Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2254 Rapid Attack (Part 2)

Chapter 2259: Sudden Attack (Part 2)

"Each vehicle crew keeps a distance from each other, and each company and platoon launches an attack as planned! Immediately after entering the city and driving into the neighborhood, the infantry are released and dismounted, and the infantry and tanks advance forward in an orderly manner! Keep in touch with all units and remember to report the battle situation at any time. Over .

Just like the unknown German soldier shouted the alarm at the top of his lungs with the better view from upstairs, at this moment, a group, no, it should be said to be a huge group of people, appeared outside the city. The Red Army tank group is advancing rapidly, and the direction of its attack is undoubtedly aimed at the urban area.

"Fischer, Wagner, you two get in the car quickly! We have a combat mission!"

Before the two German soldiers in charge of the sentry card could do anything, a truck speeding from the street behind them appeared in front of them. The officer in the front passenger seat was waving to them to get in the truck.

"Are the Russians really calling?"

The older veteran was still in disbelief, but he ran towards the car without stopping at all.

"Nonsense! If we're not Russians, are we still Americans? Let's go!"

He dragged the recruit Danzi into the car with him. The veteran, who was leaning against the canvas car, held the G43 semi-automatic rifle in his hand and looked at the other people sitting around him in the car. Observing all this in silence, a plan of his own has begun to quietly brew in his heart.

"Are we going to fight the Russians?"

The rookie recruit sitting next to him was still very scared. He was so scared that he held the rifle upside down and poked the floor of the carriage with the tip of the gun downward. Normally, he would definitely get two "big pot stickers" from his superiors for this extremely low-level stupid mistake. Even if there is no "big pot sticker", at least it must be a scolding.

However, no one could care about a rookie like him in this fight. No one in the rear compartment of the car said a word, and it was eerily silent.

"Shut your mouth! When you get off the car, follow me closely. If you lose me, I won't care about you! I don't know if you will be beaten to death by the Russians or captured and tortured to death."

The rookie recruit who was scolded by the veteran in a low voice and only dared to ask questions in a low voice now didn't even dare to say anything. He just kept his mouth shut and planned to do as the veteran said without any thoughts and opinions of his own. Abacus is just panic and fear.

That is to say, when the German soldiers in this truck did not know where they would be taken, let alone what their fate would be in a few minutes, the battle on the edge of the city had already begun and the real exchange of fire began.

"Twelve o'clock, straight ahead! The German machine gun position, kill it!"




With just one shot of the powerful 122mm high-explosive grenade, the improvised sandbag bunker was blown up into the sky, including people and guns. The violently spreading firestorm scattered human remains and weapon fragments everywhere. Such a German machine gun post deployed on the outer edge of the city was destroyed without firing a single shot.

Scenes like this are by no means isolated, but can be seen everywhere.

The entire German peripheral defensive position in the south of the city suffered considerable losses after being subjected to a fierce shelling with rapid firepower. Before he could react, he was violently bombarded by a Red Army heavy tank carrying a 122-meter heavy artillery gun, and shot directly in the face. It would be a fucking weird thing to be able to organize an effective defense in the first place despite the already slack situation.

"We need support! Support immediately! Yes! The Russians are swarming, and countless tanks are rushing towards us! The outer positions are still basically lost, and we can only retreat to the city!"

"What!? Impossible, there is no possibility of holding on! Without reinforcements, we can't even hold on to the outer city. Just look at how many Russian tanks there are! I guarantee there are more cars than there are on Green Street in Berlin. I "

call out--


A 122mm high-explosive grenade flew from nowhere and hit the outer wall of the house. The huge explosion blast directly opened a large hole in the outer wall of the small building, which was far from being as thick as the buildings in Stalingrad. Bricks and stones flew everywhere. The German lieutenant was knocked directly to the floor by the strong explosion, and even the phone in his hand was thrown out.

"Damn, they're all here!?"

The surprised and cursing German lieutenant struggled to get up from the ground in embarrassment. The first thing he did was to run to pick up the phone and throw it away several meters away. He then dropped the phone on the floor and brought it to his mouth again.

"Hey! Hello!? Can you hear me? Hey! Damn it, the phone line is blown!"


The anxious and angry German lieutenant didn't even put down the microphone. The broken wooden door panel, which was already shaken by the impact of the explosion, was forcibly opened from the outside of the house. Then, a panting, A disheveled German submachine gunner broke in and shouted.

"The Russians have broken through the defenses! Their tanks have already entered the streets, and we have no weapons that can stop them! The casualties are heavy and we need support!"

"Support will be here soon! But we must guard——"


Another solid shot came from nowhere, and the dilapidated small building that had just suffered a direct hit from the 122 high-explosive grenade was hit hard again.

The location of this shot was even more tricky. It hit directly along the big hole in the outer wall that the previous shot had blasted. It exploded inside the building instead of on the outer wall. The 122 grenade exploded in the center of the building and almost hit the target. The entire building collapsed, and the German lieutenant who was knocked to the ground again felt that the whole world was shaking.

"It's not safe here, sir! Get out of here, this building is going to collapse!"

"Pieces, there are still some that have not been destroyed! Those pieces"

"I can't care anymore! Leave now!"

He didn't even have time to help his commander stand up. The submachine gunner in a hurry grabbed the lieutenant who was lying on the ground by his collar and pulled him out like a dead dog on the ground.

But all kinds of unexpected bad things always come one after another, catching people off guard, and each one comes faster than the other.

As soon as the people here were dragged to the door, a gun battle broke out downstairs, and the crackling gunshots were loud and loud in an instant.

Da da da da——

Bang bang bang——



There were explosions of rifles, submachine guns, machine guns, and grenades. The downstairs, which was still under our control when we went upstairs, was obviously in chaos, and we didn't know what the specific situation was.

The submachine gunner who supported Wei Wei's feet and ran out knew that the situation might be bad. He supported the person with one hand and held the P40 submachine gun with the other hand, ready to fight at any time. However, he did not expect that the person who appeared from the stairs was not a Russian at all. , but a smoking grenade that flew towards you and flew bigger and bigger.

"It's over!"



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