Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2269 Tiger Roar Battlefield (Part 2)

Chapter 2274?? Tiger Roar Battlefield (Part 2)

It took the is6 one reload time to be fired three times by the opposite Tiger King. This was despite the fact that the reload time of the is6 with the blessing of an elite ace crew has been greatly shortened. Google search reading

If it were an ordinary is6 crew and an ordinary loader, and the loading process of the heavy 122-minute ammunition was slowed down by just a few seconds, what would be the result?

Four guns or five guns? How ferocious can this crazy Tiger King be?

The consequences of the matter are unimaginable, and now is not the time to think wildly.

Comrade the battalion commander, who is also the commander of the vehicle, didn't even bother to ask if the shot had penetrated. He was not dead, there was no fire in the vehicle, and he didn't see any explosions, so he just assumed it had not penetrated. Just now there was another sound. The loud sound of metal friction and impact can only be regarded as farts. As long as you are still alive, you will continue to fuck! Either you die or I die today!

"Aim at the target! Keep the turret's face away from the edge of the mantlet! Fire!"


Far more violent than the noise caused by King Tiger's firing, the 122 cannon instantly caused a huge muzzle impact. The hot and burning 122 mm full-caliber armor-piercing projectiles were aimed at the big pie face of King Tiger, which was very close at hand, and rushed straight away.

The attack actually worked.

Within a distance of close to 300 meters, I was confident enough to break through the Tiger King's 122 heirloom bombardment with almost no tilt angle and a large pie-faced defense, and succeeded in one blow.

The 122 armor-piercing projectiles spin and drill like a hot razor cutting a cream cake. The thick armor plate defense is broken bit by bit in the high-speed camera lens, and splashes and spreads around like yellow mud. Under such a powerful and heavy bombardment, it seemed that the Tiger King's big-faced defense was completely broken, but the final result was not as shocking as anyone thought.

There is no complete penetration or internal bombardment that really fully consumes the after-effects, and of course it is not a lack of penetration without any substantial damage.

The 122 armor-piercing projectile that had indeed penetrated the King Tiger's big face was just the warhead. The diameter of the streamlined projectile was thicker and the rear half had completely exhausted its kinetic energy and was completely stuck in the front of the King Tiger's turret. The armor will no longer be able to advance even an inch.

This creates a "semi-penetrating" effect that is indeed quite rare on the battlefield, and the probability is comparable to winning a lottery ticket.

But don't just think that this shot was a miss. This King Tiger was able to escape unscathed.

Don't forget, this is a 122 armor-piercing projectile that contains a huge amount of warhead charge and is famous for its devastating aftereffects. It is not an unloaded iron lump of a weak country.

The 122 armor-piercing projectile that had indeed penetrated the entire frontal armor of the King Tiger's turret successfully fired the delayed armor-piercing fuse even with half-penetration.

The result was that the 122 armor-piercing projectile, which was stuck in the Tiger King's face and could not move, finally exploded with a sudden explosion with astonishing power, sweeping away with a destructive power comparable to that of a high-explosive grenade. Devouring everything within the killing range. perform

If the armor is not penetrated, this level of blasting power is actually not enough to break through the King Tiger's thick armor, let alone cause substantial damage to internal equipment and crew members.

But the current situation is not that it has not penetrated, but that the warhead has definitely cut through the armor plate and penetrated into the vehicle. It is just that the "too fat" second half of the projectile has been stuck because the kinetic energy has been completely exhausted. Inside the armor plate, it is impossible to move forward.

An effective damage channel has been dug, and the violent flame storm caused by the instantaneous detonation of the projectile warhead charge envelops the small fragment of the projectile that has penetrated into the turret, directly forming a wall of metal fire. It hit the face of the German armored soldiers in the turret on the spot and swept over them.

This level of after-effect is indeed not enough to cause the ammunition to explode, but it can indeed easily take away the fragile life of a flesh-and-blood human being.

The Tiger King's entire big face was shrouded in the flames of the explosion. When the smoke and flames dissipated, his appearance was completely ruined and he looked completely different.

The root of the gun barrel has been severely damaged except for the area protected by the pig-nosed gun mantlet. The projectile fragments exploded at close range scratched the wall of the gun barrel, leaving deep cuts visible to the naked eye, which was shocking.

Whether this cannon can still fire normally, instead of being blown into a trumpet-like shell as soon as it is fired, has become a matter that cannot be determined before actual operation.

The 122 armor-piercing projectile originally stuck in the semi-penetrating hole had completely disappeared with the huge explosion.

What replaced it was the perfectly fitting punch hole that was originally just suitable for the caliber of the projectile. Now it has been further enlarged, making the wound on the face of this tiger king monster even more ferocious and worsening, completely penetrating the entire head and confusing it. It clears the brain plasma and penetrates directly into the brain.

Through the bright penetration hole, the scene inside the car can be clearly seen. It is not difficult to guess what the situation of the German armored soldiers in the turret is now.

If the inner wall of the turret armor collapsed at the moment of the semi-penetration breakdown, which had seriously injured or killed the German armored soldiers in the turret on the spot, then the detonation of the projectile charge that followed could be regarded as completely physical. The destruction, and the final finishing blow to the remaining half-life.

What’s surprising is that even in this state, with its gun barrel drooping and its entire front covered in black ablation or scars, the Tiger King actually still has the last breath of struggle for survival that has not been exhausted.


A German armored soldier with blood all over his neck and face, with two or three fingers blown off, struggled with his last breath and the desire to survive to open the turret roof, but he didn't know what happened next. Because he was stuck, he couldn't exert any more strength. He struggled several times but couldn't get out of the turret. Half of his body was hanging there, breathing heavily.




There were no unnecessary screams, just a muffled groan.

Lurking in a dark corner, a sniper who was a "rare infantry profession" even in the elite leader division raised his eyes from the scope.

Pulling the bolt, a hot bullet shell was ejected from the Mosin Nagant's gun chamber, spinning and smoking, and fell into the snow at his feet. The hissing sound was just a burst of white mist, and it was like the rapid disappearance of life. It soon became silent and cold, losing its temperature.

"Why beat him to death? Wouldn't it be better to let that bastard die slowly?"

The deputy shooter next to him, who did not shoot but was happy to watch the show, added casually.

It's good to kill him, but it's even better to watch him slowly die in despair and pain. The pleasure of revenge is as sweet and attractive as the honey just brewed in the new year and the new season, and it makes those who have tasted him It's evocative, at least for some people.

"The Nazis take pleasure in torturing their opponents. I am a Red Army soldier, not a Nazi. Is there anything else you want to talk nonsense about?"

"That's gone."

"Okay, continue to observe and report the coordinates, next one!"

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