Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2253 Rapid Attack (Part 1)

Chapter 2258: Sudden Attack (Part 1)

"I said, I had a dream last night, brother, it was a terrible nightmare!"

"Huh? You slept like a dead pig in the middle of the night, and you still have dreams?"

"I'm not kidding you, I really had a nightmare! I dreamed that a lot of Russians were rushing toward us. They had tanks, planes, and artillery to support them. There were so many people that it was like a vast ocean. They were everywhere. The Russians just appeared out of nowhere. I felt like our place was really unsafe. I woke up with a cold sweat all over my body!”

Outside a simple roadside checkpoint, two German soldiers were chatting and kicking each other. It could be seen that this job must be quite leisurely on weekdays, and it was estimated that there would be very little work. A superior leader came to inspect, otherwise how could he be fishing so blatantly?

"Let me tell you, you are just cowardly. Admit it. This place is hundreds of kilometers away from the frontline fighting area. I heard that our half-million troops are fighting a decisive battle with the Russians on the frontline. Didn't you listen to the radio? He said that the war has been progressing smoothly in the past few days. The Russians have been defeated by us and suffered heavy losses. How could they travel hundreds of kilometers to fight here? "

"If I were you, I would rather think about how to find a girl tonight to make myself happy tonight. I heard that a new group of refugees have arrived in the east of the city. There are many young girls among them. They are still short of food. Half a piece of bread will do the trick, how about I take you to Happy Happiness tonight? See how suffocated you are, nightmares are a sign.

As he spoke, the older German soldier took out his cigarette case from his pocket and took out two public-issue cigarettes that a tank hero of the Red Army complained about as "horse manure-smelling tobacco". He had one for himself and a small one. Brother, the German soldier from last night's nightmare who took the cigarette conveniently was still a little uneasy.

"You really don't have to worry? I,??I always feel that our defenses are too lax,??There are only two of us at this checkpoint. Do you think it would really be over if the Russians suddenly attack?"

Although he felt that the young man's worries were unnecessary, the older German veteran still had to admit some of the key points in these words, and he himself was very dissatisfied with them.

"What can we do? Almost all the troops that can be mobilized have gone to the front line, and there are basically no people left in the rear. At least this checkpoint is still defended by the Wehrmacht. Look at the checkpoint in the next block. It's even worse. Those rookie stormtroopers can What are they doing? They have just learned how to shoot. Whether they can shoot accurately or not is another matter. How can these people guard the checkpoints? "


The younger German soldier was speechless, or he didn't know what to say at this time. He was just worried that his nightmare would come true, and the ominous cloud hung in his mind like a nightmare, lingering.

When the older veteran saw this, he didn't want to say anything more. He just patted the shoulder of the rookie he was responsible for with a cigarette in his mouth.

"If you think about it, the Russians can't get through. Even if they do come, the friendly troops on the front line will retreat towards us first. They will give us an early warning, but we have enough time to retreat. Don't worry,?? I won't Just trust me if you leave it to the Russians to use as potato fertilizer."


The young German soldier who really didn't say he didn't believe what he said was about to say something. He had just opened his mouth halfway, and before the words could come out, a roaring through the air like an old cow pulling a broken cart came from the distant sky. Come straight ahead.



"Bombardment! Bombardment! Russian bombardment!"


There was an explosion, followed by another.

Continuous explosions with flaming shrapnel flying across the street swept through the entire neighborhood almost instantly. The metal storm formed by the hot shrapnel swept across everything within the killing radius. The young German soldier who was originally planning to say something, even He didn't even have time to react before the veteran grabbed him by the collar and shoved him into a sandbag bunker, hiding him.

"Keep your head down! Don't let it out!"

"What is going on here? Why is there shelling? Who is attacking us suddenly???"

The dish was a real dish. After being beaten, he couldn't even react to who moved his hand and he still asked awkwardly. The veteran who was so angry had no time to talk nonsense and just kept huddled in the sandbag bunker. He hid it behind him and pressed the rookie's head down hard to prevent the fool from inadvertently sticking his head out and being smashed into pieces by shrapnel.




The continuous violent shelling and explosions were far from the level of just a dozen or dozens of shells. Almost the entire street where the checkpoint was located was enveloped by artillery fire and exploded into a pot of steel broth.

"Damn it! The Russians are crazy, are they going to blow this city up!?"

German veterans who have been on the frontline battlefield more than once know the capabilities of the enemy. The Russians’ ferocious artillery fire, which can be called devastating power, can easily wipe out everything you know, see, and within reach. Everything, even a city, is no exception, and there is no doubt that the Russians' terrifying heavy artillery clusters are capable of this.

Ironically, just when the German veterans mistakenly thought that the Russian artillery fire coming from nowhere was intended to destroy the city, the sound of falling shells that had been continuing and screaming suddenly suddenly stopped. Stop.


In addition to the wood ignited by the shelling and unknown things burning and crackling, there was also the sound of a gust of cold wind blowing from the desolate and dilapidated streets. The German soldiers cautiously poked their heads out of the bunker. The veteran couldn't hear the terrifying sound at all, as if everything had completely fallen silent.

"Is it all over?"

The recruit, who had never experienced such rapid and violent artillery fire, was still frightened. He timidly poked his head out from the veteran and looked out. Even the Mauser 98k rifle in his hand was trembling.

"It's over! Do you know that as soon as the artillery fire stops, it's time for the Russians to charge!?"

"Charge? Where are the Russians? I didn't see them?"

It's not that we can't see it, it's just that the time has not come yet. The truth of "the Red Army will arrive when you say it" will only come true in the next second at the speed of light.

"Russian tanks! Lots of tanks!!!"

I don’t know which grandson shouted at the top of his voice upstairs, but it made the veteran hiding in the checkpoint bunker downstairs so scared that his whole body trembled.

Are all the Russian tanks here? This is not good!


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