Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2248 The true heroic soul

Chapter 2253??The real heroic soul

Simply speaking as an "invader", Malashenko's rhetoric cannot be said to be ordinary politeness. It is simply extremely polite and exceeds expectations. Google search reading

She originally thought that she would be challenged when she came over, and maybe even something bad would happen to her. However, after hearing that Malashenko could talk to her in such a polite and kind tone, the hostess was initially cautious and worried. His expression suddenly became a little flustered.

"Please don't say that. I should fully cooperate with you. If there is anything I can do, just ask and I will do it as you ask."

The reason why Malashenko tried to be as friendly as possible was because he was afraid of scaring others, but now it seems that some of his goals have not been achieved. After all, the hostess of this house was still very scared, and the panic and fear in her eyes were real.

Malashenko, who saw all this, sighed silently in his heart, but remained calm on the surface, and continued to speak in the same tone as before.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Madam. Now we need some delicious hot meals. I wonder if you can make them for us? We can provide the ingredients. Just ask if you need anything. Can you please make a midnight snack for three people?" "

After working on it for a long time, it turned out to be cooking. Malashenko felt that the hostess should have similar thoughts in her heart, and it even meant "a stone fell to the ground" or "a long sigh of relief". The expression on her face that followed Smile and words came out immediately after.

"No problem, I'll make it for you right away. It'll be ready soon. I'll bring it to you later."

"Well, thank you. I'll ask you to do some hard work."

After saying this, he nodded and the guard squad leader understood the situation and immediately took the hostess who thanked Malashenko repeatedly down. Although Malashenko felt that it was quite unreasonable to be thanked for troublesome people, he still didn't say anything more and watched quietly as the door was closed again.

"She's just a German. Do you need to be so polite to her? I feel like it's unnecessary."

The approachable comrade, the division commander, does not like to put on airs with his comrades, especially the brothers who share life and death with him in the same car. This is just because Malashenko made Iushkin and others call him "car" This can be seen by saying "Comrade Commander" rather than "Comrade Teacher".

Such a special relationship is the reason why Iushkin always says whatever he wants. He is never formal, hypocritical, or flattering in front of Malashenko, just like now.

Malashenko, who sat back on the chair again, picked up the tea cup and took a sip, feeling the fragrant aftertaste on his lips and teeth before he spoke.

"We are here to defeat our enemies, not to make more enemies for ourselves, Iushkin."

"Although we are still in war years, we all know that this war is not far from ending. If we can prepare for some things after the war, we have reason to take action."

"We cannot forever be like fire and water and have eternal hatred with the people living on this land. The purpose of this war is to eliminate and crush the enemy, not to let the enemy linger on this land and continue to do so for generations to come. Being our enemy is irresponsible for the future of our country and our descendants.”

"Crushing the enemy and eliminating hatred and misunderstanding must be done at the same time. Nazis can burn, kill, loot, and do all kinds of evil in other people's lands because they are Nazis. But we are different. We are the Red Army, a glorious army in the name of a leader. The first division, at least the leader division led by Malashenko, cannot do the same thing.”

"Imagine if one day, the people living on this land are as close to us as one family? We turn our enemies into our allies, no different from our compatriots. Is there any more powerful way to conquer the enemy than this? Force is the best. , attack the heart first,?? Violence is only the key for us to open the situation, it is never a panacea to solve all difficulties. "

"Perhaps there will come a day when history books will record what we do on this land today and give a positive evaluation, and our descendants will also thank us for once and for all erasing a soil that breeds hatred for our motherland."

"Everything depends on action, Iushkin. At least we have taken action now, instead of regretting today's inaction one day in the future. In a bad situation, try to think about whether it would have been better if we had done this at that time. , It won’t make the situation so bad.”

"Hate must have an end, and it cannot linger endlessly forever. What we are doing now is to destroy the enemy together with hatred. This is far more difficult than simply winning on the battlefield, but it is more worthy of our efforts. Struggle, isn’t it?”

Malashenko did not make his words clear or thorough, nor would he say that the future fate of this land has been predetermined.

Malashenko just said something as a time traveler who knows the future, so that his good brothers can have a deeper understanding of everything they are doing now on a moral and philosophical level.

Malashenko hopes from beginning to end that the Leadership Division will never become a force that only knows how to use powerful violence.

If the arrogant and unrivaled power only exists empty and alone, it will only make the enemy fear rather than awe, and will only make more and more enemies want to defeat and defeat the leader division, making it irreversible. And it is more likely to lose control and go berserk. The more powerful the force, the more likely it is to be used as a tool. In the final analysis, a soulless army is just an empty shell.

Even if he leaves the leadership division one day, most of his old comrades will retire and leave the army.

Malashenko hopes that the leading division at that time will still be the heroic unit of the Patriotic War that fought on the battlefield and gained glory. The soul of this unit will be passed down from generation to generation, providing a new batch of new arrivals. A group of comrades continued instead of slowly degenerating or even degenerating into an empty shell in name only.

Malashenko didn't know how much Iushkin could understand what he said, but he did hold the teacup in his hand thoughtfully and fell into silent thinking.

The jumping firelight of the fireplace was reflected on the water ripples in the tea cup. Iushkin, who had been thinking silently for a long time, already had the answer. Malashenko was sure that the light shining in his eyes was exactly what he wanted.

"Crushing the enemy and eliminating hatred and misunderstanding must be done at the same time. I remember that maybe this is the most perfect result we are pursuing in our battle."


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