Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2249 I will let him see that day

Chapter 2254??I will let him see that day

Iushkin did not go back to his dormitory that night, but slept on the spot at the division headquarters. Google search reading

Fortunately, the division headquarters temporarily requisitioned the entire small building. There were enough rooms and there were spare beds, so Iushkin was not allowed to sleep on the floor.

As for the reason, it's a little surprising.

The brothers were eating hot supper and chatting on the spur of the moment. Iushkin, who was addicted to alcohol, saw that the political commissar was not there, so he tentatively asked Malashenko for a drink to see if he could take advantage of the opportunity. The couple had a great time.

Malashenko was thinking the same thing. Speaking of which, he hadn't sat down and had a drink like this for a long time. He simply called the lively and winking guard squad leader over, whispered a few words and ordered him to go down and do him a favor. After a while, he got several bottles of brand new vodka that had not been opened.

According to normal circumstances, if three people share three bottles of wine, it will only be one bottle per person. Based on the amount of alcohol consumed by Slavic men, no matter how hard it is, they will not get drunk. Malashenko feels There won't be any big problem.

But I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t drank for a long time and I’m too drunk, or because Iushkin himself doesn’t drink well and he always pretended to hold on.

In short, this kid drank a bottle of vodka, drank it straight away, and started snoring at the dinner table. He couldn't wake up no matter how much he screamed, but he didn't go crazy or talk nonsense. Malashenko remembered that the last time this kid was so embarrassed, it was probably the time when he held a banquet in Kojing and treated his group to dinner. He couldn't remember exactly when.

At this point, there was no other way. Malashenko and Artyom, who were very drunk, could only carry the drunk Iushkin on the bed and throw it there. It was up to Iushkin how he should sleep in the rest of the night.

"you've been drinking?"

Malashenko, who had just put Iushkin down and turned around to go out with Artyom, happened to turn around and meet the oncoming political commissar comrade in the corridor, and they met each other.

Although the Comrade Political Commissar was in poor health, he had not lost his sense of smell. Especially the smell of alcohol on Malashenko's body was inescapable. As long as he didn't have a cold, he would definitely be able to smell it.

"Ah, I didn't drink much, just a little, a little."

"Just a little bit? So what's going on with Iushkin?"


Malashenko, who didn't even lie well, was speechless when questioned by his political commissar comrades, and stuttered for a while, finally found an excuse that he didn't even believe.

"He wasn't feeling well and had a stomachache, so I sent him to the house to rest first. He's already asleep now, so don't disturb him, otherwise he won't have the energy to fight tomorrow."


Comrade Comrade Political Commissar did not continue to ask questions, but continued to stare with those direct eyes until Comrade Ma was staring at him until he felt a little scared in his heart, but in the end he did not say anything more about the matter.

"Go to bed early. You have to command the battle tomorrow and make sure you get enough sleep."

"Well, I'm just planning to go to bed, so you should go to bed early."

Such a simple conversation was regarded as farewell, but Malashenko saw that the political commissar did not go into the bedroom to rest, but passed by and then went into the command room to do something unknown.

He raised his hand and looked at the time on his watch. It was already past twelve o'clock. For the leader who had to set off before dawn, there was not much time left to rest. Malashenko couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this. Yu then called over the guard squad leader who was following him.

"Keep an eye on Comrade Political Commissar. If he doesn't go to rest within an hour, ask him to go to rest. Tell him that I asked him. If he doesn't go to rest, I will get up from the bed and come to him personally."


After arranging everything, Malashenko sent Artyom, who was alone, out of the small building and stopped at the entrance of the small courtyard.

"Comrade Commander, I have something to tell you."


Malashenko, who was about to tell Artyom to go back and rest early, did not expect this, but then he thought about it and responded out of curiosity.

"What's the matter?? Just tell me."

"I'm thinking about the body of Comrade Political Commissar."

"I went to the field hospital a while ago to treat a fever and prescribe some medicine. I happened to meet Director Karachev. He recognized me and had a special chat with me. He told me that Comrade Political Commissar's current behavior is what he has done in the textbook. I haven’t seen any miracles in this case before.”

"Ordinary patients with terminal pancreatic cancer are in agony and commit suicide, but Comrade Comrade Political Commissar can not be bound by the hospital bed, but can still persist in the line of fire and fight side by side with his comrades. He said this is an unheard of medical miracle."

"He couldn't explain the reason for this, but he told me that Comrade Political Commissar's current condition has greatly exceeded medical expectations, and he has no way to predict the next development of Comrade Political Commissar's condition. That's what he said."

Artem was a little speechless, but Malashenko knew what he couldn't say.

"I understand that Comrade Political Commissar may not be able to stand up again next time he falls. I don't want to admit it, but this is the fact. He has been holding on with an indestructible strong will. Whether it is medicine or science, there is no The method uses precise numbers and formulas to analyze and predict willpower. I don’t blame Karachev for this. It has nothing to do with his lack of medical skills.”


Artyom was speechless after hearing this. Not only he or Malashenko, but all the commanders and fighters of the Leadership Division respect Comrade Political Commissar to a certain extent. Even Malashenko once said that Comrade Political Commissar is the leader of the Division. An invincible solid guarantee, indispensable in the past and present.

Seeing the political commissar's health getting worse day by day, everyone must feel uncomfortable but helpless. It's just that Artem took this opportunity to express his feelings to Malashenko today.

"Comrade Comrade Political Commissar has always had a wish. He hopes to see the day when we win. He hopes to see the day when all the efforts and bloodshed and sacrifices since 1941 are not in vain."

"I want this day to come slower, because I am afraid that when this day comes, Comrade Political Commissar will fall. But I am even more afraid that Comrade Political Commissar will not see this day and leave with regrets. If this happens, I will It will be a lifelong regret.”

"I thought about this for a long time, but I finally decided to face reality. I want Comrade Political Commissar to fulfill his long-cherished wish in the cheers of victory. Even if I have to leave, I must leave without regrets and share life and death with him. The comrades who have endured adversity and fought side by side until the great Patriotic War came to a successful conclusion will usher in victory together.”

"I must help him fulfill this wish. I swear, to this end, I will do whatever it takes to crush any scumbag who dares to stand in the way. No matter what, I will do my best to make this day come as soon as possible."


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