Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2261 The Protagonist Appears

Chapter 2266 The protagonist appears

"The firepower point has been cleared! The infantry fighting vehicles set off and bring the infantry up! Quick!"

Relying on heavy armored direct firepower to clear out the fire points outside the station and open a breakthrough was just the first thing Kulbalov had to do after receiving the combat order from Malashenko.

Although Malashenko has repeatedly emphasized it many times, don't just rush into the firing line like a big soldier when nothing happens. You are a brigade commander, not a squad leader!

But how about "what kind of division commander leads what kind of soldiers?" You said that it is unrealistic for Malashenko to charge into the front line in his own command vehicle all day long.

Malashenko is not embarrassed;

Ah, what's wrong? You are so awesome as a leader~

The division commander takes the lead as a suicide captain all day long, and is always on the front line when fighting. On the contrary, one or two of your subordinates are cowardly in the headquarters and sitting in the rear. You are more powerful than Malashenko.

Therefore, "I will not accept your order". There is no problem in following the instructions of the division commander on weekdays. But if you really say that you encountered an emergency, let alone the regiment leader leading the team to the front line, it is a trivial matter. Even the commanders of the heavy-duty combined warfare brigades, which totaled only two in the division, came to the firing line to command in person. Those were basic operations and not worth mentioning, like what Kulbalov is doing now.

"After the infantry is sent in, the infantry and tanks immediately work together to pull up the attack line. The platform can accommodate heavy weapons. Press me up from this way and rush forward! Another group of people will pass by the goods yard. The terrain here is more open and can expand more. There are so many heavy weapons, we need to make good use of them. The two-pronged pincer attack simultaneously surrounds the enemy's defense line. I want to see how long these diehards can hold out!"

"Yes! Comrade Brigade Commander!"

Holding a map of the railway station that had just been seized from a German command post and was ready for use, Kurbalo commanded the second main siege force to arrive at the station and joined the reconnaissance team, and basically understood the situation. The husband immediately made arrangements and launched an attack.

In fact, he didn't even intend to give the German stick at the station a chance to breathe, so he decided to beat him to death with one stick.

With his command-type IS4 heavy tank on his back and surrounded by a group of brigade commanders and staff, Kulbalov just issued an order from a relatively safe position on the edge of the station. Followed closely by New situations also came soon after.

"Comrade commander and comrade division commander asked about the progress of the attack and asked us to report immediately."

The person who called Kulbalov was the loader behind him who was on duty with the radio in the car. After hearing this, Kulbalov immediately turned around and subconsciously wanted to get into the car to answer the radio report in person, but he was followed immediately. After thinking about it later, I realized that Malashenko did not ask him to make a report in person.

This probably also means "I understand that you are commanding and very busy, so just find someone to briefly talk about the situation." After thinking about this, Kulbalov stopped and was about to get in the car. pace, and then gave orders to the loader leaning out from the top of the turret.

"Tell comrade the division commander that everything is going well. Our unit is launching an attack on the station as planned. It has torn apart the first peripheral defense and is heading towards the platform and cargo yard. More attack troops are deployed for deployment. It is expected that decisive results will be achieved soon. We will report again at that time.”


Seeing the loader retracting his upper body into the turret and disappearing, he ran to make a radio report, and then turned around. Kulbalov was about to give additional orders to the people around him, but he never thought that someone else would take the lead. Interrupting the speech that was already on his lips.

"Comrade Brigade Commander, Commander Andreevich of the Rocket Assault Battalion is reporting to you! Our unit has completed its mission and has arrived at the predetermined target location and is on standby. Please give the order!"

"Rocket Assault Battalion? Coming so fast!?"

Kulbalov, who was shocked when he heard the sound, turned around and saw the artillery major, who was short in stature but full of perseverance and courage, standing at attention and saluting him.

That's right, the commander of the Rocket Assault Battalion is not a tank soldier, but an artilleryman. He is from the ISU-152\\A self-propelled artillery unit of the 1st Heavy Synthetic Brigade, which is the Kurbalov Brigade, and was ordered to be transferred to the newly formed Rocket Assault Battalion. Served in the battalion.

Just from the selection of this battalion commander, you can actually understand one thing very obviously.

At least for Malashenko, who personally decided the first battalion commander, an important candidate responsible for the formation of the unit, the "fancy" new equipment like TOS-1 is not a powerful heavy tank, but is regarded as a This new type of equipment belongs to the assault artillery unit. In terms of equipment positioning, it is closer to the ISU-152\\A than the Stalin series heavy tanks, although the body and chassis of the TOS-1 are indeed modified from the IS2.

"Okay! I was talking about you just now, and Comrade Commander is probably talking about you too. I didn't expect it to come so soon! Very good! Now is the time when we need you to play your role! It comes just in time!"

"The entire battalion is ready for battle and awaits orders at any time!"

Although the officer was promoted from a brigade-affiliated unit to a division-affiliated unit, the command transfer authority was transferred from Kulbalov to Malashenko. But the meticulous Andreevich still showed solemn respect and meticulousness to the old brigade commander and old leaders. His short body, which is only less than 1.7 meters, is extremely strong, as if the saying "a person cannot be judged by his appearance" is for him. Born from a human race.

"Here, look at the map."

"The location we are currently in is here, the gap in the southwest of the station. The Germans on the periphery are basically compressed into the core area, which is here, within the triangular area from the platform to the waiting hall to the freight yard, including in front of the platform. It’s the hardest bone to crack, which is why I sent you here.”

"The intelligence fed back by the scout troops said that these German trains were equipped with heavily armed carriages, which not only had machine guns, tank turrets, and mortars, but I heard that some carriages were also equipped with flat-firing rocket launchers. That was Germany. That honeycomb horn, they put it on the train, you know that thing?"

After hearing this, Andreevich rarely stopped wearing a poker face and just smiled.

"We will let these fascists know what rocket coverage is. Don't worry, leave it to us, comrade brigade commander."

"Very good! This is what I've been waiting for."

After basically briefly describing the situation, Kulbalov paused for a moment, and then came the final combat order.

"I will send people to send you to the attack position to provide cover for you to open up attack channels. You must remember that the Germans know nothing about your existence, so you must make good use of this to create the most unexpected effect to maximize Convert the results of the battle and send all these fascists to the sky in one attack!"

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