Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2268 Tiger Roar Battlefield (Part 1)

Chapter 2273?? Tiger Roar Battlefield (Part 1)

"Fire! Fire and kill it, it's aiming at us, quick!"

"But there are high-explosive shells in the barrel!"

"It doesn't matter what the hell the bullet is, just shoot it out! Fire!"



The German armored vehicle crew could not hear what was being shouted on the Russian radio channel opposite, but the loud sound of the high-explosive projectile that hit the armor plate was really loud and deafening. Google search reading

"Did we kill it?"

Looking at the body of the King Tiger that was half-hidden by the blast smoke and had not fully revealed its true appearance. There was no field of view or sighting equipment available. The loader could only immerse himself in the work and couldn't help but let out a sigh. With certain doubts, even the sound of breathing became rapid and rapid, and beads of sweat broke out.

Encountering the most powerful and difficult heavy tank currently in service in Germany, it would be a lie to say that I didn’t feel nervous at all. The more I can’t see anything, the more panic I feel, especially It was even more nervous at such a close distance, face to face.

"It seems to have been killed. I think we have killed it! Yes, it should be killed."

The gunner, who also lacked confidence, was full of uncertainty in his words. He was not completely sure that he would be able to kill the German's strongest steel monster with one shot. The thickness of the skin and flesh of that thing was comparable to that of his own IS6. They are completely on the same level, and their defense power cannot be underestimated at all.

"Don't worry about it, keep loading, armor-piercing bullets! Quick!"


The loader who received the order continued to work, and the vehicle commander, who was also the battalion commander, who was also keeping an eye on the target, did not dare to be careless at all.

When the flames and smoke of the explosion gradually dissipated, and the mighty shock wave finally settled, the majestic giant thing that reappeared in the field of vision, and the slight trembling that had begun on its body, only made people scream. .

"Sokka! This thing isn't dead, it's alive! He's moving!"

"Move, reverse! Don't stop and be a target, reverse sideways!"

The gunner's exclamation sounded almost at the same time and in unison. The battalion commander, who had already expected that the super monster in front of him might not be dead yet, reacted immediately and immediately ordered the driver to start reversing the vehicle.

The main gun has not been loaded yet, so now is not the time to fire.

At this time, staying motionless will only make the Germans a target, and they will be helpless and unable to do anything meaningful. Since there is no need to fire statically, then the best choice is to maneuver to prevent the Germans from aiming at weak points and shooting accurately. Running moving targets can always make it more difficult for the Germans to aim. This is better than standing still in the same place. Be like a king.

The is6, which suddenly ejected a burst of black smoke from the exhaust port, maneuvered again and began to reverse at full speed. The King Tiger that slowly drove out from behind the dissipated flames and smoke was also moving, but it was not moving forward. Instead, he turned the turret and pointed the black hole directly at the target.

"Target locked, fire!"


The front of the car was hit hard by a 122mm high-explosive grenade, but it was not seriously damaged and was forced to withdraw from the battlefield.

The King Tiger, whose entire anti-magnetic coating had been almost destroyed, finally began to fight back and spray out fury. The armor-piercing bullets that came out of the gun with a shrill scream hit the target in the blink of an eye.

call out--



A series of heart-wrenching sounds of metal twisting and deformation came from outside the car. It was like putting a person in a big bell and then hitting the bell hard, giving people a splitting headache.

"There's no breakdown! This blow is cruel enough!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Keep maneuvering and reload quickly! Complete your aim first and be ready to fire at any time!"


Although the incoming kinetic energy armor-piercing projectile did not completely penetrate the main armor belt on the front of the is6, it did cause "severe" damage to the tank itself that was visible to the naked eye, as the driver closest to the projectile site said.

A large piece of external add-on armor was directly peeled off by the energy impact. The front of the car body painted in winter camouflage looked like a tree trunk that had been chopped by a knife, leaving a clearly visible and deep and ferocious scar. , diagonally upward to the edge of the turret.

This was not over yet. A heavy blow hit the upper part of the car body, shattering the hood and quilt, deforming the warhead, and ricocheting due to the ridiculously exaggerated defensive inclination on the front of the is6 car body. .

However, this powerful and heavy full-caliber armor-piercing projectile did not exhaust its impact kinetic energy even after ricocheting, but continued to advance along the forcibly derailed trajectory at an extremely high speed, which shows that it burns chemical energy How ferocious the converted impact kinetic energy is.

It hit the edge of the gun mant diagonally upward, followed by another ricochet. The violently vibrating metal friction impact made a harsh sound like fingernails scratching a blackboard, leaving a series of lightning flashes, and finally dragged a silver-white warhead. The tracer trail shot straight into the sky like a meteor and disappeared into the sky without a trace.

"Quick! That bastard needs to be reloaded. Hurry before he does it. Hurry!"

"It'll be ready soon, right now, Ma"

call out--


Before the anxious shouts in the car could finish their words, the screams that broke through the air without any warning and the dull sound of cannons sounded again and killed everyone in the car unexpectedly.


"Suka! Another shot, there's a problem! Why did the German reload so fast!?"

"Shut up! Don't ask questions, fire and kill it before the third shot!"

Not only the cursing and shouting gunners were greatly puzzled and shocked, but the battalion commander comrade in the commander's seat was also the same. He couldn't figure it out at all, let alone understand the German's terrifying fire of two guns in five seconds. What is the speed operation?

In the past, although the Germans' elite King Tiger crews were able to achieve a very high rate of fire, with custom-made artillery shells integrated with the warhead and cartridge, which were easy to load, they were able to fire bursts of fire that the Stalin heavy tank could not achieve, but that At most, it's understandable that one shot takes about seven to seconds.

The Tiger King's five-second shot in front of me has never been seen or heard of by the battalion commander, let alone others, who at least claims to be fairly experienced in combat. It is simply unbelievable.

But despite being unable to understand and being horrified, Comrade Battalion Commander still understands what needs to be understood: the battlefield is never the time to hesitate or ask questions, especially when the opponent is still alive and the threat is huge. If there is any hesitation or delay, it is always right to kill the enemy first and then think about the problem later.

"Loading completed! Good armor-piercing bullets!"


The loader's loud report sounded almost at the same time as the sound of the breech closing, but just before the remaining words in the car could finish, something even more unexpected and a ghost happened again.


That King Tiger opened fire again before the is6 counterattacked!

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