Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2252 Just step on the accelerator to death

Chapter 2257?? Just step on the accelerator to death

Iushkin, who realized that Malashenko was teaching him a lesson, nodded. As for how much he could understand, it depends on his own understanding. In short, Malashenko understood what he could say and what he could point out. Yes, everything has been discussed one by one. Google search reading

This "Malashenko's small class" specially opened for Iushkin is just an interlude. The highlight of course is the upcoming battle with high-speed assault and rapid interspersion.

It really was in response to the words "the German rear defenses are seriously empty". During the cross-country maneuvers and high-speed maneuvers that Malashenko led, not to mention the large-scale and organized German troops who came to block and intercept. As you can see, even the small groups of German stragglers and fleeing troops didn't even see a hair on their heads. Instead, they encountered fleeing German refugees who had escaped from nowhere.

"Don't be afraid. I'm just asking about the situation. I'll let you go after asking. Where did you come from and where are you going? Did you see any troops along the way, any other troops besides us?"

With the idea of ​​giving it a try and having some inquiries better than none at all, Malashenko ordered to stop a group of fleeing German refugees encountered on the road and ask for directions.

At first, these rags and backpacks were obviously German refugees who were exhausted and shivering from the cold after a long journey in the cold winter. When they saw such a large group of tanks and large guns, they The Soviet troops in the car surrounded them, saying that they were not afraid was sheer nonsense. They were scared to death, for fear that the next second they would suddenly encounter something unexpected and die miserably in the ice and snow.

Fortunately, Malashenko, who looks "powerful" and tall, is not so fierce. Instead, he speaks fluent German and holds a bag of food in his hand, patiently talking to these fleeing Germans. Refugees make an “equivalent exchange.”

You tell me the answer and I give you food.

After the transaction, we broke up. It has nothing to do with me where you want to go, and my troops cannot stop for you refugees whose value is approximately zero. If you are not in a hurry, I am still in a hurry. Who has time to follow? You put the ink here.

After understanding the situation, the more courageous German refugees were not so afraid at first. Instead, they mustered up the courage to take the initiative and started talking to this tall man who looked to be of high status, but was wearing a The Russian official, who was so shabby and simple that he didn't look like a high-ranking official, started talking, and his words still contained awe that showed fear.

"No troops. No troops. No troops in sight."

"We fled from the south to the north, Mr. Officer, we lived in Xiangxiao Village. We didn't have anything of value but brought some food and warm clothes. We planned to go north to escape the war. I heard someone said Königsberg is safe, not affected by the war, and has food supply and living security. We plan to go there.


The man who spoke was carrying a little girl, about seven years old, behind his back. Judging from the age difference, this man might be the little girl's father or uncle. In this era of war and chaos, there were only relatives. It is relatively possible not to abandon your loved ones.

There is no need for a stranger to take such a burden on the road with no vitality at all, and it may even cost his own life.

Malashenko could see the little girl's little head hanging on the man's shoulders, while the man put his hands behind his waist to support the little girl so that she would not fall.

It can be seen that the child's condition is not good. Even if he is not seriously ill, he is at least so weak that he not only has to be carried on his back, but also has to be held by two hands. In this regard, it has no practical significance. The child who was carrying a burden was thrown away.

At least from a man's point of view, regardless of other factors in the struggle between ourselves and the enemy, Malashenko still admires the man in front of him. It is rare for him to not abandon his own responsibilities in this position.

"Are you sure you didn't see any troops? Didn't the Germans or the Soviets see it? It doesn't matter what the facts are,?? I just want to listen to the facts. You can tell me a few more words in detail."

Malashenko confirmed the situation for the last time, and the man carrying the little girl on his back patiently continued to speak.

"I really didn't see any troops, Mr. Officer. We are all civilians. It is impossible for so many people to have the same statement. You can just pick other people to ask. I promise that I did not lie to deceive you."

"We barely made it through the night relying on the carriage in the snow. It snowed all night. One person didn't make it and froze to death in the snow. This morning we ate some dry food and continued on our way. Whether it was the day before yesterday, the day before, Still today, until we met you, we had never seen any other army, not even the stormtroopers with guns. The road was covered with white snow, and we were the only living things that could move. "

Malashenko kept looking into the man's eyes and never looked away while he spoke.

The eyes are the windows to the soul. This is an abstract description. However, most people in the world cannot keep their eyes from wandering when they lie. This represents a person's inner uneasiness when lying. and panicked, trying to weave tighter lies so as not to be seen through.

Malashenko could not see any flaw in the man's eyes. He had been concentrating on keeping eye contact with Malashenko. There was really no need to be secretive or confused when explaining the facts he had seen with his own eyes. Malashenko, who had no more time to waste, had actually made a decision.

"I understand, take these things and decide whether to share them with others or keep them to yourself. I hope you can reach your destination safely."

Malashenko, who did not say any words of thanks, left something behind and handed the heavy coarse cloth bag to the man's hand. It contained some captured German cans, biscuits, buns, and even rations. Cigarettes, if used properly, this small cloth bag is enough to sustain the energy needs of an adult male for at least three days.

The German army's supplies were handed over to the fleeing German civilians. This was at least a better use than feeding food into the bellies of Nazi dogs.

Before turning around and leaving, Malashenko added a final word to the man who was still dazed while holding the bag.

"Give the little girl something to eat. There are chocolates in the bag."

Malashenko, who returned to the car again, ordered the troops to set off and move forward. Iushkin, who was lying outside the turret and saw the scene just now, was not in a hurry to ask about serious matters, but slowly and thoughtfully approached Malashenko. Open your mouth.

"You gave food to those German guys again, right?"

Malashenko neither said yes nor said no, but ended Iushkin's question with a casual answer.

"The German supplies that have been seized are too much to take away. It is better than throwing them away or feeding them into the stomachs of Nazi dogs. Besides, I also know the information I want to know. The situation is basically consistent with what I judged. The surrounding area of ​​Fort Nordenburg The German mobile field force, which no longer has an organized form, now only needs to step on the accelerator and rush over."


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