Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2262 Nanny Guard

Chapter 2267 Nanny Guard

Even though it is heavily armored and protected by a heavy tank chassis as a mobile platform, the TOS-1, which can carry 16 rounds of 310mm heavy rockets in one breath, is still a very fragile weapon and lacks close-range self-defense means. Google search reading

When he first designed this thing, Ke Jing didn't think about enhancing the self-defense capability of TOS-1.

After all, although the 16-round artillery fire of this thing is very powerful, you can't fire artillery fire no matter what target you encounter. For example, those who run one to the east and two to the west, running around with iron fists and tank killers in their hands to fight guerrillas. For German anti-tank pilots to directly bomb these single soft targets with 310 mm rockets would be a waste of firepower and make a fuss out of a molehill.

"Is it necessary to open a hole in the armor on the front of the vehicle body, and then bury a self-defense machine gun mount and shooting hole in it? A vehicle-mounted heavy machine gun should be able to deal with most infantry targets that dare to get close. This is a good basic self-defense firepower."

Kogin's idea is good and his starting point is correct, but Malashenko can also think of the problems at the same time.

"It's good to have a machine gun, but who will operate it? There is only one driver at the front of the entire vehicle. You can't let him drive the car and operate the machine gun at the same time. This is obviously unrealistic."

Indeed, tanks equipped with fixed-course machine guns for self-defense firepower are all designed with a two-person crew layout. The driver is responsible for driving and the co-pilot is responsible for shooting. Single-driver tanks such as the Stalin heavy tank The layout design also makes it impossible for one person to do both driving and shooting at the same time.

We can't blame the design for having problems or poor design. After all, when we first designed the body and chassis, we didn't expect that it would be transformed into this special rocket assault tank later. It was completely designed to carry a heavy turret and build a tank. An excellent heavy tank for attacking cities and leaving the target.

So you can’t blame people in the past for not doing things right in the future. After all, who can predict what will happen in the future? Isn't it?

Since it is not feasible to set up a heading machine gun on the vehicle body, is it possible to build a roof-mounted machine gun?

Sorry, that's not possible either.

The TOS-1 chassis, which is improved from the IS2 heavy tank body, does have a new roof dome opening hatch, yes, but the top of the hatch is slightly raised, and a little further up, very close, that's how big it is The huge rocket launch box hangs directly above the head.

In this case, if another roof-mounted machine gun is set up for self-defense, it remains to be seen how effective it will be in self-defense, but it will inevitably lead to a very bad problem: seriously affecting the depression angle of the main weapon.

If you put a large heavy machine gun on the roof of the car, if you want to press the launch box down to the extreme depression angle and fire, you have to forcefully crush the heavy machine gun and destroy it.

Moreover, the TOS-1 in the normal marching state cannot always use the hydraulic tilt rod to hold the launch box forward in order to raise the roof machine gun. In the marching state, the box still has to be leveled.

But if you still insist on having a roof-mounted machine gun, it will be more troublesome. You may even have to consider making the machine gun foldable and retractable.

But if it is folded and retracted, it cannot be put into use immediately when attacked. Just imagine that the Germans are holding iron fists and preparing to bomb you. You still leave it there and first lift the launch box, and then open it in the folded and retracted state. The machine gun on the roof of the car can only be fired. The day lily is cold. Wouldn't it be more delicious to just take out the individual self-defense weapon from the car and fire?

So in this case, what is the need for a roof-mounted machine gun that is useless at this critical moment? It’s putting the cart before the horse and being useless.

It is not feasible to install a machine gun on the vehicle body, and it is also unrealistic to install a machine gun on the roof.

Malashenko, who had been discussing with Kogin for a long time but could not come up with a feasible solution, was annoyed and said on the spot, "No need for self-defense weapons. That's it. I will find ways to strengthen the coordination of the arms to protect her."

Kogin was stunned after hearing this and wanted to say something more, but in the end he couldn't think of any constructive or feasible solution. In the end, he could only nod helplessly and acknowledge Malashenko's conclusion. , and said this.

"Then let's do this first. If she really succeeds in the test and proves the existence value of this type of equipment on the battlefield. Then I will definitely solve this problem in the subsequent large-scale mass production of improved models. There will definitely be self-defense weapons by then. I can also call Morozov over to brainstorm together, and there will definitely be a solution."

As Kojing said, the TOS-1 modified using the IS2 body and chassis is only a "test plan" after all.

The output of this thing was destined to be low from the beginning, and the last batch of IS2 car bodies and chassis left after the production line was completely disassembled and stopped for "waste utilization" for transformation. After using up these ready-made car bodies and chassis, there will be no materials available for further construction. It is obviously not cost-effective to waste too much energy and time on the improved design of the test plan.

Furthermore, if Malashenko thinks it is good, this thing will be successfully tested on the battlefield and kill everyone, and the group responsible for equipment approval will also nod in agreement and place an order for the purchase on behalf of the military.

Then the subsequent real large-scale mass production will definitely not be carried out on the IS2 body chassis that even the production line has disappeared, but will be carried out on the IS6 body chassis that is in the stage of ramping up production capacity and expanding mass production.

Ke Jing's meaning is very simple. The body and chassis of the IS6 are more scalable than the IS2. After all, it is a new design that was born late and has a certain latecomer advantage.

Moreover, from the time when the early trial batches of TOS-1 are delivered to the leader and battlefield testing begins, to the assumed subsequent large-scale mass production phase, there is sufficient design time available. There is no need to be in such a hurry like now.

All in all, whether there is nothing we can do about it or whether it is the best choice, the experimental batch of TOS-1 installed by the leader does not have such a design as a self-defense weapon. In addition to the 16 rounds of 310mm rockets, only the self-defense individual weapons of the vehicle crew can be fired.

Because of this, Malashenko has repeatedly emphasized the explanation to Kulbalov and Varosha.

Regardless of whether TOS-1 is put into use on the battlefield in any battlefield environment or in any combat situation, these "rocket bears" must not be allowed to face the enemy alone. We must make rational use of the advantages of coordinated combat with multiple arms and multiple technical equipment to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses. We must try our best to ensure that these big guys with high tactical value can spray flames towards Fascism in the optimal combat environment.

And this is what Kulbalov is now specifically ordering to do. He has not forgotten the emphatically reminded by his comrade the division commander that it is necessary to equip the Rocket Assault Battalion with a "nanny unit" to accompany it at all times.

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