Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2260 No one cares

Chapter 2265 No one cares

After receiving the order from the comrade of the division commander, the IS6 heavy tank of the main siege force that came for emergency support was of course not just one. There were more IS6 heavy tanks, just like the wall of the bear house in the zoo collapsed, one after another armored giant bears. They appeared on the battlefield one after another, fighting their way out of the lingering smoke and dust of the explosion to join the battle. Google search reading

At this moment, the German troops guarding the station had no intention of exclaiming or saying something like "Why are there so many Russian monsters!?" If you still want to survive at this time, use all your skills and concentrate on it. Entering into battle, even though it doesn't necessarily mean you will survive or win the battle.

"Suppression! Suppression fire! Concentrate fire on their tanks, don't let them get any closer!"

The German troops guarding the station had gone crazy and were so crazy that even though they knew it was useless, they still controlled the small-caliber anti-aircraft guns to flatten the barrels and focused their fire on the Russian monsters, which were still increasing in number. tank.

Dong dong dong dong dong——

The high-speed quadruple 20mm anti-aircraft guns weaved a dense network of bright green barrage fire. The IS6 heavy tank that was hit by crazy strafing looked in very bad condition. The main armor belt on the front of the tank was heavily hit from head to toe. The barrage caused sparks to fly and crackle incessantly, and the external additional armor originally placed directly in front of the tank had been completely destroyed.

"It's so noisy! Hurry up and blast that fascist, he's almost going deaf!"

"I'm taking aim, soon!"

"Good high-explosive bombs!"

"Die, you bastard lackey!"


If you were to capture what happened next with a high-speed camera, you would see something very rare.

In the still continuous stream of bright green tracer barrages, a huge 122mm high-explosive grenade projectile violently blasted out from the muzzle brake, bringing unparalleled destructive power to the incoming bright green bombardment. The ballistics have completely opposite directions and go straight towards the target.

There are even collisions between projectiles along the ballistic trajectory. Small-caliber 20mm armor-piercing projectiles are directly bounced away by large-caliber 122mm high-explosive grenades. The friction and interaction between projectiles really make The ballistic trajectory of this 122mm high-explosive grenade projectile has changed, but it has become smaller. It still blasts straight towards the target at high speed.

The bullshit luck of "volleying to explode incoming artillery shells" that can be boasted in a bar for a hundred years has not yet come. The German artillery team manipulating the quadruple 20mm anti-aircraft cannon mounts will soon usher in their final fate.


The edge of the projectile or warhead was scratched by several 20mm projectiles in succession, thus affecting the ballistic flight trajectory.

This high-explosive projectile, which was originally aimed directly at the anti-aircraft gun, eventually missed its target and hit the outside of the wall under the gun mount. It failed to accurately hit the four-unit gun installed on the roof of the warehouse. 20mm anti-aircraft cannon.

But this does not mean that this shell is ineffective, and those who deserve to be destroyed will still face the fate of death.

The powerful 122 high-explosive projectile destroyed the load-bearing structure of the entire outer wall with just one shot. Although it could not cause the entire segmented load-bearing warehouse to collapse, this outer wall and the partial roof it supported were collapsed. But there is no escape.

Unfortunately, the quadruple 20mm anti-aircraft gun was right on the roof directly above this wall.

There was another wave of walls collapsing and houses collapsing, with sand and rocks flying everywhere. Large pieces of masonry debris and cement slag were splashed everywhere like golden eggs.

I saw that the four-unit 20mm anti-aircraft gun mounted on the roof tilted its barrel and lost its center of gravity. It fell down on the spot along with a large piece of the roof, taking with it all those tight Along with the gun crew members surrounding the gun.

The height from the ground is a full seven or eight meters. This is a large warehouse designed to handle and transport a large amount of goods. The internal space is enough to park the army's heavy equipment. The result of a physical fall from this height is conceivable. Known.

His head was smashed into a pile of masonry debris, and his brain was shattered on the spot.

He was directly pierced by the upward, sharp masonry fragments, and he was stabbed instantly.

Also, the ruins of the roof that fell together were smashed into meat patties on the spot.

Of course, the worst thing was the German gunner who sat on the mount of the anti-aircraft gun and was responsible for firing.

This unlucky creature didn't even have time to escape. Before he could react at all, he fell down with the collapsed anti-aircraft gun and screamed.

The final result was that the unlucky guy was firmly shot on the spot by the anti-aircraft gun, whose weight was measured in tons. A huge pile of sticky bright red objects instantly sprayed everywhere, covering the entire surrounding area in a scattering pattern.

No one knows whether there are any survivors of this anti-aircraft artillery group specially set up on the roof to obtain a good shooting range and shooting view. Looking at this kind of thing, it is not important even to their comrades, of course. No one will care.

Because those who are still alive are still suffering from the heavy pressure of death, and their lives may be lost at any time, and they will go to hell together with the unlucky ones who die miserably and are still warm.

"There are too many Russians! Their monster tanks are everywhere. We can't hold it anymore! We must retreat!"

"Retreat! Retreat! The front line has been breached, retreat to the platform to defend yourself!"

"Pick me up, someone please pull me up! Don't leave me, don't leave me!!! Help me!!!"

A wounded German soldier whose legs were broken by shrapnel and whose feet were dripping with blood was struggling desperately on the ground. He was calling and begging his comrades who had begun to flee and retreat deeper into the station to help him. Don't leave yourself behind.

I won't say whether it was useful or not, but as if in response to his call, something was indeed summoned here, but it was an IS6 heavy tank that had been crushed in the face.


The crawling wounded German soldiers had no time to turn around and look at them. They did not even know what was happening behind them, did not realize it, and did not react. The IS6 heavy tank that smashed the outer wall of the station with its head had already stepped on the accelerator. Literally rushed into the station.

Whether the things crushed under the tracks are soft or hard, dead or alive, no veteran tank crew of the Leader's Division would care about such nonsense. There is no need at all.

The only thing you must do at this moment is to use any launchable weapon at your hand to target those who are running away in the station within sight, and are close at hand, and most of them have their backs to you. The fascists were all sent to heaven.

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