to comrade political commissar. He should be here soon with someone. Comrade political commissar knows how to deal with it. Just say that I asked you to hand it over."

"Leave the German mayor to me, and leave two more people. I'll ask a few questions before taking them down. I'd better let the political commissar handle it. You go about what you should do first."


Leaving the two soldiers in charge of custody and the German mayor behind, Alsim followed Malashenko's orders to do what he was supposed to do, along with the other soldiers who came with him, and The German woman who didn't speak from the beginning to the end and just stood silently behind Alsim left together.

After witnessing this scene, Malashenko couldn't help but think about something.

"Well, I remember Alsim was still a bachelor? It's time to consider marriage for him when he's over thirty."

When a leader considers life-long matters for his subordinates, that is called care from the leader. For example, Malashenko is doing this to Alsim now.

If there is a chance in the future, I have to consider arranging a marriage for Alsim. It is not good to be single all the time. How can the heroic combat engineer company commander comrade not have a beautiful woman to accompany him and have no heirs? This is not good, and it is not in line with the foreseeable "Hero Mother" population recovery plan that the Soviet Union will launch in full swing after the war.

In short, Malashenko has taken note of the fact that Alsim is still a bachelor, but he is not dealing with it immediately. The "freshly captured" German mayor next to him is obviously more urgent. Malashenko had several questions that needed to be clarified quickly, and he needed to ask them immediately, and these words that had been organized for him blurted out immediately. (っ◔◡◔)っ

"I am the top commander of the Red Army stationed in the town. You can call me Malashenko. Now I have a few questions to clarify. Don't worry too much. Nothing too bad will happen. , as long as you cooperate honestly, everything will be fine, can you do it?"

Alsim added a few words before leaving just now and told Malashenko, which roughly meant that the German mayor was very timid and fearful of trouble and cherished life. When I held him down in his office, I had already searched all the key files and documents locked in the cabinet and hidden in the corner under his instructions. This still didn't scare him much. It's just on the premise of slapping them both.

Malashenko's "kind words" are relatively civilized. In fact, if possible, Comrade Ma, who calls himself a "civilized man", does not like to fight, kill or use violence at will, especially against "unarmed personnel". That's why he was polite to the mayor, who should be easier to deal with.

However, even if Malashenko behaves very kindly, the German mayor doesn't think so.

The Russian official in front of him is tall and big. Standing here, he looks like a huge iron tower with a huge back and waist. This big figure of more than 9 meters is considered rare even among Germans whose average male height is already very good. , coupled with the status of "enemy officer", it can only be said that the momentum is very scary.

In addition, there are so many heavily armed Russian soldiers around, and there are a large group of Russian steel behemoths parked in the central square of the small town next to them. In such an environment, it is useless for anyone, but how many To varying degrees.

For the German mayor, who was timid and afraid of getting into trouble, he was almost frightened out of fear. He should have quickly expressed his stance to the Russian official in front of him and expressed that he would cooperate well.

"Mr. Commander, don't worry. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. As long as I know, I will tell you. I will tell you completely and never tell lies! If I don't know, I will help you find out. I have many subordinates and Friends can help. I am familiar with the situation in this town. Don’t worry, I will cooperate well. "

"Hey, the old boy is quite wise, this will be easy to handle!"

Malashenko, who was overjoyed, smiled, and his next words immediately got to the point.

"Okay, first question, tell me about the residents in the town. I want to know how many households there are and what the population is."

Malashenko didn't ask many questions, and the entire interview didn't take long. After basically figuring out some of the necessary information he wanted to know, he had the German mayor taken away.

Malashenko, who couldn't take any time off, finished his work and quickly found Political Commissar Petrov and came to the temporary location of the division headquarters.

It was already getting very late, and there were only the last ten minutes or so before it would completely turn into darkness. However, the snowflakes that were flying in the sky were increasing instead of decreasing.

Although it cannot be compared with the winter blizzards in the motherland, it is still visible to the naked eye that it is turning into a snowfall that is not small. Malashenko wants to quickly finalize the issue of staying overnight before freezing people enough. It depends on Comrade Political Commissar. How did you solve the problem?

"It's almost done. The German mayor you sent here is very cooperative. The important thing is that the entire administrative system of the town is still very complete. With a little help from us, the mayor's orders can go smoothly. If we implement it promptly and implement it quickly, the situation will be better than I expected.”

"A considerable number of civilians in the town fled after hearing that the Red Army was coming. The mayor said that those who left all went north, towards Königsberg. That is the core area of ​​the entire East Prussia, and it is said that the defense It is very strong and heavily garrisoned. Many people think it is the safest and farthest from the front line, but this just leaves those empty houses for us. "

"With the empty house and the residents of the town willing to cooperate, there is no big problem in staying overnight tonight. Except for a small number of security patrol troops who have to go out, the remaining commanders and soldiers can basically stay in the house overnight. Don't worry."

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