Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2267 Close-quarters grinding

Chapter 2272 Close grinding

"There are swarms of Germans running around on the platform! Shoot a few shots there and make these fascists suffer!"


Boom boom boom——

More than one IS6 heavy tank rushed through the intersection from the goods yard to the platform and rolled onto the platform road. The platform, which was specially modified and expanded to unload heavy land warfare equipment, is far wider than ordinary civilian station platforms and can accommodate more people. Many heavy land combat equipment passed, but now it has become the battlefield advantage of the IS6 heavy tanks galloping and roaring. Google search reading

The huge explosion of the 122 high-explosive grenade resounded on the platform, the projectile shattered, the high-temperature shrapnel flying and the blasting flame spread, killing at least twenty or thirty German infantrymen in an instant.

This kind of unprotected and almost undefeable place had no bunker to hide from direct artillery fire. The German infantry who were targeted by large-caliber tank guns were already in doom.

"Don't worry! Hold on! Don't worry about the infantry, the Russian tanks will appear soon, ready to fire!"

Indifferent to the tragic deaths of the infantrymen outside the vehicle, the second Panther commander, who had just planned to cover these infantrymen as they went to support the front line, has not only retracted into the turret and entered combat mode, but has completely changed his mind.

He must turn passivity into initiative and change progress into perseverance.

He was just waiting here, waiting for the Russian tanks on the opposite side to come into view.

It doesn't matter whether the infantrymen not far ahead who were clamoring to make way for them just now live or die. As long as they can kill the Russian tanks and paralyze the wreckage and block the road, they can buy themselves time to maneuver and move. Dead in this damn place like those infantry corpses.

"Get ready, aim at the intersection! Follow my orders!"


The oppressive and tense atmosphere completely divided the inside and outside of the car into two worlds. The gunner, with big beads of sweat falling from his forehead, stared at the gun mirror, always nervously raising his ears and waiting for the order to fire. The index finger that had already touched the firing trigger of the main gun never put it down.

"Here they come! Russian infantry, keep waiting!"

A small group of Red Army infantrymen were already spreading out across the street ahead of the tanks. After they were not blocked by German machine guns or small arms fire, they immediately realized that this was the effect of the few grenades fired by their own tanks, and then they hurried forward. Opportunities spread further, quickly occupying the nearest available bunker within sight, crouching or lying on the ground waiting for one's own follow-up troops to move in and attack together. The proficiency of tactical movements is completely evident at a glance. Then you will know the elite.

Suddenly, a Red Army soldier who was lying behind a low wall seemed to have suddenly discovered something. He no longer stood still but stood up quickly. As soon as he got up, he ran towards the road he came from without hesitation. The Black Panther second gunner, who saw this scene completely through the gun scope, was instantly shocked.

"Damn it! We've been discovered! The Russian guy plans to go back and report!"

"Shut up! The tank is coming! Aim at the side and front hull and fire!"


The roar of artillery fire roared, and flames suddenly burst out.

The armor-piercing projectile that came out with blazing flames shattered the window glass, broke the window frame, and hit the side armor plate of the enemy tank with a dull and terrifying scream, smashing into a knot. Solid.

It's just that the German Panther II was hit by the artillery shell, not the Soviet Stalin VI.

The muzzle of the IS6 heavy tank that slowly drove out from behind a small bungalow no more than a hundred meters away was still warm. The leader's siege troops, who were using all their strength and exhausting every attack path, were not only attacking along the It is a one-way attack, but it goes everywhere and forcefully penetrates into everything.

"Solved! Confirmed destruction, all vehicles remain vigilant! Keep moving forward!"

Black Panther II, whose head was blown off by the powerful damage effect of 122 Heirloom, was no longer a threat. A burning iron coffin body was parked at the corner next to the waiting hall, silently telling that this had just happened. Passed a brutal battle.

The first Panther 2 was destroyed without firing its cannon, but this was not enough to determine the success or failure of the battle. The Germans, who were not ready to give up, still had more available armor.

"Suka! There are still ahead, the German tanks are here again! It's Black Panther II again! There are three of them this time!"

There is no armored group charge in the narrow terrain where large-scale troops cannot be deployed. There are only "small-format" tank battles either alone or in teams of three.

Without the suddenness of ambushes and counter-surprise attacks, when a few tanks from both sides appear directly in each other's field of vision, head-on shooting without saying a word becomes the only possible outcome.

"Attention! No. 315, there is a car in front of you, it is aiming at you! Fire quickly and blast it!"

"The left track was shot and we can't move!"

"The steering gear is damaged, switch to manual mode, hurry, hurry, hurry!"

"I'll take this one! Leave it to me!"


The flames of the cannon violently sprayed out again amidst the din of war, and in exchange for a violent blast, there was also a burst of cheers on the radio.

"Okay! This bastard should have died a long time ago! Keep loading, armor-piercing bullets!"

"315 You guys abandon the car quickly and come out. I'll cover you. Hurry!"

As soon as it rushed forward, it was shot at by three Panther II vehicles scattered in different positions. The IS6, which was shot three times in a row within a distance of less than 200 meters, was indeed seriously injured.

The track on the left side was interrupted, the connection between the turret and the car body was hit by two bullets, and the steering gear was damaged and could only be operated by hand at low speed.

It's hard to imagine anything worse than being completely destroyed.

Without the timely action and covering fire from the battalion commander's command vehicle, high-explosive bombs directly shattered the exposed side armor plate of the last Panther 2, directly opening a hole larger than a washbasin on the side of the turret. After taking care of this car of German armored soldiers, it’s hard to say which car of people died now.

It must be admitted that the exchange of fire at extremely close range has indeed given these Panther IIs, which have greater mobility, faster reloading speed, better shooting accuracy and better sighting equipment, a considerable advantage.

In the past, the IS6's weak points that were difficult to hit accurately in mid- and long-range shooting can now be achieved with the first hit. Two vehicles fired at the same time, directly knocking out an IS6 with cervical spondylosis, which is equivalent to destroying most of the combat effectiveness. To say that this is a critical moment is an understatement. No exaggeration.

But the ups and downs on the battlefield often happen very quickly, completely beyond your psychological expectations, and so suddenly without any warning.

That is, when the crew of No. 315 was abandoning the vehicle, holding the self-defense AK specially designed for tank soldiers with a folding metal gun stock and a shortened barrel in their hands, they were withdrawing from the vehicle in an orderly manner.

Behind him and directly in front of the attack direction, there was a strange roar in the blind corner of the waiting hall next to the waiting hall. This sound was completely different from any German vehicle we had just encountered. Then, a huge and towering figure rushed out of the way. , rushed into the sight of the battalion commander's command vehicle.

"Sokka! It's the Tiger King!"

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